The Biota of the Gordon Natural Area - Invertebrates

As with some of the other biotic groups, the research pattern for invertebrates at the GNA might best be described as ‘intermittent.’ Former WCU professor Win Fairchild and his students conducted research on aquatic invertebrates in Plum Run, both inside and outside of the boundaries of the GNA. To date, the only data from that work that we’ve been able to obtain are from the 2007 M.S. thesis of Danielle Difederico. Since that time, the only ‘directed’ invertebrate research at the GNA has been the annual monitoring in Plum Run by the Stroud Water Research Center (SWRC). Additional data come from the increasing frequent observations by GNA staff and from occasional observations from visitors to the GNA posted on iNaturalist.

From these sources, 363 species of invertebrates, in 240 genera, 153 families, and 37 orders have been noted at the GNA to date. Approximately one quarter (88 species; 24.2%) of the 363 species noted for the GNA were observed by Stroud researchers. Invertebrates have been grouped into seven categories: Arthropods (41 species); Crustaceans (12 species); Flatworms (3 species); Gastropods (12 species); Insects (286 species); Ribbon Worms (1 species); Springtails (6 species); and, Worms (2 species). The three best-represented Orders are in the Insects category: the Diptera (93 species), Lepidoptera (46 species), and Coleoptera (41 species). The best-represented Families are the Chironomidae (Diptera, 41 species), Erebidae (Lepidoptera; 10 species); Vespidae (Hymenoptera ; 10 species), Elmidae (Coleoptera, 8 species), and Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera, 8 species). The best-represented genera are Orthocladius (10 species), Hydropsyche and Tipula (5 species each), and Arion and Thienemanniella (4 species each).

You can explore the avian checklist below, or you can access a pdf copy of the checklist.

Acari Indet. #1 (Mite)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods


Common Names: Mite

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Araneoidea Indet. #1 (Araneoid Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods


Common Names: Araneoid Spider

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

63426251 (Observed: 10/24/2020)


Araneoidea Indet. on leaf litter on the forest floor
Araneoidea Indet. on leaf litter on the forest floor
Araneoidea Indet. on leaf litter on the forest floor
Araneoidea Indet. on leaf litter on the forest floor

Geophilomorpha Indet. #1 (Soil Centipede)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods


Common Names: Soil Centipede

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: H. Hernandez (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: M. Valles

iNaturalist Observations:

41946801 (Observed: 4/11/2020)

66389930 (Observed: 12/10/2020)


Geophilomorpha (Centipede)

Polydesmida Indet. #1 (Flat-backed Millipede)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods


Common Names: Flat-backed Millipede

Years Observed: 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Note: These are likely quite common at the Gordon, but at this point we only have photos from a single year.

iNaturalist Observations:

41067656 (Observed: 7/10/2019)

52818720 (Observed: 7/2/2020)


Polydesmida (Flat-backed Millipedes)
Polydesmida (Flat-backed Millipedes): posterior end. Note how it's disguised to look like a head
Polydesmida (Flat-backed Millipedes): head

Polydesmida Indet. #2 (Flat-backed Milipede)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods


Common Names: Flat-backed Milipede

Year Observed: 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

43352197 (Observed: 10/10/2018)


Polydesmida (Flat-backed Milipede) on Orange Eyelash Cup Fungus (Scutellinia erinaceus)
Polydesmida (Flat-backed Milipede) on Orange Eyelash Cup Fungus (Scutellinia erinaceus)

Abacion magnum (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Abacionidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

163705010 (Observed: 5/25/2023)

Agelenidae Indet. #1 (Funnel Weaver)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Agelenidae


Common Names: Funnel Weaver

Year Observed: 2018

Identified By: chuuuuung (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

iNaturalist Observations:

56536126 (Observed: 8/8/2018)


Agelena labyrinthica (Labyrinth Spider): and web
Agelena labyrinthica (Labyrinth Spider)
Agelena labyrinthica (Labyrinth Spider)

Coras Indet. #1 (Funnel Web Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Agelenidae


Common Names: Funnel Web Spider

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: chuuuuung (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

78643939 (Observed: 5/13/2021)


Coras (Funnel Web Spider)
Coras (Funnel Web Spider)
Coras (Funnel Web Spider)

Anyphaenidae Indet. #1 (Ghost Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Anyphaenidae


Common Names: Ghost Spider

Years Observed: 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Kelly Johnson

iNaturalist Observations:

25496826 (Observed: 5/20/2019)


Anyphaenidae (Ghost Spider)
Anyphaenidae (Ghost Spider)

Hibana gracilis (Garden Ghost Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Anyphaenidae


Common Names: Garden Ghost Spider

Years Observed: 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Kathryn Krueger; Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

141534396 (Observed: 11/8/2022)

107202978 (Observed: 2/21/2022)

102304469 (Observed: 11/30/2021)

100061900 (Observed: 11/1/2021)


Hibana gracilis (Garden Ghost Spider)
Hibana gracilis (Garden Ghost Spider)
Hibana gracilis (Garden Ghost Spider)
Hibana gracilis (Garden Ghost Spider)

Hibana Indet. #1 (Hibana Ghost Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Anyphaenidae


Common Names: Hibana Ghost Spider

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

64256811 (Observed: 11/5/2020)


Hibana (Hibana Ghost Spider)
Hibana (Hibana Ghost Spider)

Araneus diadematus (Cross Orbweaver)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Araneidae


Common Names: Cross Orbweaver

Year Observed: 2018

Identified By: Paige Vermeulen

First Noted By: Nur Ritter


Araneus diadematus (Cross Orbweaver)
Araneus diadematus (Cross Orbweaver)

Araneus marmoreus (Marbled Orbweaver)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Araneidae


Common Names: Marbled Orbweaver; Orange Orb Weaver

Years Observed: 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

Also Noted By: S. Bernasconi; Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

18451412 (Observed: 11/17/2018)

41325106 (Observed: 11/17/2018)

61422480 (Observed: 10/1/2020)


Araneus marmoreus (Marbled Orbweaver)
Araneus marmoreus (Marbled Orbweaver)
Araneus marmoreus (Marbled Orbweaver)
Araneus marmoreus (Marbled Orbweaver)

Mangora gibberosa (Lined Orbweaver)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Araneidae


Common Names: Lined Orbweaver

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

89830598 (Observed: 8/3/2021)


Mangora gibberosa (Lined Orbweaver)

Mangora Indet. #1 (Orbweaver)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Araneidae


Common Names: Orbweaver

Year Observed: 2018

Identified By: J. Williams (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

iNaturalist Observations:

56538221 (Observed: 8/8/2018)


Mangora (Orbweaver)

Mecynogea lemniscata (Basilica Orbweaver)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Araneidae


Common Names: Basilica Orbweaver

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

iNaturalist Observations:

63345797 (Observed: 10/15/2020)


Mecynogea lemniscata (Basilica Orbweaver)
Mecynogea lemniscata (Basilica Orbweaver)
Mecynogea lemniscata (Basilica Orbweaver)
Mecynogea lemniscata (Basilica Orbweaver)
Mecynogea lemniscata (Basilica Orbweaver)

Micrathena gracilis (Spined Micrathena)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Araneidae


Common Names: Spined Micrathena

Years Observed: 2018; 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Noah Long; Maeve Dowd; Alex Desjardines

One of the more commonly encountered arthropods at the Gordon.

iNaturalist Observations:

87850610 (Observed: 7/20/2021)

88178410 (Observed: 7/22/2021)

85372891 (Observed: 7/2/2021)

54857415 (Observed: 7/30/2020)


Micrathena gracilis (Spined Micrathena)
Micrathena gracilis (Spined Micrathena)
Micrathena gracilis (Spined Micrathena)
Micrathena gracilis (Spined Micrathena)

Neoscona crucifera (Hentz Orbweaver)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Araneidae


Common Names: Hentz Orbweaver

Year Observed: 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen


Neoscona crucifera (Hentz Orbweaver)
Neoscona crucifera (Hentz Orbweaver)
Neoscona crucifera (Hentz Orbweaver)
Neoscona crucifera (Hentz Orbweaver)

Cryptops leucopodus Indet. #1 (Bark Centipede)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Cryptopidae


Common Names: Bark Centipede

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: H. Hernandez (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

66306834 (Observed: 12/8/2020)


Cryptops leucopodus (Bark Centipede)
Cryptops leucopodus (Bark Centipede)
Cryptops leucopodus (Bark Centipede)

Dysdera crocata (Woodlouse Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Dysderidae


Common Names: Woodlouse Spider

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

65545948 (Observed: 11/24/2020)


Dysdera crocata (Woodlouse Spider)
Dysdera crocata (Woodlouse Spider)
Dysdera crocata (Woodlouse Spider)

Acalitus ferrugineum (Mite)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Eriophyidae


Common Names: Mite

Years Observed: 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

81493839 (Observed: 6/3/2021)

122995661 (Observed: 6/22/2022)

81340844 (Observed: 6/2/2021)


Acalitus ferrugineum (Mite): on American Beech leaves
Acalitus ferrugineum (Mite): on American Beech leaf
Acalitus ferrugineum (Mite): on American Beech leaf
Acalitus ferrugineum (Mite): on underside of American Beech leaf
Acalitus ferrugineum (Mite): on American Beech leaf
Acalitus ferrugineum (Mite): on underside of American Beech leaf

Aceria fraxini (Ash Bead Gall Mite)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Eriophyidae


Common Names: Ash Bead Gall Mite

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

86078563 (Observed: 7/7/2021)


Aceria fraxini (Ash Bead Gall Mite) on White Ash leaves
Aceria fraxini (Ash Bead Gall Mite) on White Ash leaf
Aceria fraxini (Ash Bead Gall Mite) on underside of White Ash leaf
Aceria fraxini (Ash Bead Gall Mite) on underside of White Ash leaf
Aceria fraxini (Ash Bead Gall Mite) on White Ash leaf

Aceria negundi (Box Elder Pouch Gall Mite)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Eriophyidae


Common Names: Box Elder Pouch Gall Mite

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

167369335 (Observed: 6/13/2023)

79627877 (Observed: 5/20/2021)

49055092 (Observed: 6/9/2020)


Aceria negundi (Box Elder Pouch Gall Mite)
Aceria negundi (Box Elder Pouch Gall Mite): underside of gall
Aceria negundi (Box Elder Pouch Gall Mite)
Aceria negundi (Box Elder Pouch Gall Mite): close-up of gall
Aceria negundi (Box Elder Pouch Gall Mite): close-up of gall

Eriophyes cerasicrumena (Black Cherry Leaf Gall Mite)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Eriophyidae


Common Names: Black Cherry Leaf Gall Mite

Years Observed: 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

156723626 (Observed: 4/25/2023)

117485588 (Observed: 5/17/2022)


Eriophyes cerasicrumena (Black Cherry Leaf Gall Mite)
Eriophyes cerasicrumena (Black Cherry Leaf Gall Mite)
Eriophyes cerasicrumena (Black Cherry Leaf Gall Mite)
Eriophyes cerasicrumena (Black Cherry Leaf Gall Mite)

Callidosoma Indet. #1 (Long-legged Mite)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Erythraeidae


Common Names: Long-legged Mite

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

58977532 (Observed: 9/8/2020)


Callidosoma (Long-legged Mite)
Callidosoma (Long-legged Mite)

Strigamia bothriopus (Soil Centipede)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Geophilidae


Common Names: Soil Centipede

Years Observed: 2019; 2020

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: C. Kraynak

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

45203585 (Observed: 5/7/2020)

66386695 (Observed: 12/10/2020)


Strigamia (Soil Centipede)
Strigamia (Soil Centipede)
Strigamia bothriopus (Soil Centipede)
Strigamia bothriopus (Soil Centipede)

Dermacentor variabilis (American Dog Tick)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Ixodidae


Common Names: American Dog Tick

Years Observed: 2014; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Maribeth Beatty; Paige Vermeulen; Ariana Rivellini; Brad Flamm

Note: This species has likely been noted every year since the establishment of the Gordon (and beforehand). But, we've only started consistently tracking observations since 2016.


