
Below is the proposed curriculum currently under review. Courses, course numbers, credit total and course sequence are subject to change. Clinical rotation order will vary by individual. 

Semester 1: Summer II

Course Name Course Number Credits: 9
Clinical Anatomy SMD500 2
Human Cadaver Dissection SMD501 4
Legal and Ethical Practice PAS502 2
Healthcare and the Evolving Role of the PA PAS503 1

Semester 2: Fall

Course Name Course Number Credits: 20
Evidence Based Practice SMD505 3
Patient Communication and Assessment PAS510 4
Physical Diagnosis Lab PAS511 2
Physiology and Pharmacology PAS512 3
Medical Pathophysiology and Clinical Microbiology PAS513 4
Intro to Diagnostics PAS514 2
Professional Issues and Healthcare Policy PAS515 2

Semester 3: Spring

Course Name Course Number Credits: 20
Clinical Medicine for the Lifespan I PAS520 6
Pharmacotherapeutics PAS521 4
Diagnostics Seminar PAS524 2
Clinical Reasoning and Evidence-Based Practice PAS523 2
Emergent and Surgical Medicine PAS522 4
Interprofessional Practice Seminar PAS525 2

Semester 4: Summer I 5 Week

Course Name Course Number Credits: 11
Clinical Medicine for the Lifespan II PAS530 6
Health Promotion and Patient Safety PAS531 2
Applied Behavioral Health PAS532 2
Clinical Skills Lab PAS533 1

Semester 5: Summer II

Course Name Course Number Credits: 5
Current and Emerging Issues in Healthcare PAS540 2
Clinical Practice Seminar PAS541 3

Semester 6: Fall

Course Name Course Number Credits: 13
*Internal Medicine Clinical Experience PAS610 4
*Surgery Clinical Experience PAS620 4
*Pediatrics Clinical Experience PAS630 4
Master's Experience: Develop PAS611 1

Semester 7: Winter

Course Name Course Number Credits: 4
*Emergency Medicine Clinical Experience PAS640 4

Semester 8: Spring

Course Name Course Number Credits: 13
*Women's Health and Prenatal Care Clinical Experience PAS650 4
*Behavioral Health Clinical Experience PAS660 4
*Family Medicine Clinical Experience PAS670 4
Master's Experience: Refine PAS621 1

Semester 9: Summer I

Course Name Course Number Credits: 4
*Elective Clinical Experience PAS680 4

Semester 10: Summer II

Course Name Course Number Credits: 2
Master's Experience: Execute PAS631 2


 *Clinical rotation order will vary by individual.

Total Credits: 101