Wellness Promotion Resources

Not sure where to start?  Check out Ram Resources and the Student Support Center to help locate campus resources and services.

Alcohol and Drug Resources

WCU Student Code of Conduct

Narcan Locations on Campus

Did you know that there are numerous locations where you can receive free Narcan on campus ?  Also, training is provided on how to use Narcan.

Narcan Information and Resources

Community Resources

How to Help Someone Overdosing on Opioids

How to Use Naloxone

WCU Medical Amnesty Policy

In order to assure the safety and well-being of students, West Chester University has established a policy of medical amnesty. WCU holds individual students and student groups to the same standard.  The WCU Medical Amnesty policy has been instituted to encourage students to seek immediate emergency medical assistance in situations that are possibly life-threatening such as alcohol or other drug use, and hazing, without fear of group or individual conduct violations.

Individual Amnesty

For an individual to receive medical amnesty, the bystander seeking assistance must:
  1. Call 911, Public Safety, Police, Emergency Services, or otherwise contact an other Authorized University Representative based on a reasonable belief that someone, including themselves, is in need of medical assistance;
  2. Reasonably believe that they were the first person to make the 911 call or a call to Public Safety, Police, Emergency Services, or otherwise contact another authorized University representative and reported that a person needed immediate medical assistance;
  3. Provide their own name to the 911 operator, Public Safety, Police Emergency Officer, University Staff or other authorized University representative;
  4. Remain with the person needing medical assistance until emergency health care providers have arrived and taken care of the person in need of medical assistance; and
  5. Comply with post event educational/counseling objectives issued by the Office of Student Conduct.

Group Amnesty

In order for the group and student needing assistance to receive medical amnesty from the University, the group seeking assistance must:
  1. Call 911, Public Safety, Police, Emergency Services, or otherwise contact an other Authorized University Representative based on a reasonable belief that someone, including themselves, is in need of medical assistance;
  2. Reasonably believe that they were the first person to make the 911 call or a call to Public Safety, Police, Emergency Services, or otherwise contact another authorized University representative and reported that a person needed immediate medical assistance;
  3. Provide their own name to the 911 operator, Public Safety, Police Emergency Officer, University Staff or other authorized University representative;
  4. Remain with the person needing medical assistance until emergency health care providers have arrived and taken care of the person in need of medical assistance;
  5. Report this incident to the group’s campus advisor, and affiliated university office, and
  6. Comply with post-event educational/counseling objectives issued by the Office of Student Conduct.

**Student groups that fail to seek immediate medical assistance for members or guests in need of attention will likely be charged with violations of the Student Code of Conduct. If found responsible, the student group should expect revocation or suspension of recognition as the outcome of such violations.  It is imperative that student organizations seek medical assistance for their members or guests in such an emergency situation.**


Students and groups should keep in mind that medical amnesty is not intended to shield or protect students from other violations of the Student Code of Conduct related to the incident, or protect students who repeatedly violate the Student Code of Conduct.

Additionally, the University strongly encourages students to report incidents of sexual misconduct. A witness to or individual who experiences sexual misconduct, acting in good faith, who discloses any incident of sexual misconduct to University officials or law enforcement will not be sanctioned under the University’s Student Code of Conduct for violations of alcohol and/or drug use policies occurring at or near the time of incident(s) of sexual misconduct.

For additional information on the WCU Student Code of Conduct, visit: https://www.wcupa.edu/_services/wellness/documents/Student-Code-of-Conduct_24-25.pdf

PartySafe ToolKit

Mental Health

Counseling & Psychological Services (Counseling Center): Information on individual counseling, group counseling, and psychiatric services on campus.


Ram Resources

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Student Organization: student-led, student-run mental health club that tackles mental health issues on campus by raising mental health awareness with fairs, educating the campus community with presentations, supporting and connecting students, and advocating for mental health services and supports.

WCU Mental Health Folding Card

Nutrition Information

WCU Dining Services

Physical Activity and Recreation

Campus Recreation: Find out about campus intramural sports, sports clubs, open recreation facilities, special sporting events, and outdoor adventures.