Dermacentor variabilis (American Dog Tick)

Ixodes scapularis (Deer Tick)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Ixodidae


Common Names: Deer Tick; Black-legged Tick

Years Observed: 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Payton Phillips

iNaturalist Observations:

70559732 (Observed: 3/4/2021)

69560287 (Observed: 2/24/2020)


Ixodes scapularis (Deer Tick) crawling across a piece of paper in the GNA office

Cylindroiulus Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Julidae


Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

97943452 (Observed: 10/11/2021)

71577000 (Observed: 3/19/2021)

52813212 (Observed: 7/9/2020)

69317401 (Observed: 2/9/2021)


Cylindroiulus (No Common Name)
Cylindroiulus (No Common Name)
Cylindroiulus (No Common Name)

Frontinella pyramitela (Bowl-and-doily Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Linyphiidae


Common Names: Bowl-and-doily Spider

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

58656606 (Observed: 9/4/2020)


Frontinella pyramitela (Bowl-and-doily Spider)
Frontinella pyramitela (Bowl-and-doily Spider)
Frontinella pyramitela (Bowl-and-doily Spider)

Lithobiidae Indet. #1 (Stone Centipedes)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Lithobiidae


Common Names: Stone Centipedes

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

66019967 (Observed: 12/2/2020)


Lithobiidae (Stone Centipedes)
Lithobiidae (Stone Centipedes)

Lithobius forficatus (Brown Centipede)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Lithobiidae


Common Names: Brown Centipede

Years Observed: 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

104877137 (Observed: 1/13/2022)

77657943 (Observed: 5/6/2021)


Lithobius forficatus (Brown Centipede)
Lithobius forficatus (Brown Centipede)
Lithobius forficatus (Brown Centipede)

Lycosidae Indet. #1 (Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Lycosidae


Common Names: Spider

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: shespider (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

103161142 (Observed: 12/15/2021)


Lycosidae (Spider)
Lycosidae (Spider)
Lycosidae (Spider)

Pardosa Indet. #1 (Thin-legged Wolf Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Lycosidae


Common Names: Thin-legged Wolf Spider

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

84996560 (Observed: 6/17/2021)

79446708 (Observed: 5/19/2021)


Pardosa (Thin-legged Wolf Spider)
Pardosa (Thin-legged Wolf Spider)

Schizocosa Indet. #1 (Brush Legged Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Lycosidae


Common Names: Brush Legged Spider

Years Observed: 2020; 2022

Identified By: chuuuuung (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Seemingly, fairly common at the Gordon (at least, based on observations from the Spring of 2020).

iNaturalist Observations:

119732261 (Observed: 5/31/2022)

46425903 (Observed: 5/18/2020)


Schizocosa (Brush Legged Spider)
Schizocosa (Brush Legged Spider)
Schizocosa (Brush Legged Spider)
Schizocosa (Brush Legged Spider)

Tigrosa helluo (Wetland Giant Wolf Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Lycosidae


Common Names: Wetland Giant Wolf Spider

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

139146896 (Observed: 10/17/2022)

107720892 (Observed: 6/17/2021)

59254801 (Observed: 9/11/2020)


Tigrosa helluo (Wetland Giant Wolf Spider)
Tigrosa helluo (Wetland Giant Wolf Spider)

Oxidus gracilis (Greenhouse Millipede)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Paradoxosomatidae


Common Names: Greenhouse Millipede

Years Observed: 2018; 2020; 2023

Identified By: D. Hennen (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

172157578 (Observed: 7/6/2023)

102312193 (Observed: 7/20/2018)

71304437 (Observed: 10/1/2020)


Oxidus gracilis (Greenhouse Millipede) - close up
Oxidus gracilis (Greenhouse Millipede)
Oxidus gracilis (Greenhouse Millipede)
Oxidus gracilis (Greenhouse Millipede) - far away

Dolomedes albineus (White-banded Fishing Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Pisauridae


Common Names: White-banded Fishing Spider

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

On a branch on the forest floor. Only one individual noted.

iNaturalist Observations:

39161669 (Observed: 2/24/2020)


Dolomedes albineus (White-banded Fishing Spider)
Dolomedes albineus (White-banded Fishing Spider)
Dolomedes albineus (White-banded Fishing Spider)

Dolomedes tenebrosus (Dark Fishing Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Pisauridae


Common Names: Dark Fishing Spider; Dark-banded Fishing Spider

Years Observed: 2018; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified By: chuuuuung (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Noah Long; Maeve Dowd; Mary Teresa O'Hara

A single individual noted.

iNaturalist Observations:

87896735 (Observed: 7/20/2021)

115617677 (Observed: 5/5/2022)

97942418 (Observed: 10/11/2021)

90769564 (Observed: 8/10/2021)

87897675 (Observed: 7/20/2021)

76687735 (Observed: 4/30/2021)

40128194 (Observed: 8/14/2018)

53097277 (Observed: 7/14/2020)

65545720 (Observed: 11/24/2020)

65953601 (Observed: 12/1/2020)

66301530 (Observed: 12/8/2020)


Dolomedes tenebrosus (Dark Fishing Spider)
Dolomedes tenebrosus (Dark Fishing Spider)
Dolomedes tenebrosus (Dark Fishing Spider)

Pisaurina mira (American Nursery Web Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Pisauridae


Common Names: American Nursery Web Spider

Year Observed: 2018

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

iNaturalist Observations:

56537735 (Observed: 8/8/2018)


Pisaurina mira (American Nursery Web Spider): clinging to a seedling enclosure

cf. Brachydesmus superus (Millipede)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Polydesmidae


Common Names: Millipede

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

72477743 (Observed: 3/30/2021)


Brachydesmus superus (Millipede)

Colonus sylvanus (Sylvan Jumping Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Salticidae


Common Names: Sylvan Jumping Spider

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Alex Desjardines

iNaturalist Observations:

116734572 (Observed: 5/12/2022)


Colonus sylvanus (Sylvan Jumping Spider)
Colonus sylvanus (Sylvan Jumping Spider)

Eris militaris (Bronze Jumping Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Salticidae


Common Names: Bronze Jumping Spider

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

64131596 (Observed: 11/3/2020)

66098813 (Observed: 12/4/2020)


Eris militaris (Bronze Jumping Spider)
Eris militaris (Bronze Jumping Spider)
Eris militaris (Bronze Jumping Spider)

Hentzia Indet. #1 (Long-jawed Jumping Spiders)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Salticidae


Common Names: Long-jawed Jumping Spiders

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

154855011 (Observed: 4/14/2023)

Paraphidippus aurantius (Emerald Jumping Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Salticidae


Common Names: Emerald Jumping Spider

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

86314980 (Observed: 7/5/2021)

Phidippus audax (Bold Jumping Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Salticidae


Common Names: Bold Jumping Spider

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

83044167 (Observed: 6/14/2021)


Phidippus audax (Bold Jumping Spider)
Phidippus audax (Bold Jumping Spider)
Phidippus audax (Bold Jumping Spider)

Leiobunum politum Group (Harvestman)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Sclerosomatidae


Common Names: Harvestman

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: harvestman-man (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

58262873 (Observed: 9/1/2020)


Gagrella splendens (Harvestman)
Gagrella splendens (Harvestman)

Leiobunum vittatum Group (Eastern Harvestman)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Sclerosomatidae


Common Names: Eastern Harvestman

Years Observed: 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: dsnaturalist21 (iNaturalist)

iNaturalist Observations:

34714640 (Observed: 10/21/2019)

137664051 (Observed: 10/5/2022)

121597206 (Observed: 6/9/2022)

85382223 (Observed: 7/2/2021)

79445515 (Observed: 5/19/2021)

55864243 (Observed: 8/8/2020)


Leiobunum vittatum (Harvestman)
Leiobunum vittatum (Harvestman)
Leiobunum vittatum (Harvestman)

Scolopocryptops sexspinosus (Eastern Red Centipede)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Scolopocryptopidae


Common Names: Eastern Red Centipede

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

86166771 (Observed: 7/7/2021)


Scolopocryptops sexspinosus (Eastern Red Centipede)
Scolopocryptops sexspinosus (Eastern Red Centipede)
Scolopocryptops sexspinosus (Eastern Red Centipede)

Hanseniella Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Scutigerellidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2019

Identified By: N. Szucsich (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter & Ariana Rivellini

iNaturalist Observations:

53655790 (Observed: 11/15/2019)


Hanseniella (No Common Name)
Hanseniella (No Common Name)
Hanseniella (No Common Name)

Leucauge Indet. #1 (Orchard Spiders and Allies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Tetragnathidae


Common Names: Orchard Spiders and Allies

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: cataranea (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

51625824 (Observed: 7/1/2020)


Enoplognatha ovata (Common Candy-striped Spider)
Enoplognatha ovata (Common Candy-striped Spider)
Enoplognatha ovata (Common Candy-striped Spider)

Leucauge venusta (Orchard Orbweaver)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Tetragnathidae


Common Names: Orchard Orbweaver

Years Observed: 2018; 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

122032898 (Observed: 6/15/2022)

118825547 (Observed: 5/26/2022)

86077063 (Observed: 7/7/2021)

80659699 (Observed: 5/28/2021)

79445913 (Observed: 5/19/2021)

50589324 (Observed: 6/22/2020)


Leucauge venusta (Orchard Orbweaver)
Leucauge venusta (Orchard Orbweaver)
Leucauge venusta (Orchard Orbweaver)

Phylloneta Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Theridiidae


Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

130404742 (Observed: 8/11/2022)



Steatoda borealis (Boreal Combfoot)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Theridiidae


Common Names: Boreal Combfoot

Years Observed: 2020; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: James Simpson

iNaturalist Observations:

65949110 (Observed: 12/1/2020)


Steatoda borealis (Boreal Combfoot)
Steatoda borealis (Boreal Combfoot)
Steatoda borealis (Boreal Combfoot)

Steatoda triangulosa (Triangulate Combfoot)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Theridiidae


Common Names: Triangulate Combfoot

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

107719892 (Observed: 3/1/2022)


Steatoda triangularis (Triangulate Combfoot)
Steatoda triangularis (Triangulate Combfoot)

Thomisidae Indet. #1 (Crab Spider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Thomisidae


Common Names: Crab Spider

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

31126603 (Observed: 6/27/2019)


Thomisidae (Crab Spider)
Thomisidae (Crab Spider)

Xysticus Indet. #1 (Ground Crab Spiders)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Thomisidae


Common Names: Ground Crab Spiders

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

121907703 (Observed: 6/15/2022)


Xysticus (Ground Crab Spiders)
Xysticus (Ground Crab Spiders)
Xysticus (Ground Crab Spiders)

Allothrombiinae Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Trombidiidae


Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

41193117 (Observed: 5/7/2019)



Trombidium Indet. #1 (Red Velvet Mite)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Trombidiidae


Common Names: Red Velvet Mite

Years Observed: 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023; 2024

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Paige Vermeulen; Jonathan Blithe; Ian Salisbury

iNaturalist Observations:

110759074 (Observed: 4/8/2022)

165018598 (Observed: 6/1/2023)

116293264 (Observed: 5/9/2022)

77671589 (Observed: 5/6/2021)

41787145 (Observed: 4/9/2020)

GNA YouTube Videos featuring the Red Velvet Mite:

Red Velvet Mite Taking a Stroll (Video Posted: 05/09/2022)


Trombidiidae (Red Velvet Mite)
Trombidiidae (Red Velvet Mite)
Trombidiidae (Red Velvet Mite)

Apheloria virginiensis (Black and Gold Flat Millipede)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Arthropods

Family: Xystodesmidae


Common Names: Black and Gold Flat Millipede

Years Observed: 2013; 2014; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Kendra McMillin; Paige Vermeulen; Maribeth Beatty; Jared Kline; Ariana Rivellini; Noah Long; Nur Ritter; Sean Donoghueneide; Kathryn Krueger; Miranda Davies; Jessica Greulich; James Simpson; David Kramer

iNaturalist Observations:

163688275 (Observed: 5/25/2023)

177044465 (Observed: 8/6/2023)

177432936 (Observed: 8/8/2023)

174704032 (Observed: 6/3/2023)

164628098 (Observed: 5/30/2023)

115388815 (Observed: 4/23/2022)

100875754 (Observed: 11/11/2021)

82187823 (Observed: 6/8/2021)

22734243 (Observed: 4/19/2019)

61511628 (Observed: 10/2/2020)


Apheloria virginiensis (Black and Gold Flat Millipede)
Apheloria virginiensis (Black and Gold Flat Millipede)
Apheloria virginiensis (Black and Gold Flat Millipede)
Apheloria virginiensis (Black and Gold Flat Millipede)
Apheloria virginiensis (Black and Gold Flat Millipede)

Amphipoda Indet. #1 (Amphipod)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Crustaceans


Common Names: Amphipod

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Armadillidium vulgare (Common Pill Woodlouse)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Crustaceans

Family: Armadillidiidae


Common Names: Common Pill Woodlouse

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

88307133 (Observed: 7/23/2021)


Armadillidium vulgare (Common Pill Woodlouse)
Armadillidium vulgare (Common Pill Woodlouse)
Armadillidium vulgare (Common Pill Woodlouse)
Armadillidium vulgare (Common Pill Woodlouse)

Caecidotea Indet. #1 (Isopod)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Crustaceans

Family: Asellidae


Common Names: Isopod

Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Cambarus acuminatus (Acuminate Crayfish)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Crustaceans

Family: Cambaridae


Common Names: Acuminate Crayfish

Years Observed: 2019; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Also Noted By: David Kramer

iNaturalist Observations:

