
Course, program, and policy proposals are reviewed in the appropriate committee (list below), discussed at a meeting of the CAPC Executive Committee, and then brought before the General Assembly.

(2024-2025 CAPC Member Terms )

2024-2025 CAPC Executive Committee

2024-2025 CAPC Members by Committee (IN PROGRESS)

Academic Review Committee

  • Patricia Davidson, Chair
  • Pablo Arriaza
  • Miguel Ceballos
  • Benjamin Chambers
  • Yanan Chen
  • Emily Duckett
  • Rose Jagielo-Manion
  • James Pruitt
  • Nicole Ramo
  • Liz Staruch
  • Jordan Stokes

General Education Committee

  • Karen Mitchell, Chair
  • Jenna Becker Kane, Distributive Areas Subcommittee Chair
  • Kristen Breit
  • Marie Bunner
  • Cristobal Cardemil-Krause, Diverse Communities Subcommittee Chair
  • Jaeyong Choi
  • Jelena Colovic-Marcovic, Ethics Subcommittee Chair
  • Gail Gallitano
  • Jenifer Hummer, Speaking Emphasis Subcommittee Chair
  • Sarah Lightner, Interdisciplinary Subcommittee Chair
  • Joshua Raclaw
  • Justin Sprague
  • John Taylor, Writing Emphasis Subcommittee Chair
  • Juliet Wunsch
  • Jessica OShaughnessy, Dean (ex-officio)
  • Vacant, Undergraduate Student Rep

Graduate Programs and Policies Committee

  • Lisa Calvano, Chair
  • Md Amiruzzaman
  • Francis Atuahene
  • Amy Baker
  • Nicole Cattano
  • Mark Davis
  • Hyunsoo Kim
  • Robert Main
  • Marci Major
  • Ron McColl, Library Faculty Rep
  • Orkideh Mohajeri
  • Jackie Owens (proxy for Carolyn Meehan; Sabbatical, Fall 2024)
  • Todd Vanidestine (proxy for Mia Ocean)
  • Colleen Commisso, CPE Facilitator (ex-officio)
  • Jasmine Rao, Graduate Student Rep

Undergraduate Policies Committee

  • Whitney Katirai, Chair
  • Benjamin Brumley
  • Guohua Jiang
  • Elizabeth Pfaffle
  • Andrew Snyder
  • Valerie Wang
  • Megan Jerabek, Senior Associate Vice President for Enrollment Systems & Services (ex-officio)
  • Vacant, Undergraduate Student Rep

Undergraduate Programs Committee (UGPC)

  • Josh Auld, Co-Chair (Associate Provost for Academic Affairs)
  • Susan Johnston, Co-Chair
  • Mahmoud Amer, Culture Cluster Subcommittee Chair
  • Ann Colgan
  • Gary Coutu
  • Camilo Diaz Pino
  • Matt Frankel
  • Mike Holik
  • Christine Karpinski
  • Sojung Kim
  • Yong Hoon Kim
  • Gerardina Martin
  • Ian Morrison
  • Amy Pajewski
  • Dawn Patterson
  • Brent Ruswick
  • Colleen Commisso, CPE Facilitator (ex-officio)
  • Jasmine Stewart, Undergraduate Student Rep

Course Delivery Subcommittee (reports to Academic Review)

  • Vacant, Chair

Course Review and Revalidation Subcommittee (reports to Academic Review)

  • Vacant, Chair

Culture Cluster Subcommittee (reports to UGPC)

  • Mahmoud Amer, Chair
  • Sojung Kim
  • Israel Sanz-Sanchez

Distributive Foundations Subcommittee (reports to Gen Ed)

  • Jenna Becker Kane, Chair
  • Kristin Breit
  • Metello Mugnai
  • Ralph Sorrentino

Diverse Communities Subcommittee (reports to Gen Ed)

  • Cristobal Cardemil-Krause, Chair
  • Joshua Raclaw
  • Justin Sprague
  • Jocelyn Manigo
  • Andrew Sargent
  • Patricia Swasey Washington

Ethics Subcommittee (reports to Gen Ed)

  • Jelena Colovic-Markovic, Chair
  • Jaeyong Choi
  • Selen Razon
  • Jess Sullivan-Brown

Interdisciplinary Subcommittee (reports to Gen Ed)

  • Sarah Lightner, Chair
  • Gail Gallitano
  • Liam Lair
  • Matt Waite

Low Enrollment Advisory Subcommittee (reports to Academic Review)

  • Vacant, Chair

Program Review Subcommittee (reports to Academic Review)

  • Vacant, Chair

Speaking Emphasis Subcommittee (reports to Gen Ed)

  • Jenifer Hummer, Chair
  • Juliet Wunsch
  • Tianran Chen
  • Adam Gumble
  • Karen Watkins

Writing Emphasis Subcommittee (reports to Gen Ed)

  • John Taylor, Chair
  • Marie Bunner
  • Michelle Blake
  • Justin Rademaekers
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