Mission and Goals
Mission of the West Chester University Physician Assistant Program
To educate physician assistants who can think critically and collaborate with others to address the needs of individual patients and the healthcare community with the highest levels of academic, clinical, ethical, and cultural competence.
Program Goals
- To recruit qualified applicants who have demonstrated the motivation, dedication,
and preparation necessary to meet the mission of the physician assistant program.
Class Year
Number of Verified Applications Received Prior to Deadline Number of Applicants Interviewed Mean Total GPA for matriculated students Mean Science GPA for matriculated students Mean Hours of Patient Care Experience for matriculated students Class of 2023 837 140 3.62 3.56 4805 Class of 2024 1013 150 3.69 3.64 3575 Class of 2025 966 166 3.75 3.70 3394 Class of 2026 946 190 3.78 3.71 2721 The highly-qualified students who have matriculated have been successful in the program as evidenced by the continually low attrition rate. The Class of 2023 and 2024 both held a low attrition rate of 3.7%, and at the start of the Spring 2025 semester, the Class of 2025 and 2026 have a 0% attrition rate. At the current time, the program is meeting its benchmark for low student attrition by successfully graduating at least 25 of 27 students in each cohort as noted on the ARC-PA Attrition Table.
Benchmark: Attrition of 2 students or less due to academic or non-academic (professionalism) reasons, in line with national attrition data for program dismissal. - To provide the didactic education and clinical opportunities necessary to prepare
students to pass the PANCE certification exam and to enter into practice in a wide
variety of clinical specialties and geographic areas.
Students complete 65 credits of didactic coursework that builds upon the students’ prior knowledge. For example, the students complete courses in Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Clinical Medicine, Behavioral Health, and Emergent and Surgical Medicine. Didactic coursework includes application of knowledge through early clinical exposure, case-based learning activities, and simulation. Recent graduates report that the sequencing of the curriculum is well sequenced to build on prior knowledge with both the Class of 2023 and 2024 with the mean reported score of 4.54 for both cohorts, exceeding the benchmark of 4.0 set by the program.
Benchmark: Mean of 4.0 or better on the 5-point Likert scale on the end-of-program survey
Students complete 8 different rotations in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral health, surgery, emergency medicine, and an elective rotation. Graduating have successfully completed an elective rotation of their choice in nearly 20 different areas of medicine such as neonatology, intensive care, trauma surgery, orthopedics, burn critical care, dermatology, ENT, and plastic surgery.
Benchmark: Students will earn a score of 70% or better on elective preceptor evaluations
Additionally, 95-96% of each of our last 3 cohorts of clinical year students have completed or will complete rotations in at least 2 geographically distinct areas including the Philadelphia and surrounding counties and at least one other area in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Florida, or Montana.
Benchmark: 75% or more of students will complete a rotation in 2 or more geographically distinct areas including the Philadelphia and surrounding counties and one other area
Graduates report feeling well prepared for entry into clinical practice with the Class of 2023 reporting a mean of 4.27 and the Class of 2024 reporting a mean of 4.19 on a 5-point Likert scale
Benchmark: Mean of 4.0 or better on the 5-point Likert scale on the end-of-program survey
While 76% of students of the Class of 2023 passed on the first attempt, 100% of students passed on subsequent attempts. The program met its benchmark for first-time PANCE pass rates at or above the national average with the Class of 2024, with 92% of students passing on their first attempt.
Benchmark: First time PANCE Pass Rate at or above the national average
- To prepare students to collaborate with others within an interdisciplinary healthcare
team to solve problems and address societal needs.
Students complete didactic instruction across 3 courses that have allowed 6 lecture hours and panel discussions with interprofessional team members regarding their role in the healthcare team. In addition, students have participated in 12 hours of direct observation of medical, nursing, EMS, speech pathologists, and athletic training clinicians. They have participated in a telehealth simulation with various other healthcare professional students in the College of Health Sciences, and 6 hours of simulation with nursing and EMS students. They have also participated in community service events with nursing students, including health fairs and health screenings.
In addition, students work collaboratively with various clinicians during the clinical year. In the last 2 graduating cohorts 100% of the Class of 2023 and Class of 2024 clinical students have been rated as a 4 (very good) or 5 (excellent) on a 5-point Likert scale by internal medicine preceptors on final preceptor evaluations for their ability to participate efficiently, collaboratively, and professionally with other health care team members in the clinical setting (Class of 2023 mean 4.84, Class of 2024 mean 4.88).
Benchmark: All students being rated as 4 or 5 for ability to participate effectively in a health care team in internal medicine clinical experience
- To provide students opportunities to inclusively engage the community to promote and
maintain health.
Students in the current didactic cohort have participated in a minimum of 1 community service event per semester with organizations, including Chester County Hospital Community Health, Heart Tracks Screening, WCU CHS Community Health Fair, RAMS Let’s Walk: Student Athlete Mental Health Initiatives, and the Unite for HER. The students also organized a highly successful winter coat and baby supplies drive for the Chester County Hospital Ob/Gyn clinic.