174704031 (Observed: 6/2/2023)

Cambarus bartonii (Eastern Crayfish)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Crustaceans

Family: Cambaridae


Common Names: Eastern Crayfish

Years Observed: 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Noah Long

Also Noted By: David Kramer

iNaturalist Observations:

192092870 (Observed: 6/19/2022)

122510746 (Observed: )

Cambarus Indet. #1 (Cambarus Crayfish)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Crustaceans

Family: Cambaridae


Common Names: Cambarus Crayfish

Years Observed: 2013; 2018; 2019

Identified By: Stroud Water Research Center

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center


Cambarus diogenes (Devil Crayfish)
Cambarus diogenes (Devil Crayfish)

Orconectes Indet. #1 (Orco Crayfish)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Crustaceans

Family: Cambaridae


Common Names: Orco Crayfish

Year Observed: 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Oniscus asellus (Common Shiny Woodlouse)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Crustaceans

Family: Oniscidae


Common Names: Common Shiny Woodlouse

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023; 2024

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

108195214 (Observed: 3/8/2022)

104876790 (Observed: 1/13/2022)

72773742 (Observed: 4/2/2021)

71575179 (Observed: 3/19/2021)

66308467 (Observed: 12/8/2020)

66020405 (Observed: 12/2/2020)


Oniscus asellus (Common Shiny Woodlouse)
Oniscus asellus (Common Shiny Woodlouse)
Oniscus asellus (Common Shiny Woodlouse)
Oniscus asellus (Common Shiny Woodlouse)
Oniscus asellus (Common Shiny Woodlouse)
Oniscus asellus (Common Shiny Woodlouse)

Philoscia muscorum (Common Striped Woodlouse)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Crustaceans

Family: Philosciidae


Common Names: Common Striped Woodlouse

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

146976597 (Observed: 1/20/2023)

97885633 (Observed: 10/8/2021)

66631461 (Observed: 12/15/2020)


Philoscia muscorum (Common Striped Woodlouse)

Porcellio scaber (Common Rough Woodlouse)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Crustaceans

Family: Porcellionidae


Common Names: Common Rough Woodlouse

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

71576262 (Observed: 3/19/2021)

66299656 (Observed: 12/8/2020)


Porcellio scaber (Common Rough Woodlouse)
Porcellio scaber (Common Rough Woodlouse)

Trachelipus rathkii (Rathke’s Woodlouse)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Crustaceans

Family: Trachelipodidae


Common Names: Rathke’s Woodlouse

Years Observed: 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified By: M. Apgar (inaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Note: These are likely quite common at the Gordon, but at this point we only have photos from a single year.

iNaturalist Observations:

138421491 (Observed: 10/11/2022)

108194650 (Observed: 3/8/2022)

77875305 (Observed: 5/7/2021)

71305208 (Observed: 10/1/2020)

83173763 (Observed: 6/15/2021)

72494614 (Observed: 3/30/2021)

77874865 (Observed: 5/7/2021)

76515050 (Observed: 4/29/2021)

72468394 (Observed: 3/30/2021)

70000262 (Observed: 8/29/2018)

42310566 (Observed: 6/17/2019)


Trachelipus rathkii (Rathke’s Woodlouse)

Haplophthalmus danicus (Terrestrial Cave Isopod)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Crustaceans

Family: Trichoniscidae


Common Names: Terrestrial Cave Isopod

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: E.C. Maxwell (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

iNaturalist Observations:

71300686 (Observed: 3/9/2020)


Haplophthalmus danicus (Terrestrial Cave Isopod)
Haplophthalmus danicus (Terrestrial Cave Isopod)

Hyloniscus riparius (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Crustaceans

Family: Trichoniscidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

iNaturalist Observations:

71300472 (Observed: 3/9/2020)


Hyloniscus riparius (No Common Name)
Hyloniscus riparius (No Common Name)

Turbellaria Indet. #1 (Flatworm)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Flatworms


Common Names: Flatworm

Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Bipalium adventitium (Wandering Broadhead Planarian)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Flatworms

Family: Geoplanidae


Common Names: Wandering Broadhead Planarian

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: sumie-dh (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: David Kramer

iNaturalist Observations:

185029657 (Observed: 9/25/2023)

Bipalium pennsylvanicum (Broadhead Flatworm)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Flatworms

Family: Geoplanidae


Common Names: Broadhead Flatworm; Hammerhead Worm; Three-lined Land Planarian

Years Observed: 2017; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Alexandra Hodowanec

Also Noted By: Ariana Rivellini; Paige Vermeulen; Nur Ritter; Madison Rettenmaier; David Kramer

iNaturalist Observations:

177044467 (Observed: 8/6/2023)

174975808 (Observed: 7/25/2023)

87283505 (Observed: 7/13/2021)

39923733 (Observed: 10/4/2019)

39935362 (Observed: 10/13/2017)

39935551 (Observed: 6/28/2019)

39935834 (Observed: 9/4/2019)


Bipalium (Broadhead Flatworm)
Bipalium pennsylvanicum (Broadhead Flatworm): curled up in the shell of a hickory nut
Bipalium pennsylvanicum (Broadhead Flatworm): curled up in the shell of a hickory nut

Planariidae Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Flatworms

Family: Planariidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Gastropoda Indet. #1 (Snail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods


Common Names: Snail

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

iNaturalist Observations:

5776096 (Observed: 4/10/2017)

Deroceras reticulatum (Milky Slug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Agriolimacidae


Common Names: Milky Slug

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

146978144 (Observed: 1/20/2023)

Arion hortensis (Garden Slug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Arionidae


Common Names: Garden Slug

Years Observed: 2018; 2020; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Alex Desjardines

iNaturalist Observations:

187789225 (Observed: 10/10/2023)

163854642 (Observed: 5/24/2023)

61140877 (Observed: 9/28/2020)

44395181 (Observed: 9/11/2018)


Arion hortensis (Garden Slug)
Arion hortensis (Garden Slug)

Arion subfuscus (Western Dusky Slug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Arionidae


Common Names: Western Dusky Slug

Years Observed: 2020; 2023

Identified By: Y. Cai (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

iNaturalist Observations:

163687258 (Observed: 5/25/2023)

71317116 (Observed: 10/2/2020)


Arion subfuscus (Western Dusky Slug)
Arion subfuscus (Western Dusky Slug)
Arion subfuscus (Western Dusky Slug)

Arion subgenus Mesarion Indet. #1 (Dusky Slug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Arionidae


Common Names: Dusky Slug

Year Observed: 2018

Identified By: T. Pearce (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

44475634 (Observed: 9/27/2018)

41052356 (Observed: 9/10/2018)


Arion subgenus Mesarion (Dusky Slug): feeding on unidentified mushrooms
Arion subgenus Mesarion (Dusky Slug)
Arion subgenus Mesarion (Dusky Slug): close-up of head

Arion subgenus Mesarion Indet. #2 (Dusky Slug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Arionidae


Common Names: Dusky Slug

Year Observed: 2018

Identified By: T. Pearce (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

43167121 (Observed: 12/2/2018)


Arion subgenus Mesarion (Dusky Slug)
Arion subgenus Mesarion (Dusky Slug)
Arion subgenus Mesarion (Dusky Slug)

Arion Subgenus Mesarion Indet. #3 (Dusky Slug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Arionidae


Common Names: Dusky Slug

Year Observed: 2018

Identified By: T. Pearce (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

44419133 (Observed: 9/14/2018)


Arion Subgenus Mesarion (Dusky Slugs)
Arion Subgenus Mesarion (Dusky Slugs)
Arion Subgenus Mesarion (Dusky Slugs)
Arion Subgenus Mesarion (Dusky Slugs)

Zonitoides arboreus (Quick Gloss Snail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Gastrodontidae


Common Names: Quick Gloss Snail

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

73241231 (Observed: 4/6/2021)


Zonitoides arboreus (Quick Gloss Snail)
Zonitoides arboreus (Quick Gloss Snail)
Zonitoides arboreus (Quick Gloss Snail)

Limax maximus (Leopard Slug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Limacidae


Common Names: Leopard Slug; Great Gray Slug

Years Observed: 2011; 2018; 2019; 2022; 2023; 2024

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Paige Vermeulen; Maribeth Beatty; Ariana Rivellini; Nur Ritter; Alex Desjardines; Miranda Davies; Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

104876889 (Observed: 1/13/2022)


Limax maximus (Leopard Slug)

Megapallifera mutabilis (Changeable Mantleslug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Philomycidae


Common Names: Changeable Mantleslug

Years Observed: 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Paige Vermeulen; dsnaturalist21 (iNaturalist)

iNaturalist Observations:

34715425 (Observed: 10/21/2019)

56452378 (Observed: 8/14/2020)

40996476 (Observed: 3/29/2020)


Megapallifera mutabilis (Changeable Mantleslug)
Megapallifera mutabilis (Changeable Mantleslug)
Megapallifera mutabilis (Changeable Mantleslug)
Megapallifera mutabilis (Changeable Mantleslug)

Pleuroceridae Indet. #1 (Pleurocerid Snail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Pleuroceridae


Common Names: Pleurocerid Snail

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

42261477 (Observed: 4/15/2020)


Pleuroceridae (Pleurocerid Snail)
Pleuroceridae (Pleurocerid Snail): attached to a rock below the water's surface
Pleuroceridae (Pleurocerid Snail)
Pleuroceridae (Pleurocerid Snail)

Mesodon thyroidus (White-lip Globe Snail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Polygyridae


Common Names: White-lip Globe Snail

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: snailtim (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

iNaturalist Observations:

61519375 (Observed: 10/2/2020)


Mesodon thyroidus (White-lip Globe Snail) - close up
Mesodon thyroidus (White-lip Globe Snail)

Neohelix albolabris (Eastern Whitelip)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Polygyridae


Common Names: Eastern Whitelip

Year Observed: 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

41305890 (Observed: 10/11/2018)


Neohelix albolabris (Eastern Whitelip)
Neohelix albolabris (Eastern Whitelip)

Polygyridae Subfamily Triodopsinae Indet. #1 (Triodopsine Snails)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Polygyridae


Common Names: Triodopsine Snails

Years Observed: 2018; 2020

Identified By: T. Pearce (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

iNaturalist Observations:

42280217 (Observed: 10/5/2018)


Polygyridae Subfamily Triodopsinae (Triodopsine Snails)
Polygyridae Subfamily Triodopsinae (Triodopsine Snails)
Polygyridae Subfamily Triodopsinae (Triodopsine Snails)
Polygyridae Subfamily Triodopsinae (Triodopsine Snails)

Succineidae Indet. #1 (Amber Snails)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Succineidae


Common Names: Amber Snails

Years Observed: 2020; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

163497790 (Observed: 5/16/2023)

42226501 (Observed: 4/14/2020)


Succineidae (Amber Snails)
Succineidae (Amber Snails)
Succineidae (Amber Snails)
Succineidae (Amber Snails)

Ventridens ligera (Globose Dome Snail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Gastropods

Family: Zonitidae


Common Names: Globose Dome Snail

Years Observed: 2018; 2023

Identified By: T. Pearce (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

163688974 (Observed: 5/25/2023)

44397878 (Observed: 9/11/2018)


Ventridens ligera (Globose Dome Snail)
Ventridens ligera (Globose Dome Snail)
Ventridens ligera (Globose Dome Snail)
Ventridens ligera (Globose Dome Snail)

Coccoidea Indet. #1 (Scale Insect)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects


Common Names: Scale Insect

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

To date, only a single individual noted.

iNaturalist Observations:

43095401 (Observed: 6/5/2019)


Coccoidea (Scale Insect)
Coccoidea (Scale Insect)
Coccoidea (Scale Insect)
Coccoidea (Scale Insect)

Coleoptera Indet. #1 (Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects


Common Names: Beetle

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

71315197 (Observed: 5/28/2019)




Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects


Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Ephemeroptera Indet. #1 (Mayfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects


Common Names: Mayfly

Year Observed: 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Lepidoptera Indet. #1 (Butterfly/Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects


Common Names: Butterfly/Moth

Years Observed: 2020; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

187142816 (Observed: 10/7/2023)

53080613 (Observed: 7/14/2020)


Lepidoptera Indet. #1: on an Alternate-leaved Dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) leaf
Lepidoptera Indet. #1: on an Alternate-leaved Dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) leaf
Lepidoptera Indet. #1: on an Alternate-leaved Dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) leaf
Lepidoptera Indet. #1: on an Alternate-leaved Dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) leaf
Lepidoptera Indet. #1: on an Alternate-leaved Dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) leaf

Muscoidea Indet. #1 (Muscoid Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects


Common Names: Muscoid Fly

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: C. Angell (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

72391917 (Observed: 3/29/2021)


