North Campus Residents (Under 30 Credits)

Qualifications & Permit Eligibility

First Year Residents are all resident students who have earned less than 30 credits at WCU and transfer students posted less than 30 credits.

Students who fall into the First Year Resident category are not permitted by University policy to park their vehicles in the University parking lots. This does not prevent them from parking their vehicles in the on campus parking garages by paying the semester rate or hourly/daily parking rate.  They may also park in the Borough parking garages located off campus the in West Chester Borough on High Street or Chestnut Street or at metered spaces on the streets.  Please contact West Chester Borough Parking at 610-696-4521 for more information.

Hardship Exception

First year residents may file a "Hardship Exception" appeal to the parking regulation that prohibits them from parking a vehicle on campus. The student requesting the Hardship Exception is required to provide sufficient documentation demonstrating that inability to park on campus will create either a financial or medical hardship. By Webster definition, a hardship is "something that causes or entails suffering or privation." Therefore Hardship Exception appeals must include reasons why not being allowed to park on campus would cause them to suffer academically and/or create an inability to maintain their existence on campus. The documentation must also establish that their needs cannot be successfully accommodated in any manner other than to have parking privileges extended on campus. Simply having current employment at an off campus location (local or hometown) where transportation is required, will not be sufficient reason to be granted a Hardship Exception without other mitigating circumstances.

Request an Exception