First Year & Transfer Students
How to Apply FOR Housing

  • The First Year and Transfer Student Application for On Campus Living opens Monday, March 17, 2025 at 2:00pm (EST). Housing at West Chester University is prioritized for first-year students, however, you are encouraged to apply for housing as early as possible.
check mark icon

Before you apply to on campus housing you must:

  • Be accepted to West Chester University (Congrats!)  
  • Set-up your RamNet ID Account.  Your RamNet ID is your West Chester University student account ( username and password) which provides you access to WCU email, RamPortal and more.
  • Submit the enrollment deposit in the ADMISSIONS PORTAL



STEP 1: Explore the housing style that's right for you: WCU Managed or USH Affiliated

There are two housing providers on WCU's campus: WCU Managed (traditional, community-style living and apartments) and USH Affiliated (suite-style living and apartments).   You will apply to one.

Learn about the differences



STEP 2: Access the Application for On-Campus Living

Whether you choose WCU Managed Housing or USH Affiliated Housing, the Application for On-Campus Living must be completed.   To access the Application for On-Campus Living:

  • Log in to RamPortal using your RamNet ID Account ( login and password)
  • Click on the "Housing & Dining" card 
  • Click on “Application for On-Campus Living” at the top of the page and select the Academic Year 2025-2026 term session to apply.



STEP 3: Complete the Application for On-Campus Living

The Application for On-Campus Living includes the following steps:

  • Verify Personal Information (name, birthdate, address, etc).
  • Emergency Contact Information.
  • Complete the On Campus Living Prerequisite Form.  This form includes the Housing Eligibility Questionnaire (a state-mandated criminal conduct and disciplinary history screening) and Meningitis Waiver questions.
  • Select a Meal Plan.  A meal plan is required for students living on campus in residence halls.  
  • Review and accept WCU Community Guidelines.  
  • Select your housing provider: WCU Managed or USH Affiliated
    • If you select WCU Managed, you will continue through the WCU Managed Housing Application
    • If you select USH Affiliated, you will be redirected to the USH Affiliated Resident Portal to complete their unique USH Affiliated Housing Lease Process



STEP 4: Complete Application Steps based on Housing Provider

In addition to the On Campus Living Housing Application, you will need to complete additional items per your housing provider.  For example, if you selected WCU Managed Housing, you must pay a $200 Housing Deposit and review and sign the Occupancy Agreement.  If you selected USH Affiliated Housing, you must pay a $200 non-refundable application fee and complete the Leasing Process through the USH Resident Portal.




STEP 5: Complete the tasks in the Housing Checklist

Prior to moving in, all first-time residents must complete items in the Housing Checklist including  roommate matching, selecting a move-in time slot, and more.

Housing Checklist