Muscoidea (Muscoid Fly) - close up on mouth parts
Muscoidea (Muscoid Fly)
Muscoidea (Muscoid Fly)
Muscoidea (Muscoid Fly)

Nematoda Indet. #1 (Nematode)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects


Common Names: Nematode

Years Observed: 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

66387909 (Observed: 12/10/2020)


Nematoda (Nematode)
Nematoda (Nematode)
Nematoda (Nematode)

Noctuoidea Indet. #1 (Owlet Moths and Allies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects


Common Names: Owlet Moths and Allies

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

90809428 (Observed: 8/6/2021)

87614343 (Observed: 7/18/2021)


Noctuoidea (Owlet Moths and Allies)
Noctuoidea (Owlet Moths and Allies)
Noctuoidea (Owlet Moths and Allies)

Plecoptera Indet. #1 (Stonefly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects


Common Names: Stonefly

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Sciaroidea Indet. #1 (Fungus Gnat)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects


Common Names: Fungus Gnat

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

65952878 (Observed: 12/1/2020)


Sciaroidea (Fungus Gnat) on Turkey Tail Fungus (Trametes versicolor)
Sciaroidea (Fungus Gnat) on Turkey Tail Fungus (Trametes versicolor)
Sciaroidea (Fungus Gnat) on Turkey Tail Fungus (Trametes versicolor)

Tipuloidea Indet. #1 (Crane Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects


Common Names: Crane Fly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

42202840 (Observed: 4/14/2020)


Tipuloidea (Crane Fly)
Tipuloidea (Crane Fly)
Tipuloidea (Crane Fly)

Trichoptera Indet. #1 (Caddisfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects


Common Names: Caddisfly

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

iNaturalist Observations:

42202072 (Observed: 4/14/2020)

Acanalonia bivittata (Two-striped Planthopper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Acanaloniidae


Common Names: Two-striped Planthopper

Years Observed: 2018; 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

88181646 (Observed: 7/22/2021)

41447240 (Observed: 7/30/2018)

52928142 (Observed: 7/9/2020)


Acanalonia bivittata (Two-striped Planthopper)
Acanalonia bivittata (Two-striped Planthopper)
Acanalonia bivittata (Two-striped Planthopper)
Acanalonia bivittata (Two-striped Planthopper)

Acanalonia conica (Green Cone-headed Planthopper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Acanaloniidae


Common Names: Green Cone-headed Planthopper

Years Observed: 2020; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

177044466 (Observed: 8/6/2023)

57670695 (Observed: 8/26/2020)

58263496 (Observed: 9/1/2020)

59002130 (Observed: 9/8/2020)


Acanalonia conica (Green Cone-headed Planthopper)
Acanalonia conica (Green Cone-headed Planthopper)
Acanalonia conica (Green Cone-headed Planthopper): on Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana)
Acanalonia conica (Green Cone-headed Planthopper): on Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana)
Acanalonia conica (Green Cone-headed Planthopper)

Chortophaga viridifasciata (Green-striped Grasshopper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Acrididae


Common Names: Green-striped Grasshopper

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

110837939 (Observed: 4/5/2022)


Chortophaga viridifasciata (Green-striped Grasshopper)

Dissosteira carolina (Carolina Grasshopper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Acrididae


Common Names: Carolina Grasshopper

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Noah Long


Dissosteira carolina (Carolina Grasshopper)
Dissosteira carolina (Carolina Grasshopper)

Ameletus Indet. #1 (Mayfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ameletidae


Common Names: Mayfly

Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Polypsocus corruptus (Corrupt Barklouse)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Amphipsocidae


Common Names: Corrupt Barklouse

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

102419076 (Observed: 11/30/2021)


Polypsocus corruptus (Corrupt Barklouse)

Andrena Indet. #1 (Mining Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Andrenidae


Common Names: Mining Bee

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

74675253 (Observed: 4/19/2021)

74196331 (Observed: 4/16/2021)


Andrena (Mining Bee) on Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) flowers
Andrena (Mining Bee): on a 'mysterious' plastic bag
Andrena (Mining Bee): on a 'mysterious' plastic bag

Andrena Indet. #2 (Mining Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Andrenidae


Common Names: Mining Bee

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: J. Ascher (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

77667528 (Observed: 5/6/2021)


Andrena (Mining Bee) on Garden Yellowrocket (Barbarea vulgaris)
Andrena (Mining Bee) on Garden Yellowrocket (Barbarea vulgaris)
Andrena (Mining Bee) on Garden Yellowrocket (Barbarea vulgaris)
Andrena (Mining Bee) on Garden Yellowrocket (Barbarea vulgaris)

Andrena vicina (Neighborly Mining Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Andrenidae


Common Names: Neighborly Mining Bee

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

158616027 (Observed: 4/26/2023)

Euparius marmoreus (Marbled Fungus Weevil)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Anthribidae


Common Names: Marbled Fungus Weevil

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

90562462 (Observed: 7/18/2021)


Euparius marmoreus (Marbled Fungus Weevil)
Euparius marmoreus (Marbled Fungus Weevil)
Euparius marmoreus (Marbled Fungus Weevil)

Pachypsylla celtidismamma (Hackberry Nipplegall Psylla)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphalaridae


Common Names: Hackberry Nipplegall Psylla

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter


Pachypsylla celtidismamma (Hackberry Nipplegall Psylla)
Pachypsylla celtidismamma (Hackberry Nipplegall Psylla)
Pachypsylla celtidismamma (Hackberry Nipplegall Psylla)
Pachypsylla celtidismamma (Hackberry Nipplegall Psylla)

Aphididae Indet. #1 (Aphid)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphididae


Common Names: Aphid

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

107714719 (Observed: 3/1/2022)


Aphididae (Aphid)
Aphididae (Aphid)
Aphididae (Aphid)

Aphis nerii (Milkweed Aphid)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphididae


Common Names: Milkweed Aphid; Oleander Aphid

Years Observed: 2014; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

119757385 (Observed: 6/1/2022)

90195104 (Observed: 8/6/2021)

55822282 (Observed: 8/8/2020)

50768302 (Observed: 8/6/2014)

58973444 (Observed: 9/8/2020)

62064882 (Observed: 10/8/2020)


Aphis nerii (Oleander Aphid)
Aphis nerii (Oleander Aphid)
Aphis nerii (Milkweed Aphid)
Aphis nerii (Milkweed Aphid)

Grylloprociphilus imbricator (Beech Blight Aphid)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphididae


Common Names: Beech Blight Aphid

Years Observed: 2014; 2018; 2019; 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Paige Vermeulen; Nur Ritter; Noah Long

Not native to the conterminous United States.

iNaturalist Observations:

87851179 (Observed: 7/18/2021)

94231238 (Observed: 8/31/2021)

137665141 (Observed: 10/5/2022)

87892616 (Observed: 7/20/2021)

58320836 (Observed: 10/4/2018)


Grylloprociphilus imbricator (Beech Blight Aphid)
Grylloprociphilus imbricator (Beech Blight Aphid)
Grylloprociphilus imbricator (Beech Blight Aphid)

Hormaphis hamamelidis (Witch-hazel Cone Gall Aphid)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphididae


Common Names: Witch-hazel Cone Gall Aphid

Years Observed: 2019; 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: K. Johnson

iNaturalist Observations:

140879993 (Observed: 10/20/2022)

96384615 (Observed: 9/21/2021)

43092736 (Observed: 6/6/2019)


Hormaphis hamamelidis (Witch-hazel Cone Gall Aphid)
Hormaphis hamamelidis (Witch-hazel Cone Gall Aphid)
Hormaphis hamamelidis (Witch-hazel Cone Gall Aphid)

Hyalopterus pruni (Mealy Plum Aphid)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphididae


Common Names: Mealy Plum Aphid

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

139556434 (Observed: 10/21/2022)

Illinoia liriodendri (Tuliptree Aphid)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphididae


Common Names: Tuliptree Aphid

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Noah Long

A few individuals noted on the underside of a Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) leaf on two occasions. These individuals are tiny (~1-2 mm long) and we really have no idea of their true abundance at the Gordon.

iNaturalist Observations:

122938494 (Observed: 6/21/2022)

79441263 (Observed: 5/19/2021)

53095810 (Observed: 7/14/2020)

57671098 (Observed: 8/26/2020)


Illinoia liriodendri (Tuliptree Aphid)
Illinoia liriodendri (Tuliptree Aphid)
Illinoia liriodendri (Tuliptree Aphid)

Macrosiphini Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphididae


Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Natalie Hernandez (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

113256272 (Observed: 4/28/2022)

Macrosiphum rosae (Rose Aphid)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphididae


Common Names: Rose Aphid

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

To date, only a single 'occurrence' noted. On an unidentified plant in a seasonally-inundated area adjacent to a Cattail marsh.

iNaturalist Observations:

53786853 (Observed: 7/20/2020)


Macrosiphum rosae (Rose Aphid)
Macrosiphum rosae (Rose Aphid)
Macrosiphum rosae (Rose Aphid)
Macrosiphum rosae (Rose Aphid)
Macrosiphum rosae (Rose Aphid)

Tetraneura nigriabdominalis (Aphid)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphididae


Common Names: Aphid

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: T. Frey (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

119766149 (Observed: 6/1/2022)


Tetraneura nigriabdominalis (Aphid)
Tetraneura nigriabdominalis (Aphid)
Tetraneura nigriabdominalis (Aphid)

Tetraneura ulmi (Elm Sack Gall Aphid)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphididae


Common Names: Elm Sack Gall Aphid

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

79197777 (Observed: 5/17/2021)


Tetraneura ulmi (Elm Sack Gall Aphid)
Tetraneura ulmi (Elm Sack Gall Aphid)
Tetraneura ulmi (Elm Sack Gall Aphid)
Tetraneura ulmi (Elm Sack Gall Aphid)

Uroleucon Indet. #1 (Goldenrod Aphid)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphididae


Common Names: Goldenrod Aphid

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

61168305 (Observed: 9/28/2020)


Uroleucon (Goldenrod Aphid)
Uroleucon (Goldenrod Aphid)
Uroleucon (Goldenrod Aphid)

Lepyronia (Spittlebug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphrophoridae


Common Names: Spittlebug

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

177182357 (Observed: 8/3/2023)

Philaenus spumarius (Meadow Spittlebug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aphrophoridae


Common Names: Meadow Spittlebug

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

This species has likely been frequently noted in the Gordon. But, it wasn't until 2020 that it was 'officially' documented.

iNaturalist Observations:

132001998 (Observed: 8/18/2022)

78519310 (Observed: 5/12/2021)

50582277 (Observed: 6/22/2020)


Philaenus spumarius (Meadow Spittlebug)

Apis mellifera (Western Honey Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Apidae


Common Names: Western Honey Bee

Years Observed: 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified By: T. Sharrow (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

135820896 (Observed: 9/20/2022)

91460290 (Observed: 8/16/2021)

80294099 (Observed: 5/25/2021)

75460994 (Observed: 4/27/2021)

70495211 (Observed: 9/13/2019)

49008700 (Observed: 5/2/2018)

57179585 (Observed: 8/20/2020)

57732959 (Observed: 8/26/2020)

61809734 (Observed: 10/1/2020)

63483497 (Observed: 10/23/2020)


Apis mellifera (Western Honey Bee)
Apis mellifera (Western Honey Bee)
Apis mellifera (Western Honey Bee)
Apis mellifera (Western Honey Bee)

Bombus griseocollis (Brown-belted Bumble Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Apidae


Common Names: Brown-belted Bumble Bee

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

90774652 (Observed: 8/10/2021)


Bombus griseocollis (Brown-belted Bumble Bee)
Bombus griseocollis (Brown-belted Bumble Bee)

Bombus impatiens (Common Eastern Bumble Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Apidae


Common Names: Common Eastern Bumble Bee

Years Observed: 2013; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: W. Ricci

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

81695591 (Observed: 6/4/2021)

73154624 (Observed: 4/6/2021)

57164301 (Observed: 8/20/2020)

57164563 (Observed: 8/20/2020)

60654443 (Observed: 9/24/2020)

62149521 (Observed: 10/9/2020)


Bombus impatiens (Common Eastern Bumble Bee)
Bombus impatiens (Common Eastern Bumble Bee)
Bombus impatiens (Common Eastern Bumble Bee)
Bombus impatiens (Common Eastern Bumble Bee)

Ceratina Indet. #1 (Small Carpenter Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Apidae


Common Names: Small Carpenter Bee

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: ]

iNaturalist Observations:

84359412 (Observed: 6/24/2021)


Ceratina (Small Carpenter Bee)
Ceratina (Small Carpenter Bee)
Ceratina (Small Carpenter Bee)

Ceratina Indet. #2 (Small Carpenter Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Apidae


Common Names: Small Carpenter Bee

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

122994674 (Observed: 6/22/2022)


