Biology Undergraduate Research and Internships for Credit

Several options exist for undergraduate Biology students interested in pursuing research and/or external internships for credit. Below you will find descriptions of the different course options offered by the Department, enrollment requirements, and FAQ  to help you determine next steps.

The Department offers both research and internships for Biology Elective credit, as well as Biology Capstone credit, as summarized in the table below. The differences among these options are described in the text below, so read on to learn more!

Type of experience Biology Elective Credit Biology Capstone Course
Research within the WCU Department of Biology BIO 391 BIO 491
Research/internship external to the WCU Department of Biology: in another WCU Department, other academic institution, or external agency BIO 392 BIO 492

Biology Elective Courses focused on Research (BIO 391) or an Internship (392)

BIO 391 – Research in Biology

Independent study and research, for advanced biology majors, on a topic approved by a supervising biology faculty member.

General Overview

  • Students interested in obtaining Biology Elective credit for a research experience mentored by a faculty member in the Department of Biology may wish to enroll in this course.
  • Course may be taken for 1-3 credits.
  • A maximum of 3 combined credits may be applied to total Biology Elective credits between 391 and 392 (any additional BIO 391 or 392 credits will count only toward Directed Electives).
  • BIO 391 may only be taken after you have completed 16 credits of BIO coursework; there is no GPA requirement to enroll.
  • This course does not carry any General Education Attributes, and it is intended to be more flexible in scope than the Biology Capstone courses described below.
  • Students must work with a Biology faculty member to enroll in this course; Department permission is required to enroll.
  • An oral presentation (typically a poster) is an obligatory component of this course, allowing students to engage in science communication at the end of their experience.

Student Application Requirements

The following steps are to be completed after students secure a research position. Please see the FAQ for more details.

  • Submit the following information to your WCU faculty supervisor at least two weeks prior to the start of the semester in which you wish to enroll in the course:
  • Course number in which you wish to enroll and number of credits requested
  • Project title
  • Project proposal (1-page, developed in consultation with your faculty supervisor)
  • Email your faculty supervisor to let them know you have completed the electronic form described in the bullet point below.
  • Log into Ramportal and complete the electronic form to initiate enrollment in this course.

BIO 392 – Internship in Biology

A one-semester, work-study appointment with an external agency or university. Students will be supervised jointly by a professional scientist and a Department of Biology faculty member.

General Overview

  • Students interested in obtaining Biology Elective credit for an internship mentored by a faculty member in the Department of Biology may wish to enroll in this course.
  • Course may be taken for 1-3 credits.
  • A maximum of 3 combined credits may be applied to total Biology Elective credits between 391 and 392 (any additional BIO 391 or 392 credits will count only toward Directed Electives).
  • BIO 392 may only be taken after you have completed 16 credits of BIO coursework; there is no GPA requirement to enroll.
  • This course does not carry any General Education Attributes, and it is intended to be more flexible in scope than the Biology Capstone courses described below.
  • Students must work with a Biology faculty member to enroll in this course; Department permission is required to enroll.
  • An oral presentation (typically a poster) is an obligatory component of this course, allowing students to engage in science communication at the end of their experience.

Student Application Requirements

The following steps are to be completed after students secure an internship. Please see the FAQ for more details.

  • Submit the following information to your WCU faculty supervisor at least two weeks prior to the start of the semester in which you wish to enroll in the course:
  • Course number in which you wish to enroll and number of credits requested
  • Project title
  • Project proposal (1-page, developed in consultation with your faculty/agency supervisors)
  • Letter from external agency confirming internship/project

Biology Capstone Courses focused on Research (BIO 491) or an Internship (492)

Students must take one capstone course to complete their Biology Capstone requirement. Students who do not enroll in BIO 491 or 492 will take BIO 490 (Biology Seminar) as their capstone course.

BIO 491 – Capstone: Independent Research in Biology

Independent study and research, for advanced undergraduate biology majors, on a topic approved by a supervising biology faculty member.

General Overview

  • BIO 491 may only be taken after you have completed 18 BIO credits and 90 credits of total coursework; you must have both a BIO and overall GPA of at least 2.5 to enroll in this course.
  • BIO 491 is a 3-credit course that carries the General Education Attributes: Speaking Emphasis (SE), Writing Emphasis (W), and Capstone.
  • Students must work with a Biology faculty member to enroll in this course; Department permission is required to enroll.
  • Both a written paper and oral presentation (typically a poster) are obligatory components of this course to meet the SE and W requirements.

Student Application Requirements

The following steps are to be completed after students secure a research position. Please see the FAQ for more details.