WCU Group Fitness/Aerobics: The semester group fitness schedule at the Sykes Fitness Center. You can take as many classes a week as you want for only $20 per semester or $35 for the year.

Gordon Natural Area: Located around South Campus, the Gordon Natural Area provides a break from campus life without ever leaving campus. Walk around Gordon alone or on a guided tour, or cross the road to the Golden Ram Recreational Trail!

Sexual Health

Student Health Services: Learn about the sexual health services offered on campus.

Sexual Health Resources at WCU

Social Justice

Dowdy Multicultural Center
Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Office of Educational Accessibility
The Center for Trans and Queer Advocacy
The Center for Women and Gender Equity



General Wellness Resources

  • A-Z topics at Health.gov: The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services provides a collection of information on over 1,600 health topics.

LGBTQIA Resources

  • Mazzoni Center: Philadelphia's LGBT health care & wellness center.
  • The Trevor Project: leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services

Mental Health Resources

  • Mental Health is Health: Learn about the warning signs of depression, find help on your campus, and connect with others.
  • The Steve Fund: Supporting the mental health and emotional well-being of young people of color
  • The Trevor Project: The leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.

Nutrition, Food Allergies, and Disordered Eating

Physical Activity and Recreation

  • Chester County Parks: With 4600 acres of public park land, Chester County has a park located near you. Want more options? Be sure to look at State Parks. Bike rental is available at Valley Forge National Park.
  • Chester County and Regional Trails: Information on walking and biking trails throughout the county, region, and beyond.
  • West Chester Borough Parks: Learn about the Parks and Recreation Department including upcoming events, parks, and more

Sexual Health

Tobacco & Vaping

Free Apps for QUITTERS:

  • Craving to Quit: a 21 day mindfulness-based program with 2X the quit-rate as other programs!
  • Since iQuit: Track how long since you stopped smoking, and money saved.

Recovery Ally - tinyurl.com/wcurecovery

What is this? You may notice this Recovery Ally sticker around campus. Faculty and staff that have participated in a training, “Allyship in Recovery: Becoming Recovery-Informed,” will receive this sticker to identify themselves as an ally and support space for students who are identifying as being in recovery or seeking information about recovery. 

What does recovery mean? The Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration’s working definition of recovery from mental disorders and/or substance use disorders is: “A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.” The four major dimensions that support a life in recovery include: 

  • Health - overcoming or managing one’s disease(s) or symptoms, such as abstaining from use or alcohol or drugs, and making informed, healthy choices that support physical and emotional well-being; 
  • Home - a stable and safe place to live; 
  • Purpose - meaningful daily activities, such as a job, school, volunteerism, family caretaking, or creative endeavors and the independence, income and resources to participate in society; and 
  • Community - relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love, and hope.

This Recover Ally training was developed by Wellness Promotion with additional support from the Counseling Center, and was first offered in Spring 2024. For questions or upcoming training dates, please email wellness@wcupa.edu.

Allyship in recovery: Becoming Recovery-informed

Spring 2025 - Student Training Dates

  • Wed, Feb. 19 from 1 - 2:30 pm (in person)
  • Tues, March 18 from  1 - 2:30 pm (Zoom)
  • Mon, April 21 from 10 - 11:30 am (in person)

Spring 2025 - Faculty/Staff Training Dates

  • Mon, Feb. 17 from 1 - 3 pm (in person)
  • Thurs, March 20 from 10 - 12 pm (Zoom)
  • Wed, April 23 from 1 - 3 pm (in person)

Learning Outcomes:

  • For all attendees: Identify the definitions of and the differences between addiction, substance use disorder, sobriety, abstinence, sober curious, and recovery
  • For students: Understand how to identify warning signs and step in to help someone else; For faculty/staff: Understand the current campus climate surrounding substance use and misuse, alcohol and other drug policies, and student perceptions around alcohol and other drug
  • For students: Summarize ways to be a recovery ally as a student on campus; For faculty/staff: Summarize ways to be a recovery ally in attendee's role on campus


To register, go to https://wcupa.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2hnt8Fwf7bSEzga.