Ceratina (Small Carpenter Bee)
Ceratina (Small Carpenter Bee)

Melissodes denticulatus (Denticulate Longhorn Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Apidae


Common Names: Denticulate Longhorn Bee

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

Also Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

180146030 (Observed: 8/25/2023)

Nomada Indet. #1 (Nomad Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Apidae


Common Names: Nomad Bee

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: klittle2 (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

75360515 (Observed: 4/26/2021)


Nomada (Nomad Bee)
Nomada (Nomad Bee)
Nomada (Nomad Bee)
Nomada (Nomad Bee)

Nomada luteoloides (Black-and-yellow Nomad Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Apidae


Common Names: Black-and-yellow Nomad Bee

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By:

iNaturalist Observations:

117771367 (Observed: 5/18/2022)


Nomada luteoloides (Black-and-yellow Nomad Bee)
Nomada luteoloides (Black-and-yellow Nomad Bee)
Nomada luteoloides (Black-and-yellow Nomad Bee)

Xylocopa virginica (Eastern Carpenter Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Apidae


Common Names: Eastern Carpenter Bee

Years Observed: 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

135029917 (Observed: 9/13/2022)

88169670 (Observed: 7/22/2021)

80287213 (Observed: 5/25/2021)


Xylocopa virginica (Eastern Carpenter Bee)
Xylocopa virginica (Eastern Carpenter Bee)
Xylocopa virginica (Eastern Carpenter Bee)

Zadontomerus Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Apidae


Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: N. Fogel (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

130145445 (Observed: 8/9/2022)

Aradus Indet. #1 (Flat Bugs)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Aradidae


Common Names: Flat Bugs

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

87896482 (Observed: 7/20/2021)


Aradus (Flat Bugs)
Aradus (Flat Bugs)
Aradus (Flat Bugs)
Aradus (Flat Bugs)
Aradus (Flat Bugs)

Eudioctria Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Asilidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

51608616 (Observed: 7/1/2020)


Eudioctria (No Common Name)
Eudioctria (No Common Name)
Eudioctria (No Common Name)
Eudioctria (No Common Name)

Holcocephala Indet. #1 (Gnat Ogre)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Asilidae


Common Names: Gnat Ogre

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

92515178 (Observed: 8/25/2021)

90181958 (Observed: 8/6/2021)

90771031 (Observed: 8/10/2021)

57673233 (Observed: 8/26/2020)


Holcocephala (Gnat Ogre)

Laphria canis Complex (Bee-mimic Robber Flies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Asilidae


Common Names: Bee-mimic Robber Flies

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

51624688 (Observed: 7/1/2020)


Laphria canis (Bee-mimic Robber Flies)
Laphria canis (Bee-mimic Robber Flies)

Laphria sericea Complex (Bee Mimic Robber Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Asilidae


Common Names: Bee Mimic Robber Fly

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

119761376 (Observed: 6/1/2022)


Laphria sericea (Bee Mimic Robber Fly)
Laphria sericea (Bee Mimic Robber Fly)

Machimus sadyates (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Asilidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

96000144 (Observed: 9/24/2021)


Machimus sadyates (No Common Name)
Machimus sadyates (No Common Name)

Atteva aurea (Ailanthus Webworm Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Attevidae


Common Names: Ailanthus Webworm Moth

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

60638661 (Observed: 9/24/2020)


Atteva aurea (Ailanthus Webworm Moth)
Atteva aurea (Ailanthus Webworm Moth)
Atteva aurea (Ailanthus Webworm Moth)

Baetidae Indet. #1 (Mayfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Baetidae


Common Names: Mayfly

Years Observed: 2007; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Baetis aff. tricaudatus

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Baetidae


Years Observed: 2018; 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Baetis flavistriga

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Baetidae


Years Observed: 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Baetis Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Baetidae


Years Observed: 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Bibio femoratus (The Lovebug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Bibionidae


Common Names: The Lovebug

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

115415440 (Observed: 4/30/2022)


Bibio femoratus (The Lovebug)
Bibio femoratus (The Lovebug)

Bombylius major (Greater Bee Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Bombyliidae


Common Names: Greater Bee Fly

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

74197057 (Observed: 4/16/2021)

75462319 (Observed: 4/27/2021)

73876784 (Observed: 4/13/2021)


Bombylius major (Greater Bee Fly)
Bombylius major (Greater Bee Fly)
Bombylius major (Greater Bee Fly) visiting Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)

Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Buprestidae


Common Names: Emerald Ash Borer

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: H. Liu

A virulent invasive species that is decimating Ash populations throughout the eastern US.

iNaturalist Observations:

103016719 (Observed: 12/8/2021)

72467297 (Observed: 3/30/2021)


Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer): D-shaped exit hole with finger for scale.  Finger provided by Houping Liu (PA DCNR)
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer): Tunnels beneath the bark of a White Ash
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer): Tunnels beneath the bark of a White Ash

Calliphoridae Indet. #1 (Blowflies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Calliphoridae


Common Names: Blowflies

Year Observed: 2024

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

202562713 (Observed: 3/15/2024)

Lucilia Indet. #1 (Greenbottle Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Calliphoridae


Common Names: Greenbottle Fly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

59252228 (Observed: 9/11/2020)


Lucilia (Greenbottle Fly) on Halberdleaf Tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium)
Lucilia (Greenbottle Fly) on Halberdleaf Tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium)
Lucilia (Greenbottle Fly) on Halberdleaf Tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium)
Lucilia (Greenbottle Fly) on Halberdleaf Tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium)

Phormia regina (Black Blow Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Calliphoridae


Common Names: Black Blow Fly

Year Observed: 2024

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

203098288 (Observed: 3/18/2024)

Calopteryx aequabilis (River Jewelwing)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Calopterygidae


Common Names: River Jewelwing

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

176326737 (Observed: 8/2/2023)

175075841 (Observed: 7/26/2023)

Calopteryx maculata (Ebony Jewelwing)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Calopterygidae


Common Names: Ebony Jewelwing

Years Observed: 2018; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Maribeth Beatty; Paige Vermeulen; Ariana Rivellini; Noah Long; Kathryn Krueger; Miranda Davies; James Simpson; Jess Greulich

iNaturalist Observations:

172724598 (Observed: 7/13/2023)

84897376 (Observed: 6/28/2021)

80288145 (Observed: 5/25/2021)


Calopteryx maculata (Ebony Jewelwing)
Calopteryx maculata (Ebony Jewelwing)

Chauliognathus marginatus (Margined Leatherwing Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cantharidae


Common Names: Margined Leatherwing Beetle

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: meleoron (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

126366068 (Observed: 7/15/2022)


Chauliognathus marginatus (Margined Leatherwing Beetle)
Chauliognathus marginatus (Margined Leatherwing Beetle)

Podabrus Indet. #1 (Soldier Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cantharidae


Common Names: Soldier Beetle

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

86080713 (Observed: 7/7/2021)


Podabrus (Soldier Beetle)
Podabrus (Soldier Beetle)

Allocapnia Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Capniidae


Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: David K. Burton (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

148710663 (Observed: 2/13/2023)

Chlaenius aestivus (Metallic Ground Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Carabidae


Common Names: Metallic Ground Beetle

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified By: C. Haden (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

77655032 (Observed: 5/6/2021)

56765461 (Observed: 8/17/2020)


Chlaenius nitidulus (Vivid Metallic Ground Beetle)
Chlaenius nitidulus (Vivid Metallic Ground Beetle)
Chlaenius nitidulus (Vivid Metallic Ground Beetle)

Galerita bicolor (False Bombardier Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Carabidae


Common Names: False Bombardier Beetle

Years Observed: 2021; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

83626444 (Observed: 6/18/2021)


(Out of focus) Galerita bicolor (False Bombardier Beetle)
(Out of focus) Galerita bicolor (False Bombardier Beetle)

Nebria lacustris (Lacustrine Gazelle Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Carabidae


Common Names: Lacustrine Gazelle Beetle

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Jonathan Blithe (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Jonathan Blithe

Also Noted By: Jonathan Blithe

iNaturalist Observations:

163179416 (Observed: 5/22/2023)

Nebria pallipes

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Carabidae


Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: tyugefez (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

122514615 (Observed: 6/19/2022)


Nebria pallipes
Nebria pallipes
Nebria pallipes

Pterostichus mutus

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Carabidae


Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Connor E. J. Graham

First Noted By: Jonathan Blithe

iNaturalist Observations:

163688874 (Observed: 5/25/2023)

Pterostichus tristis (Woodland Ground Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Carabidae


Common Names: Woodland Ground Beetle

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: tyugefez (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

71569154 (Observed: 3/19/2021)


Pterostichus tristis (Woodland Ground Beetle)
Pterostichus tristis (Woodland Ground Beetle)
Pterostichus tristis (Woodland Ground Beetle)

Scarites subterraneus (Big-headed Ground Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Carabidae


Common Names: Big-headed Ground Beetle

Years Observed: 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Noah Long

Also Noted By: Jonathan Blithe

iNaturalist Observations:

163691410 (Observed: 5/25/2023)

121799262 (Observed: 6/14/2022)


Scarites subterraneus (Big-headed Ground Beetle)
Scarites subterraneus (Big-headed Ground Beetle)
Scarites subterraneus (Big-headed Ground Beetle)

Ampelomyia viticola (Grape Tube Gallmaker)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cecidomyiidae


Common Names: Grape Tube Gallmaker

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

84094882 (Observed: 6/22/2021)


Ampelomyia viticola (Grape Tube Gallmaker)
loading image
Ampelomyia viticola (Grape Tube Gallmaker)
loading image
Ampelomyia viticola (Grape Tube Gallmaker)
loading image
Ampelomyia viticola (Grape Tube Gallmaker)
loading image
Ampelomyia viticola (Grape Tube Gallmaker)
loading image

Ampelomyia vitiscoryloides (Gall Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cecidomyiidae


Common Names: Gall Midge

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter


Ampelomyia vitiscoryloides (Gall Midge)
Ampelomyia vitiscoryloides (Gall Midge)

Asteromyia carbonifera (Carbonifera Goldenrod Gall Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cecidomyiidae


Common Names: Carbonifera Goldenrod Gall Midge

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Colonizing Giant Goldenrod (Solidago gigantea) leaves. Seemingly fairly common in the meadow at the eastern end of the Gordon.

iNaturalist Observations:

57213768 (Observed: 8/20/2020)


Asteromyia carbonifera (Carbonifera Goldenrod Gall Midge)
Asteromyia carbonifera (Carbonifera Goldenrod Gall Midge)
Asteromyia carbonifera (Carbonifera Goldenrod Gall Midge)
Asteromyia carbonifera (Carbonifera Goldenrod Gall Midge)

Caryomyia Indet. #1 (Hickory Gall Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cecidomyiidae


Common Names: Hickory Gall Midge

Year Observed: 2013

Identified and First Noted By: Gerry Hertel


Caryomyia (Hickory Gall Midge)
Caryomyia (Hickory Gall Midge)

Contarinia cerasiserotinae (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cecidomyiidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

161862305 (Observed: 5/15/2023)

Contarinia Indet. #1 (Gall Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cecidomyiidae


Common Names: Gall Midge

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: T. Frey (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

91590459 (Observed: 8/17/2021)


Contarinia (Gall Midge)
Contarinia (Gall Midge)
Contarinia (Gall Midge)
Contarinia (Gall Midge)

Dasineura folliculi (Gall Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cecidomyiidae


Common Names: Gall Midge

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: D. McClosky (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

60467346 (Observed: 9/22/2020)


Dasineura folliculi (Gall Midge) on Goldenrod (Solidago sp.)
Dasineura folliculi (Gall Midge) on Goldenrod (Solidago sp.)
Dasineura folliculi (Gall Midge) on Goldenrod (Solidago sp.)

