
For those students who wish to transfer into early grades preparation and middle grades preparation

Students seeking internal transfer must have earned a minimum of 12 college–level credits with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.90. Students must have completed college-level studies in English composition (3 credits).

Internal Transfer Information

Electronic applications will be accepted three times during the academic year:

  1. Early fall semester review: Submit applications after drop/add. Applications will be reviewed prior to 10/20--For students eligible for immediate admission to the major, beginning spring semester.

  2. End of fall semester review: Submit applications fall semester. Applications will be reviewed at the end of fall semester-- For students eligible for admission to the major following the posting of fall semester grades.

  3. End of spring semester review: Submit applications spring semester. Applications will be reviewed at the end of spring semester-- For students eligible for admission to the major following the posting of spring semester grades.

Application Steps:

  1. Attend a transfer information session held during fall and spring semesters. Meeting dates will be posted on the Recitation Hall bulletin board at the start of each semester. Students interested in the double major with Special Education will be informed of steps for application to both majors during the transfer information session.

  2. Apply for the change of major online via MyWCU according to the date of anticipated eligibility for admission to the major, following instructions described at the transfer information session.

  3. Check WCU email for admission decisions according to the timeline listed below. Students admitted to the major will follow instructions related to field clearances, course scheduling and related information provided via email. Students not eligible for admission to the major will be informed of necessary requirements for admission; they may apply for admission during the next application period.

    • September window - Student applications will be reviewed for admission to the major between 9/20 and 10/20. Students who have not attended a transfer information session will not be eligible for review until they have attended a transfer meeting.

    • December Window - Student applications will be reviewed for admission to the major between 12/20 and 1/20. Students will receive notification of admission decision via email. Students who have not attended a transfer information session will not be eligible for review until they have attended a transfer meeting. Students not eligible for transfer at this time may apply during the May transfer window.

    • May Window - Student applications will be reviewed for admission to the major between 5/20 and 6/20. Students will receive notification of admission decision via email. Students who have not attended a transfer information session will not be eligible for review until they have attended a transfer meeting. Students not eligible at this time may complete missing requirements for admission during the summer, or they may apply during the September or December transfer window.

External Transfer Information

For those students who have been accepted into Early Grades Preparation and Middle Grades Preparation Program from a 2-year or 4-year institution:

Students apply for admission through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Once admitted to the Early Grades or Middle Grades majors, students will contact the EMGE Department, 610-436-2944, to schedule a transfer meeting.

Students who transfer to WCU from a 2-year or 4-year institution before eligibility for admission to the EGP or MGP major will work with their first WCU department until eligible for internal transfer to the major. At that time, students will follow the instructions for internal transfer to the major.

Spring 2025 Transfer Information Sessions