  • Submit the following information to your WCU faculty supervisor at least two weeks prior to the start of the semester in which you wish to enroll in the course:
  • Course number in which you wish to enroll and number of credits requested
  • Project title
  • Project proposal (1-page, developed in consultation with your faculty supervisor)
  • Email your faculty supervisor to let them know you have completed the electronic form described in the bullet point below.
  • Log into Ramportal and complete the electronic form to initiate enrollment in this course.

BIO 492 – Capstone: Professional Development in Biology

A one-semester, work-study appointment with an external agency or university. Students will be supervised jointly by a professional scientist and a Department of Biology faculty member.

General Overview

  • BIO 492 may only be taken after you have completed 18 BIO credits and 90 credits of total coursework; you must have both a BIO and overall GPA of at least 2.5 to enroll in this course.
  • BIO 492 is a 3-credit course that carries the General Education Attributes: Speaking Emphasis (SE), Writing Emphasis (W), and Capstone.
  • Students must work with a Biology faculty member to enroll in this course; Department permission is required to enroll.
  • Both a written paper and oral presentation (typically a poster) are obligatory components of this course to meet the SE and W requirements.

Student Application Requirements

The following steps are to be completed after students secure an internship. Please see the FAQ for more details.

  • Submit the following information to your WCU faculty supervisor at least two weeks prior to the start of the semester in which you wish to enroll in the course:
    • Course number in which you wish to enroll and number of credits requested
    • Project title
    • Project proposal (1-page, developed in consultation with your faculty/agency supervisors)
    • Letter from external agency confirming internship/project


How do I approach a faculty member about research?

  • If you are interested in research, the sooner you talk to faculty, the better. Take a look at faculty websites, talk to faculty after class, after lab, during office hours, find out what faculty study, and think about what you’re interested in from a research perspective.
  • Many faculty accept student volunteers in their lab, so this is a good way to gain experience before enrolling in research for credit. Some faculty require students to volunteer before supervising student research for credit.
  • Don’t hesitate to be proactive about this; all faculty in the Biology Department do research with students!

How do I find an internship?

  • Internship experiences are highly variable; they are sometimes done in another department at WCU, at an external agency, or at another university.
  • Many external agencies advertise summer internships; these positions are typically posted beginning in January or February for the following summer. Start your search early!
  • If this is something you are interested in, it is your responsibility to search and apply for an internship. Talk with your advisor or other Biology faculty who share your interests about where to look for internship positions. Faculty can often share links to job boards or other resources that are helpful in seeking out these positions.

What are the required steps to enroll in one of these courses if I have secured an internship or found a faculty member who will supervise me in research?

  • All of these courses (BIO 391, 392, 491, 492) require a Biology faculty supervisor, so a first step is to be certain a faculty member is able to supervise you as you carry out work for these courses.
  • Work with your Biology faculty supervisor to develop a title and 1-page proposal for your course, to be submitted for approval by the Department.
  • If you wish to register for an internship, you will also need a letter from your internship supervisor confirming your position and ability to complete an independent project as part of your experience.

Are there syllabi for these courses I can consult?

  • Yes, contact your faculty supervisor for a current syllabus.

How do I write a proposal for my research/internship experience?

  • Work with your faculty research and/or internship supervisor to develop a proposal for the work you will be doing. Proposals should be 1 page in length, and often include a few paragraphs of introduction to the topic of study (typically with a few references), as well as a description of the methodology you plan to use in carrying out your project.
  • Your proposal must include the course number, project title, number of credits requested, and the 1-page written proposal.
  • Submit this document to your faculty supervisor at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester in which you wish to enroll in the course

Where do I find other required paperwork?

  • If you wish to enroll in research for credit through BIO 391 or 491, you must initiate the paperwork electronically via myWCU. A set of enrollment instructions can be found here. You should confirm with your faculty supervisor that you have submitted this form electronically. Complete this step at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester in which you wish to enroll in the course.

How soon do I need to complete the paperwork to enroll?

  • At least two weeks prior to the start of the semester in which you wish to enroll. At that time, you should provide your completed proposal and initiate all the paperwork described above.

How do I determine how many credits to take for BIO 391 or 392 and/or how much work is required to complete 3 credits worth of work for BIO 491 or 492?

  • Typically, 45 hours of work equates to ~1 credit
  • Over a fall or spring semester, you can complete 3 credits by devoting ~10 hours per week to your project

How many of these courses can I take for credit?

  • Students may enroll in a maximum of 3 credits from a combination of BIO 391/392, and may also complete the capstone requirement with either BIO 491/492. 
  • You should enroll in BIO 490 (Biology Seminar) as your Biology Capstone if you do not complete BIO 491 or 492.