Polystepha pilulae (Oak Leaf Gall Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cecidomyiidae


Common Names: Oak Leaf Gall Midge

Year Observed: 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

146842904 (Observed: 11/9/2018)

Resseliella liriodendri (Gall Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cecidomyiidae


Common Names: Gall Midge

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

On Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) leaves.

iNaturalist Observations:

53103641 (Observed: 7/14/2020)

59784527 (Observed: 9/15/2020)


Resseliella liriodendri (Gall Midge)
Resseliella liriodendri (Gall Midge)
Resseliella liriodendri (Gall Midge)
Resseliella liriodendri (Gall Midge): underside of leaf

Megacyllene robiniae (Locust Longhorn Borer Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cerambycidae


Common Names: Locust Longhorn Borer Beetle

Years Observed: 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

A native species who's larvae are a serious pest of Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). Adults can be found on Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) in the late Summer and early Fall.

iNaturalist Observations:

135812326 (Observed: 9/20/2022)

58523328 (Observed: 9/4/2020)


Megacyllene robiniae (Locust Longhorn Borer Beetle)
Megacyllene robiniae (Locust Longhorn Borer Beetle)
Megacyllene robiniae (Locust Longhorn Borer Beetle)

Neandra brunnea (Pole Borer)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cerambycidae


Common Names: Pole Borer

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

56455761 (Observed: 8/14/2020)


Neandra brunnea (Pole Borer)
Neandra brunnea (Pole Borer): close-up of mandibles
Neandra brunnea (Pole Borer)

Prionus laticollis (Broad-necked Root Borer)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cerambycidae


Common Names: Broad-necked Root Borer

Years Observed: 2021; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Noah Long

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

172391316 (Observed: 7/11/2023)

87059233 (Observed: 7/14/2021)


Prionus laticollis (Broad-necked Root Borer)
Prionus laticollis (Broad-necked Root Borer)
Prionus laticollis (Broad-necked Root Borer)

Strangalia luteicornis (Yellow-horned Flower Longhorn Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cerambycidae


Common Names: Yellow-horned Flower Longhorn Beetle

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

To date, only a single individual noted.

iNaturalist Observations:

52517156 (Observed: 7/9/2020)


Strangalia luteicornis (Yellow-horned Flower Longhorn Beetle)
Strangalia luteicornis (Yellow-horned Flower Longhorn Beetle)

Tetraopes tetrophthalmus (Red Milkweed Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cerambycidae


Common Names: Red Milkweed Beetle

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Noah Long; Kathryn Krueger

Quite common in meadows and wetland edges in the GNA.

iNaturalist Observations:

173774896 (Observed: 7/18/2023)

171563797 (Observed: 7/7/2023)

137559977 (Observed: 6/27/2022)

123247709 (Observed: 6/24/2022)

86232664 (Observed: 7/5/2021)

84900232 (Observed: 6/25/2021)

51621059 (Observed: 7/1/2020)

52516511 (Observed: 7/9/2020)


Tetraopes tetrophthalmus (Red Milkweed Beetle)
Tetraopes tetrophthalmus (Red Milkweed Beetle)
Tetraopes tetrophthalmus (Red Milkweed Beetle)
Tetraopes tetrophthalmus (Red Milkweed Beetle)

Typocerus velutinus (Banded Longhorn Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cerambycidae


Common Names: Banded Longhorn Beetle

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

To date, only a single individual noted. On Tall Meadow Rue (Thalictrum pubsescens).

iNaturalist Observations:

53785892 (Observed: 7/20/2020)


Typocerus velutinus (Banded Longhorn Beetle)
Typocerus velutinus (Banded Longhorn Beetle)
Typocerus velutinus (Banded Longhorn Beetle)
Typocerus velutinus (Banded Longhorn Beetle)

Ceratopogonidae Indet. #1 (Biting Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ceratopogonidae


Common Names: Biting Midge

Years Observed: 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

To date, a single individual noted. Was seen on Fan Shaped Jelly Fungus (Dacryopinax spathularia).

iNaturalist Observations:

57592965 (Observed: 8/17/2020)


Ceratopogonidae (Biting Midge): On Fan-shaped Jelly (Dacryopinax spathularia)

Probezzia Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ceratopogonidae


Year Observed: 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Cotinus nitida (June Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cetoniinae


Common Names: June Beetle

Years Observed: 2019; 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

Also Noted By: Maeve Dowd

iNaturalist Observations:

87133141 (Observed: 7/15/2021)


Cotinus nitida (June Beetle)
Cotinus nitida (June Beetle)
Cotinus nitida (June Beetle)

Brillia Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Cardiocladius obscurus (Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: Midge

Years Observed: 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Chaetocladius Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Chironomidae Indet. #1 (Non-biting Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: Non-biting Midge

Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Chironomidae Indet. #2 (Non-biting Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: Non-biting Midge

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

39930822 (Observed: 11/1/2019)


Chironomidae (Non-biting Midge)

Cladotanytarsus Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Corynoneura Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Cricotopus annulator Complex

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2018; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Cricotopus bicinctus Group

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2018; 2019; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Cricotopus Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Cricotopus tremulus

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Cricotopus triannulatus

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2018; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Cricotopus trifascia Group

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center


Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Diamesa Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Diamesinae Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Diplocladius Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Year Observed: 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Eukiefferiella claripennis Group

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2018; 2019; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Eukiefferiella coerulescens Group

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Year Observed: 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Eukiefferiella devonica Group

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Eukiefferiella Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Hydrobaenus Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Krenosmittia Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Micropsectra Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Micropsectra Indet. #2

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Micropsectra polita (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Microtendipes pedellus Group (Small Red Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: Small Red Midge

Years Observed: 2018; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Nilotanypus fimbriatus (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Nilotanypus Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Orthocladiinae Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Orthocladius carlatus

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2018; 2019; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Orthocladius clarkei

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Orthocladius dentifer

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Orthocladius dorenus

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Orthocladius Indet 2 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Orthocladius Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Orthocladius nigritus

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Orthocladius obumbratus

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2019; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Orthocladius rivicola (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2019; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Orthocladius rivulorum

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Year Observed: 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Orthocladius robacki

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2018; 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Paracladopelma Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Paracricotopus Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2018; 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Parametriocnemus Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Paratanytarsus Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Polypedilum aviceps (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Polypedilum convictum Group (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Polypedilum illinoense Group (Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: Midge

Years Observed: 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Polypedilum scalaenum Group (Midge)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: Midge

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Rheotanytarsus exiguus Group (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Rheotanytarsus Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Saetheria Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Sublettea Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Sympotthastia Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Synorthocladius Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Tanytarsus glabrescens Group (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Tanytarsus guerlus Group

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Tanytarsus Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Tanytarsus Indet. #2

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Thienemanniella aff. xena (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Thienemanniella Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2019; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Thienemanniella Indet. #2

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Thienemanniella lobapodema

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Thienemanniella taurocapita (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Thienemannimyia Group

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Tvetenia Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Tvetenia paucunca (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Tvetenia vitracies

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chironomidae


Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Chloroperlidae Indet. #1 (Green Stoneflies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chloroperlidae


Common Names: Green Stoneflies

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Haploperla brevis (Least Sallfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chloroperlidae


Common Names: Least Sallfly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Thaumatomyia Indet. #1 (Grass Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chloropidae


Common Names: Grass Fly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

60454185 (Observed: 9/22/2020)


Thaumatomyia (Grass Fly) visiting a fresh wound
Thaumatomyia (Grass Fly) visiting a fresh wound
Thaumatomyia (Grass Fly) visiting a fresh wound

Altica cf. chalybea (Grape Flea Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chrysomelidae


Common Names: Grape Flea Beetle

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: borisb (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

53081102 (Observed: 7/14/2020)


Altica (Metallic Flea Beetle)
Altica (Metallic Flea Beetle)
Altica (Metallic Flea Beetle)

Chrysochus auratus (Dogbane Leaf Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chrysomelidae


Common Names: Dogbane Leaf Beetle

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Noah Long; Madison Rettenmaier; Miranda Davies; Kathryn Krueger

Seemingly, quite common at the Gordon (at least, based on observations from the Summer of 2020).

iNaturalist Observations:

88173767 (Observed: 7/22/2021)

85265410 (Observed: 7/1/2021)

84358639 (Observed: 6/24/2021)

52499764 (Observed: 7/9/2020)


Chrysochus auratus (Dogbane Leaf Beetle): on New York Ironweed
Chrysochus auratus (Dogbane Leaf Beetle)
Chrysochus auratus (Dogbane Leaf Beetle)
Chrysochus auratus (Dogbane Leaf Beetle)
Chrysochus auratus (Dogbane Leaf Beetle)

Diabrotica undecimpunctata (Spotted Cucumber Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chrysomelidae


Common Names: Spotted Cucumber Beetle

Years Observed: 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

137854866 (Observed: 10/6/2022)

122939668 (Observed: 6/21/2022)

62063045 (Observed: 10/8/2020)


Diabrotica undecimpunctata (Spotted Cucumber Beetle)
Diabrotica undecimpunctata (Spotted Cucumber Beetle)
Diabrotica undecimpunctata (Spotted Cucumber Beetle)

Labidomera clivicollis (Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chrysomelidae


Common Names: Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Alex Desjardines

iNaturalist Observations:

135155916 (Observed: 9/15/2022)


Labidomera clivicollis (Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle)
Labidomera clivicollis (Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle)

Leptinotarsa juncta (False Potato Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chrysomelidae


Common Names: False Potato Beetle

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

Also Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

171541208 (Observed: 7/3/2023)

169826320 (Observed: 6/21/2023)


Leptinotarsa juncta (False Potato Beetle)
Leptinotarsa juncta (False Potato Beetle)
Leptinotarsa juncta (False Potato Beetle)
Leptinotarsa juncta (False Potato Beetle)

Ceraeochrysa lineaticornis (Stripe-horned Green Lacewing)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chrysopidae


Common Names: Stripe-horned Green Lacewing

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

135263958 (Observed: 9/16/2022)


Ceraeochrysa lineaticornis (Stripe-horned Green Lacewing)
Ceraeochrysa lineaticornis (Stripe-horned Green Lacewing)

Leucochrysa pavida (Lichen-carrying Green Lacewing)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Chrysopidae


Common Names: Lichen-carrying Green Lacewing

Years Observed: 2013; 2019

Identified By: J. Hoskins (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: W. Ricci

Also Noted By: Ariana Rivellini

Likely fairly common at the GNA, but easily missed.

iNaturalist Observations:

41049668 (Observed: 10/25/2019)


Chrysopidae (Lacewing)
Chrysopidae (Lacewing)
Chrysopidae (Lacewing)
Chrysopidae (Lacewing)

Agallia quadripunctata (Four-spotted Clover Leafhopper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cicadellidae


Common Names: Four-spotted Clover Leafhopper

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

177185068 (Observed: 8/3/2023)

Draeculacephala robinsoni (Sharp-headed Sharpshooter)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cicadellidae


Common Names: Sharp-headed Sharpshooter

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

177199328 (Observed: 8/3/2023)

Graphocephala versuta (Versute Sharpshooter)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cicadellidae


Common Names: Versute Sharpshooter

Years Observed: 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: A. Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

136842401 (Observed: 9/28/2022)

91461404 (Observed: 8/16/2021)


Graphocephala versuta (Versute Sharpshooter)

Japananus hyalinus (Japanese Maple Leafhopper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cicadellidae


Common Names: Japanese Maple Leafhopper

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

174251012 (Observed: 7/21/2023)

Jikradia olitoria (Coppery Leafhopper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cicadellidae


Common Names: Coppery Leafhopper

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

90180211 (Observed: 8/6/2021)

61510571 (Observed: 10/2/2020)


Jikradia olitoria (Coppery Leafhopper)
Jikradia olitoria (Coppery Leafhopper)
Jikradia olitoria (Coppery Leafhopper)

Oncometopia orbona (Broad-headed Sharpshooter)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cicadellidae


Common Names: Broad-headed Sharpshooter

Years Observed: 2022; 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

Also Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

130404097 (Observed: 8/11/2022)


Oncometopia orbona (Broad-headed Sharpshooter)
Oncometopia orbona (Broad-headed Sharpshooter)
Oncometopia orbona (Broad-headed Sharpshooter)

Neotibicen Indet. #1 (Translucent Cicada)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cicadidae


Common Names: Translucent Cicada

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

42806184 (Observed: 7/23/2019)


Neotibicen (Translucent Cicada)
Neotibicen (Translucent Cicada)
Neotibicen (Translucent Cicada)

Neotibicen tibicen Indet. #2 (Swamp Cicada)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cicadidae


Common Names: Swamp Cicada

Years Observed: 2019; 2021

Identified By: W. Chatfield-Taylor (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

69144539 (Observed: 2/6/2021)


Neotibicen (Translucent Cicada). Note: the white 'powder' on the underside is a pathogenic fungus (Cordycipitaceae Indet.).
Neotibicen (Translucent Cicada). Note: the white 'powder' on the underside is a pathogenic fungus (Cordycipitaceae Indet.).

