Ram Rewards

RAM Rewards Program

The Ram Rewards program is designed to: 1) help increase student awareness of campus resources, both academic and non-academic, for student success; 2) incentivize student participation in regularly available resources – academic success resources, personal well-being resources, career-planning resources, etc.; and 3) incentivize student participation in special events programming across campus. 

The program was implemented and expanded by the Associate Provost’s office to include a wide variety of offices and programs across campus.  To participate in the program, students simply download a free app known as Scavify.  Once students download the free app, they identify the hunt by name (RAM Rewards) and sign-on to participate in the hunt using their 8-digit WCU ID (jd123456).  We ask that they use this ID in order to allow us to identify them if/when they are eligible for prizes. 

Within the hunt, all events and services are designated by a specific QR code.  Both RAM Rewards posters and printouts of relevant QR codes are made available to all participating offices and/or are posted for specific special events.  When students participate in a service or attend an event, they merely open the Scavify app and read the QR code within the app.  Their participation is then entered into the Scavify app for record-keeping.  For some regularly available services, such as tutoring and the Writing Center, distinct QR codes are available for each of multiple time periods, allowing students to earn points for more than 1 tutoring session or more than 1 visit to the Writing Center across the semester.  For special events, students can earn points only one time per event.  

Students who earn the highest number of points by participating in multiple services and/or special events will "win".  Students are notified and receive a $25 gift card to the WCU bookstore.