The following are a list of staff, faculty, and graduate assistants who have completed the Recovery Ally training. 

Name Email Title
Adriane Reilly areilly@wcupa.edu Associate Director of Sykes Student Union, Sykes Union and Student Activities
Billy Freeman wfreeman@wcupa.edu Residence Hall Coordinator for Tyson Hall, Residence Life and Housing
BK Taylor BTaylor3@wcupa.edu Assistant Vice President for Health & Wellness
Bridget Looby blooby@wcupa.edu Assistant Director, Wellness Promotion
Claire L. Dente, PhD, LCSW cdente@wcupa.edu Professor, Undergraduate Social Work
Catie Baxter cbaxter@wcupa.edu Associate Director, Wellness Promotion
Courtney Elgindy celgindy@wcupa.edu CRNP, Student Health Services
Elizabeth Folk EF957531@wcupa.edu Graduate Hall Coordinator, Residence Life and Housing
Elizabeth Hoy ehoy@wcupa.edu Nurse Practitioner, Student Health Services
Jayme Trogus JTROGUS@wcupa.edu Director, Wellness Promotion
Judd Strauss JSTRAUSS@wcupa.edu Director, Student Health Services
Kailey Schissler KS906141@wcupa.edu Graduate Assistant, Wellness Promotion
Kristin Yeager KYeager@wcupa.edu Case Manager for CARE Support Services, Office of the Assistant Vice President for Health & Wellness
Lauren Young LY924480@wcupa.edu Graduate Resident Assistant, Residence Life and Housing
Lauren Zahour LZahour@wcupa.edu Assistant Director of Operations, Office of the Assistant Vice President for Health & Wellness
Lenore Joyce ljoyce@wcupa.edu RN, Student Health Services
Lexie McCarthy AMcCarthy@wcupa.edu Director, Off-Campus and Commuter Services
Michelle Belliveau mbelliveau@wcupa.edu Professor, Undergraduate Social Work
Monica Peta mpeta@wcupa.edu RN, Student Health Services 
Nicole Blackburn NB923717@wcupa.edu Recovery Intern, Wellness Promotion
Nicole Bobbert cbobbert@wcupa.edu Accounts Payable & Cards System Manager
Sally Lawton slawton@wcupa.edu Assistant Professor, Political Science
Sara Hinkle shinkle@wcupa.edu  Assistant Vice President, Division of Student Affairs
Susan Prince SPrince@wcupa.edu Career Center Administrative Assistant
Veda Maany vmaany@wcupa.edu Physician, Student Health Services
Recovery and Support Centers

A video project from West Chester University, Slippery Rock University, and Shippensburg University, where three students talk about their journey and relationship with substances. Video created by Steph Tonneson Media

Recovery and Support Centers

12-Step Meetings

Al-Anon Meetings

Chester County Narcotics Anonymous Meetings

Start Your Recovery

Rehab After Work: outpatient and intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment in Pennsylvania.

Guadenzia: help for individuals and families affected by drug and alcohol dependency, mental illness, and related conditions.


Have you seen the latest edition of Stall Seat around campus?  Stall Seat is the restroom newsletter produced by Wellness Promotion to connect the campus community with health and wellness information.

Missed an edition?  Check out past editions below.


If you are a staff or faculty member who would like to request to collaborate in an upcoming edition of Stall Seat, please review additional information about Stall Seat and submit a request here:


Please note that we may not be able to include your content in Stall Seat due to competing requests from other areas on campus, submitted content not aligning with the intent of the publication, and prioritized content internal to our department.


If you are a campus partner who helps to distribute Stall Seat and have questions regarding distribution, or there is a change to the contact person, please email us at wellness@wcupa.edu.



Meditation #1

Meditation #1

Meditation #2

Meditation #2

Time management Tips

Sleeping Tips

Time Management Tips

Time Management Tips

flu season

Flu Video

Video from Don't Miss Your Shot.  Image of Dr. Kishana Taylor and the first slide of the presentation

Don't Miss Your Shot


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