All cohorts have participated in the Southeastern Pennsylvania PA Olympics and which has fundraised over $30,000 dollars each year for charitable organization, including METAvivor, The Block Gives Back, and the Special Olympics.
Benchmark: All students will participate in a minimum of 2 health-related community service events during the didactic curriculum
- To maintain the facilities, the faculty, and the resources necessary to train physician
assistants in an ever-changing healthcare field.
Facilities: The PA Program is housed in the Whiteland Center. This center has 2 lecture-style classrooms, 3 small group break-out spaces, a 7-table physical diagnosis lab, a simulation lab, and 6 examination rooms. All spaces were renovated in 2021. In addition, students have access to the cadaver anatomy lab with cadavers and Anatomage tables and the Immersive Learning Center for interprofessional simulations.
Faculty: Collectively, the faculty have over 100 years of clinical experience in multiple areas of medicine: family medicine, internal medicine, critical care, emergency medicine, occupational health, pediatrics, orthopedics, women’s health, cardiology, and trauma surgery. They have cumulatively over 60 years of physician assistant education as full-time faculty members and adjuncts in various physician assistant programs in the Philadelphia area and as preceptors for physician assistant students, medical students, and nurse practitioner students. Additionally, the program has supplemented didactic instruction with nearly 100 guest lectures and collaborates with many excellent clinical preceptors.
Resources: The program has multiple medical simulators, a high-fidelity medical mannequin, Anatomage tables, and multiple point-of-care ultrasound devices. The classrooms are outfitted with built-in cameras and microphones to efficiently incorporate technology-assisted remote lectures.
Graduates have rated the program highly on faculty support, staff support, resources and facilities.
Adequate didactic academic services and resources 4.52 4.69 Adequate didactic facilities 4.52 4.38 Adequate clinical academic services and resources 4.59 4.58 Adequate clinical facilities 4.59 4.62 Sufficient faculty 4.59 4.38 Sufficient staff 4.73 4.38 Benchmark: An average score of 4 or better on 5-point Likert scale from graduates on sufficiency of resources, facilities, and faculty/staff.
- Provide educational opportunities and experiences that promote a greater understanding
of identities, inequities, inclusion, and social justice.
The program spends a minimum of 10 didactic lecture hours dedicated to increasing understanding of various identities and experiences of patients. The program has intentionally incorporated a minimum of 2 clinical case studies that include cultural and psychosocial components. Educational models utilized in teaching clinical skills include various skin tones.
Internal medicine preceptors rate students highly on their ability to demonstrate awareness of and sensitivity to diverse populations. All students have been rated as a 4 (good) or 5 (excellent) over the last 2 years with a mean of 4.73 and 4.92 respectively for the Class of 2023 and 2024.
Benchmark: Internal Medicine preceptors will rate all students as 4 or 5 on 5 point Likert scale on ability to demonstrate awareness and sensitivity to diverse populations.
Students feel well prepared by the program to be a provider who values diversity, equity, and inclusion. Both cohorts rated the program well above the benchmark of 4.0 mean at 4.74 and 4.73 for the last 2 graduating cohorts.
Benchmark: Mean 4.0 or better on 5 point Likert scale on end-of-program survey
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan
- Monitor and promote equitable learning and working environments free from discrimination
and harassment.
The PA program incorporates a diversity, equity, and inclusion event for incoming students and faculty during new student orientation. In addition, faculty are required to, and students are encouraged to, complete an annual training program focused on DEI In addition, the program, in conjunction with the Office for Services for Students with Disabilities, supports students in identifying strategies to maintain equitable learning environments.
When graduates are surveyed at the conclusion of the program regarding success of the PA program promoting an inclusive environment for all students, faculty, and staff, the Class of 2023 rated the program a mean of 4.52 and the Class of 2024 a mean of 4.54.
Benchmark: Mean response of 4.0 or better on 5-point Likert scale on end-of-program survey on program’s ability to provide inclusive environment.
- Increase access, retention, and success of faculty, staff, and students from diverse
The PA program utilizes a blinded initial review process for PA student admissions. Students who are selected for interview have a holistic review of their application. Targeted recruitment activities and events are utilized to increase the pool of applicants from various backgrounds such as the WCU Health Careers Academy, PAEA Diversity Recruitment Open House, and presentations at local HCBUs. Faculty, staff, guest lecturers, and preceptors represent various perspectives and backgrounds. Students who enter the program have successfully been retained as evidenced by the low attrition rate for the program. Likewise, faculty attrition has been low.
Benchmark: Student, faculty, and staff attrition at or below the national average
- Identify and advocate for resources which increase access to healthcare in the community.
Students participate in various community-based events, fundraising, resource drives for community organizations, and also complete a minimum of 3 projects focused on access and advocacy for patients during the didactic year. As evidence of success of this plan, 100% of students in the Class of 2024 were able to identify community-based resources on a simulated patient case for a patient newly diagnosed with cancer who was uninsured and had limited support.
Benchmark: 100% of students will successfully demonstrate ability to identify community-based resources in a simulated patient case