Ceroplastes Indet. #1 (Wax Scale)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Coccidae


Common Names: Wax Scale

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

58541559 (Observed: 9/4/2020)


Ceroplastes (Wax Scale)

Pulvinaria Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Coccidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: B. Normark

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

81375547 (Observed: 6/2/2021)

Coccinella septempunctata (Seven-spot Lady Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Coccinellidae


Common Names: Seven-spot Lady Bug

Years Observed: 2017; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

122055615 (Observed: 6/14/2022)


Coccinella septempunctata (Seven-spot Lady Bug)
Coccinella septempunctata (Seven-spot Lady Bug)

Harmonia axyridis (Asian Lady Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Coccinellidae


Common Names: Asian Lady Beetle

Years Observed: 2019; 2021; 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

167699406 (Observed: 6/15/2023)

167244678 (Observed: 6/13/2023)

100875248 (Observed: 11/11/2021)

84998386 (Observed: 6/17/2021)

30393222 (Observed: 8/7/2019)


Harmonia axyridis (Asian Lady Beetle)
Harmonia axyridis (Asian Lady Beetle)

Argia fumipennis (Variable Dancer)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Coenagrionidae


Common Names: Variable Dancer

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

174745988 (Observed: 7/24/2023)

Coleophora Indet. #1 (Casebearers)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Coleophoridae


Common Names: Casebearers

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: Paul Dennehy (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter


Crambidae (Moth)
Crambidae (Moth)
Crambidae (Moth)

Physocephala floridana (Thick-headed Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Conopidae


Common Names: Thick-headed Fly

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Z. Dankowicz (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

81681960 (Observed: 6/4/2021)


Physocephala floridana (Thick-headed Fly)
Physocephala floridana (Thick-headed Fly)

Physocephala tibialis (Common Eastern Physocephala)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Conopidae


Common Names: Common Eastern Physocephala

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

132575590 (Observed: 8/26/2022)


Physocephala tibialis (Common Eastern Physocephala)
Physocephala tibialis (Common Eastern Physocephala)
Physocephala tibialis (Common Eastern Physocephala)

Somatochlora linearis (Mocha Emerald)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Corduliidae


Common Names: Mocha Emerald

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Alex Desjardines

iNaturalist Observations:

132984578 (Observed: 8/30/2022)


Somatochlora linearis (Mocha Emerald)
Somatochlora linearis (Mocha Emerald)
Somatochlora linearis (Mocha Emerald)
Somatochlora linearis (Mocha Emerald)

Acanthocephala terminalis (Leaf-footed Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Coreidae


Common Names: Leaf-footed Bug

Years Observed: 2019; 2021; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Paige Vermeulen; Noah Long; Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

170300753 (Observed: 6/30/2023)

94312383 (Observed: 4/4/2019)

90564560 (Observed: 7/14/2021)


Acanthocephala terminalis (Leaf-footed Bug)
Acanthocephala terminalis (Leaf-footed Bug)
Acanthocephala terminalis (Leaf-footed Bug)

Anasa armigera (Horned Squash Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Coreidae


Common Names: Horned Squash Bug

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

132854829 (Observed: 8/29/2022)


Anasa armigera (Horned Squash Bug)
Anasa armigera (Horned Squash Bug)

Leptoglossus oppositus (Leaf-Footed Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Coreidae


Common Names: Leaf-Footed Bug

Years Observed: 2018; 2020; 2021

Identified By: E. Williams (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

iNaturalist Observations:

100065186 (Observed: 11/1/2021)

57536142 (Observed: 8/21/2018)

62489404 (Observed: 10/2/2020)


Leptoglossus oppositus (Leaf-Footed Bug)
Leptoglossus oppositus (Leaf-Footed Bug)

Bicyrtes quadrifasciatus (Four-banded Stink Bug Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Crabronidae


Common Names: Four-banded Stink Bug Wasp

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: T. Frey (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

88182431 (Observed: 7/22/2021)


Bicyrtes quadrifasciatus (Four-banded Stink Bug Wasp) visiting Virginia Mountainmint (Pycnanthemum virginianum)
Bicyrtes quadrifasciatus (Four-banded Stink Bug Wasp) visiting Virginia Mountainmint (Pycnanthemum virginianum)
Bicyrtes quadrifasciatus (Four-banded Stink Bug Wasp) visiting Virginia Mountainmint (Pycnanthemum virginianum)
Bicyrtes quadrifasciatus (Four-banded Stink Bug Wasp) visiting Virginia Mountainmint (Pycnanthemum virginianum)

Cerceris Indet. #1 (Weevil Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Crabronidae


Common Names: Weevil Wasp

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: J. Cepeda (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

58261664 (Observed: 9/1/2020)


Crabronidae (Crabronid Wasp)
Crabronidae (Crabronid Wasp)
Crabronidae (Crabronid Wasp)

Crabronina Indet. #1 (Square-headed Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Crabronidae


Common Names: Square-headed Wasp

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: J. Ascher (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

59238689 (Observed: 9/11/2020)


Crabronina (Square-headed Wasp)
Crabronina (Square-headed Wasp)

Sphecius speciosus (Eastern Cicada-killer Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Crabronidae


Common Names: Eastern Cicada-killer Wasp

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Maeve Dowd

Sphecius speciosus prey upon a number of genera including annual cicadas (Neotibeicen) and scrub cicadas (Diceroprocta), which is seen as a benefit because these cicadas are known to harm nursery plants and crops. They also have an advantageous defense mechanism when carrying prey back to their nest where they elude predators that might be flying above them by stopping mid-flight, waiting for predators to begin following a different wasp. This is called "freeze-stop flights" (Holm, 2021).

iNaturalist Observations:

91777695 (Observed: 8/19/2021)


Sphecius speciosus (Eastern Cicada-killer Wasp)
Sphecius speciosus (Eastern Cicada-killer Wasp)
Sphecius speciosus (Eastern Cicada-killer Wasp)
Sphecius speciosus (Eastern Cicada-killer Wasp)

Agriphila vulgivagellus (Vagabond Sod Webworm Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Crambidae


Common Names: Vagabond Sod Webworm Moth

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: Paul Dennehy (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

59256541 (Observed: 9/11/2020)

60655038 (Observed: 9/24/2020)


Agriphila (Sod Webworm Moth)
Agriphila (Sod Webworm Moth)
Agriphila (Sod Webworm Moth)

Diaphania nitidalis (Pickleworm Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Crambidae


Common Names: Pickleworm Moth

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Alex Desjardines

iNaturalist Observations:

136938715 (Observed: 9/27/2022)


Diaphania nitidalis (Pickleworm Moth)

Herpetogramma thestealis (Zigzag Herpetogramma Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Crambidae


Common Names: Zigzag Herpetogramma Moth

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

179735593 (Observed: 8/22/2023)

Microcrambus elegans (Elegant Grass-Veneer)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Crambidae


Common Names: Elegant Grass-Veneer

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: Paul Dennehy (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

58262224 (Observed: 9/1/2020)


Microcrambus (Grass Veneer): on the underside of a Japanese Hop leaf
Microcrambus (Grass Veneer): on the underside of a Japanese Hop leaf

Nomophila nearctica (Lucerne Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Crambidae


Common Names: Lucerne Moth

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

59258058 (Observed: 9/11/2020)


Nomophila nearctica (Lucerne Moth)
Nomophila nearctica (Lucerne Moth)

Pantographa limata (Basswood Leafroller Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Crambidae


Common Names: Basswood Leafroller Moth

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

83625901 (Observed: 6/18/2021)


Pantographa limata (Basswood Leafroller Moth)
Pantographa limata (Basswood Leafroller Moth)
Pantographa limata (Basswood Leafroller Moth)

Parapediasia teterrellus (Bluegrass Webworm Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Crambidae


Common Names: Bluegrass Webworm Moth

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Paul Dennehy (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

86910529 (Observed: 7/13/2021)


Parapediasia (Crambid Snout Moth)

Cryptophagus Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cryptophagidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

126199290 (Observed: 5/22/2019)


Cryptophagus (No Common Name)

Cucujus clavipes (Red Flat Bark Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cucujidae


Common Names: Red Flat Bark Beetle

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: K. Schulz (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

To date, only the larvae have been noted.

iNaturalist Observations:

60196633 (Observed: 9/19/2020)


Cucujus clavipes (Red Flat Bark Beetle)
Cucujus clavipes (Red Flat Bark Beetle)
Cucujus clavipes (Red Flat Bark Beetle)

Aedes hendersoni (Mosquito)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Culicidae


Common Names: Mosquito

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: L. Wolff (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

61906406 (Observed: 10/6/2020)


Aedes hendersoni (Mosquito)
Aedes hendersoni (Mosquito)
Aedes hendersoni (Mosquito)
Aedes hendersoni (Mosquito)

Aedes japonicus (Asian Bush Mosquito)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Culicidae


Common Names: Asian Bush Mosquito

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter


Aedes japonicus (Asian Bush Mosquito)
Aedes japonicus (Asian Bush Mosquito)
Aedes japonicus (Asian Bush Mosquito)
Aedes japonicus (Asian Bush Mosquito)

Aedes trivittatus (Plains Floodwater Mosquito)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Culicidae


Common Names: Plains Floodwater Mosquito

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: odhentomologist (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

94854892 (Observed: 9/14/2021)


Aedes trivittatus (Plains Floodwater Mosquito): having a snack
Aedes trivittatus (Plains Floodwater Mosquito): having a snack

Aedes vexans (Inland Floodwater Mosquito)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Culicidae


Common Names: Inland Floodwater Mosquito

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

61420821 (Observed: 10/1/2020)


Aedes vexans (Inland Floodwater Mosquito)
Aedes vexans (Inland Floodwater Mosquito)
Aedes vexans (Inland Floodwater Mosquito)
Aedes vexans (Inland Floodwater Mosquito)
Aedes vexans (Inland Floodwater Mosquito)

Psorophora ferox (White-footed Woods Mosquito)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Culicidae


Common Names: White-footed Woods Mosquito

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

56964138 (Observed: 8/19/2020)


Psorophora ferox (White-footed Woods Mosquito)
Psorophora ferox (White-footed Woods Mosquito)
Psorophora ferox (White-footed Woods Mosquito)
Psorophora ferox (White-footed Woods Mosquito)
Psorophora ferox (White-footed Woods Mosquito)

Larinus Indet. #1 (Thistle Weevil)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Curculionidae


Common Names: Thistle Weevil

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

52501343 (Observed: 7/9/2020)


Larinus (Thistle Weevil)
Larinus (Thistle Weevil)
Larinus (Thistle Weevil)

Odontocorynus (Weevil)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Curculionidae


Common Names: Weevil

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

131494333 (Observed: 8/19/2022)


Odontocorynus (Weevil)

Rhinoncomimus latipes (Mile-a-minute Weevil)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Curculionidae


Common Names: Mile-a-minute Weevil

Years Observed: 2009; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Maeve Dowd

Four-hundred Mile-a-minute Weevils (Rhinoncomimus latipes) were released in the GNA in August 2009. Releases were at the western end of the PECO right-of-way and at the western end of the meadow.

iNaturalist Observations:

90814090 (Observed: 8/4/2021)

88858977 (Observed: 7/27/2021)

57673719 (Observed: 8/26/2020)

59002461 (Observed: 9/8/2020)


Rhinoncomimus latipes (Mile-a-minute Weevil) damage on Mile-a-minute Vine (Polygonum perfoliatum)
Rhinoncomimus latipes (Mile-a-minute Weevil)
Rhinoncomimus latipes (Mile-a-minute Weevil)
Rhinoncomimus latipes (Mile-a-minute Weevil): dead weevil on Mile-a-minute leaf
Rhinoncomimus latipes (Mile-a-minute Weevil): weevils mating
Rhinoncomimus latipes (Mile-a-minute Weevil)
Rhinoncomimus latipes (Mile-a-minute Weevil)
Rhinoncomimus latipes (Mile-a-minute Weevil): weevils mating
Rhinoncomimus latipes (Mile-a-minute Weevil)

Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus (Ironweed Curculio)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Curculionidae


Common Names: Ironweed Curculio

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

82186223 (Observed: 6/8/2021)


Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus (Ironweed Curculio)
Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus (Ironweed Curculio)
Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus (Ironweed Curculio)
Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus (Ironweed Curculio)

Amphibolips cookii (Oak Apple Gall Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cynipidae


Common Names: Oak Apple Gall Wasp

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: megachile (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

92397788 (Observed: 8/24/2021)


Amphibolips cookii (Oak Apple Gall Wasp)

Amphibolips quercusjuglans (Oak Acorn Plum Gall Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cynipidae


Common Names: Oak Acorn Plum Gall Wasp

Years Observed: 2011; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Jessica Schedlbauer; Paige Vermeulen; Maribeth Beatty; Ariana Rivellini; Noah Long; Greg Turner; Nur Ritter; Jessica Greulich

iNaturalist Observations:

50619942 (Observed: 8/3/2018)


Amphibolips quercusjuglans (Oak Acorn Plum Gall Wasp)
Amphibolips quercusjuglans (Oak Acorn Plum Gall Wasp)
Amphibolips quercusjuglans (Oak Acorn Plum Gall Wasp)
Amphibolips quercusjuglans (Oak Acorn Plum Gall Wasp)

Callirhytis quercusoperator (Woolly Catkin Gall Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cynipidae


Common Names: Woolly Catkin Gall Wasp

Years Observed: 2023; 2024

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

203906029 (Observed: 3/25/2024)

159483083 (Observed: 5/2/2023)

Disholcaspis quercusmamma (Oak Rough Bulletgall Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Cynipidae


Common Names: Oak Rough Bulletgall Wasp

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

163847424 (Observed: 5/26/2023)

Diaspididae Indet. #1 (Armored Scale Insects)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Diaspididae


Common Names: Armored Scale Insects

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

33718161 (Observed: 9/28/2019)


Diaspididae (Armored Scale Insects)
Diaspididae (Armored Scale Insects)
Diaspididae (Armored Scale Insects)
Diaspididae (Armored Scale Insects)
Diaspididae (Armored Scale Insects)

Neodiprion lecontei (Redheaded Pine Sawfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Diprionidae


Common Names: Redheaded Pine Sawfly

Year Observed: 2012

Identified and First Noted By: Gerry Hertel


Neodiprion lecontei (Redheaded Pine Sawfly)

Condylostylus caudatus Complex

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Dolichopodidae


Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: B. Keim (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

59739195 (Observed: 9/15/2020)

Condylostylus comatus Complex (Long-legged Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Dolichopodidae


Common Names: Long-legged Fly

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified By: Z. Dankowicz (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

90193869 (Observed: 8/6/2021)

83062062 (Observed: 6/14/2021)

57673992 (Observed: 8/26/2020)

55817741 (Observed: 8/8/2020)

Condylostylus patibulatus (Long-legged Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Dolichopodidae


Common Names: Long-legged Fly

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: B. Keim (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

90815196 (Observed: 8/6/2021)

Condylostylus sipho Complex (Long-legged Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Dolichopodidae


Common Names: Long-legged Fly

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: B. Keim (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

121912153 (Observed: 6/15/2022)

Drosophilidae Indet. #1 (Vinegar/Fruit Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Drosophilidae


Common Names: Vinegar/Fruit Fly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: carnifex (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

61140052 (Observed: 9/28/2020)


Drosophilidae (Vinegar/Fruit Fly)
Drosophilidae (Vinegar/Fruit Fly)
Drosophilidae (Vinegar/Fruit Fly)

Drosophilinae Indet. #1 (Vinegar and Fruit Flies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Drosophilidae


Common Names: Vinegar and Fruit Flies

Year Observed: 2018

Identified By: carnifex (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Noted on Bonnet Mold (Spinellus fusiger).

iNaturalist Observations:

41358591 (Observed: 10/10/2018)


Drosophila melanogaster (Common Fruit Fly): on Bonnet Mold (Spinellus fusiger)

Parcoblatta americana (Western Wood Cockroach)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ectobiidae


Common Names: Western Wood Cockroach

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

68608317 (Observed: 1/25/2021)


Parcoblatta americana (Western Wood Cockroach)
Parcoblatta americana (Western Wood Cockroach)
Parcoblatta americana (Western Wood Cockroach)
Parcoblatta americana (Western Wood Cockroach)

Parcoblatta pennsylvanica (Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ectobiidae


Common Names: Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

97455228 (Observed: 10/7/2021)

72773558 (Observed: 4/2/2021)

71566381 (Observed: 3/19/2021)


Parcoblatta pennsylvanica (Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach)
Parcoblatta pennsylvanica (Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach)
Parcoblatta pennsylvanica (Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach)

Parcoblatta virginica (Virginia Wood Cockroach)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ectobiidae


Common Names: Virginia Wood Cockroach

Year Observed: 2019

Identified By: hisserdude (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Ariana Rivellini

iNaturalist Observations:

30393235 (Observed: 8/7/2019)


Parcoblatta virginica (Virginia Wood Cockroach)
Parcoblatta virginica (Virginia Wood Cockroach)

Plectoptera Indet. #1 (Stonefly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ectobiidae


Common Names: Stonefly

Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Sylvanelater cylindriformis (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Elateridae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

156077656 (Observed: 4/22/2023)

Elmidae Indet. #1 (Riffle Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Elmidae


Common Names: Riffle Beetle

Year Observed: 2013

Identified By: Original Website

First Noted By: Not Known

From the Original GNA Website. Nothing else known about this observation.


Elmidae (Riffle Beetle)

Elmidae Indet. #2

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Elmidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Optioservus immunis (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Elmidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Optioservus Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Elmidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Optioservus ovalis (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Elmidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Oulimnius latiusculus (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Elmidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Stenelmis crenata (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Elmidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Stenelmis Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Elmidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Chelifera Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Empididae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Clinocera Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Empididae


Years Observed: 2007; 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Also Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center - 2017

Empididae Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Empididae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Empis spectabilis (Dance Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Empididae


Common Names: Dance Fly

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

74196061 (Observed: 4/16/2021)


Empis spectabilis (Dance Fly) on an American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) bud
Empis spectabilis (Dance Fly) on an American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) bud
Empis spectabilis (Dance Fly) on an American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) bud

Aphorista vittata (Handsome Fungus Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Endomychidae


Common Names: Handsome Fungus Beetle

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Ariana Rivellini

Appear to be fairly common at the Gordon.

iNaturalist Observations:

41233622 (Observed: 4/1/2020)


Aphorista vittata (Handsome Fungus Beetle)
Aphorista vittata (Handsome Fungus Beetle)

Endomychidae Indet. #1 (Lady Beetle Family)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Endomychidae


Common Names: Lady Beetle Family

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: CPU (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

106927510 (Observed: 2/17/2022)


Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ephemerellidae


Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Apantesis Indet. #1 (Tiger Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Tiger Moth

Year Observed: 2012

Identified By: Noah Long

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

iNaturalist Observations:

112144217 (Observed: 9/2/2012)


Apantesis (Tiger Moth)
Apantesis (Tiger Moth)
Apantesis (Tiger Moth)

Apantesis Indet. #2 (Tiger Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Tiger Moth

Year Observed: 2012

Identified By: Noah Long

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

iNaturalist Observations:

112145348 (Observed: 8/18/2012)


Apantesis (Tiger Moth)

Apantesis virgo (Virgin Tiger Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Virgin Tiger Moth

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: David Kramer

iNaturalist Observations:

174975811 (Observed: 7/27/2023)

Caenurgia chloropha (Vetch Looper Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Vetch Looper Moth

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

85264385 (Observed: 7/1/2021)


Caenurgia chloropha (Vetch Looper Moth)

Cycnia tenera (Delicate Cycnia Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Delicate Cycnia Moth

Year Observed: 2019

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Ariana Rivellini

Also Noted By: Maribeth Beatty

iNaturalist Observations:

32228658 (Observed: 9/6/2019)


Cycnia tenera (Delicate Cycnia Moth)
Cycnia tenera (Delicate Cycnia Moth)
Cycnia tenera (Delicate Cycnia Moth)

Euchaetes egle (Milkweed Tussock Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Milkweed Tussock Moth

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

30441012 (Observed: 8/2/2019)


Euchaetes egle (Milkweed Tussock Moth)
Euchaetes egle (Milkweed Tussock Moth)
Euchaetes egle (Milkweed Tussock Moth)

Halysidota harrisii (Sycamore Tussock Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Sycamore Tussock Moth

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

179143518 (Observed: 8/18/2023)

Halysidota tessellaris (Banded Tussock Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Banded Tussock Moth

Years Observed: 2019; 2020; 2021; 2023

Identified By: Daniel Saunders (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Daniel Saunders

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

94202570 (Observed: 9/8/2021)

168529736 (Observed: 6/20/2023)

32428069 (Observed: 9/9/2019)

96002176 (Observed: 9/24/2021)

56431131 (Observed: 8/14/2020)


Halysidota tessellaris (Banded Tussock Moth) - photo by D. Saunders
Halysidota tessellaris (Banded Tussock Moth)
Halysidota tessellaris (Banded Tussock Moth): close-up of proximal end
Halysidota tessellaris (Banded Tussock Moth)
Halysidota tessellaris (Banded Tussock Moth)

Haploa clymene (Clymene Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Clymene Moth

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

130129766 (Observed: 7/28/2022)


Haploa clymene (Clymene Moth)
Haploa clymene (Clymene Moth)

Haploa Indet. #1 (Haploa Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Haploa Moth; Tiger Moth

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: R. Resuta

iNaturalist Observations:

63425166 (Observed: 10/24/2020)


Haploa (Haploa Moth) larvae
Haploa (Haploa Moth) larvae
Haploa (Haploa Moth) larvae
Haploa (Haploa Moth) larvae

Hypena scabra (Green Cloverworm Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Green Cloverworm Moth

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

104482537 (Observed: 1/6/2022)


Hypena scabra (Green Cloverworm Moth)
Hypena scabra (Green Cloverworm Moth)
Hypena scabra (Green Cloverworm Moth)

Hypeninae Indet. #1 (Hypenine Snout Moths)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Hypenine Snout Moths

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

58531236 (Observed: 9/4/2020)


Hypeninae (Hypenine Snout Moths)

Hypercompe scribonia (Giant Leopard Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Giant Leopard Moth

Years Observed: 2021; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Miranda Davies; Jonathan Blithe; Jess Greulich


iNaturalist Observations:

176298441 (Observed: 8/1/2023)

163689372 (Observed: 5/25/2023)

145768621 (Observed: 1/3/2023)

79570014 (Observed: 5/20/2021)


Dead Hypercompe scribonia (Giant Leopard Moth) on Stadium Road
Dead Hypercompe scribonia (Giant Leopard Moth) on Stadium Road
Dead Hypercompe scribonia (Giant Leopard Moth) on Stadium Road
Dead Hypercompe scribonia (Giant Leopard Moth) on Stadium Road: underside
Dead Hypercompe scribonia (Giant Leopard Moth) on Stadium Road: underside
Dead Hypercompe scribonia (Giant Leopard Moth) on Stadium Road: underside

Hyphantria cunea (Fall Webworm)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Fall Webworm

Years Observed: 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Jared Kline


Hyphantria cunea (Fall Webworm)

Panopoda Indet. #1 (Panopoda Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Panopoda Moth

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: k8thegr8 (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

56451802 (Observed: 8/14/2020)


Panopoda (Moth)
Panopoda (Moth)
Panopoda (Moth)
Panopoda (Moth)
Panopoda (Moth)
Panopoda (Moth)

Phalaenophana pyramusalis (Dark-banded Owlet)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Dark-banded Owlet

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

118685300 (Observed: 5/24/2022)


Phalaenophana pyramusalis (Dark-banded Owlet)
Phalaenophana pyramusalis (Dark-banded Owlet)
Phalaenophana pyramusalis (Dark-banded Owlet)

Pyrrharctia isabella (Isabella Tiger Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Isabella Tiger Moth; Wooly Bear Caterpillar

Years Observed: 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Maribeth Beatty

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

136077264 (Observed: 9/22/2022)

100793102 (Observed: 11/10/2021)

30393214 (Observed: 5/30/2019)

39123577 (Observed: 2/23/2020)

64129139 (Observed: 11/3/2020)


Pyrrharctia isabella (Isabella Tiger Moth): adult
Pyrrharctia isabella (Isabella Tiger Moth): caterpillar
Pyrrharctia isabella (Isabella Tiger Moth): caterpillar
Pyrrharctia isabella (Isabella Tiger Moth): caterpillar

Renia adspergillus (Speckled Renia Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Speckled Renia Moth

Years Observed: 2021; 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Noah Long

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

118684545 (Observed: 5/24/2022)

84893981 (Observed: 6/28/2021)

81847577 (Observed: 6/4/2021)


Renia adspergillus (Speckled Renia Moth)
Renia adspergillus (Speckled Renia Moth)
Renia adspergillus (Speckled Renia Moth)

Renia Indet. #1 (Litter Moths)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Litter Moths

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

51615719 (Observed: 7/1/2020)


Renia (Litter Moths)
Renia (Litter Moths)
Renia (Litter Moths)

Spilosoma virginica (Virginia Tiger Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Virginia Tiger Moth

Year Observed: 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

108237749 (Observed: 7/30/2018)


Spilosoma virginica (Virginia Tiger Moth)
Spilosoma virginica (Virginia Tiger Moth)

Zale lunata (Lunate Zale Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Lunate Zale Moth

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Rowan Nygard (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Rowan Nygard

iNaturalist Observations:

123995350 (Observed: 6/29/2022)


Zale lunata (Lunate Zale Moth) - photo by R. Nygard
Zale lunata (Lunate Zale Moth) - photo by R. Nygard
Zale lunata (Lunate Zale Moth) - photo by R. Nygard
Zale lunata (Lunate Zale Moth) - photo by R. Nygard

Zanclognatha pedipilalis (Grayish Fan-Foot)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erebidae


Common Names: Grayish Fan-Foot

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

165029832 (Observed: 5/31/2023)

Megalodacne Indet. #1 (Pleasing Fungus Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erotylidae


Common Names: Pleasing Fungus Beetle

Years Observed: 2018; 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

39574188 (Observed: 10/10/2018)


Megalodacne (Pleasing Fungus Beetle)
Megalodacne (Pleasing Fungus Beetle)

Triplax Indet. #1 (Pleasing Fungus Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Erotylidae


Common Names: Pleasing Fungus Beetle

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

79191094 (Observed: 5/17/2021)


Triplax (Pleasing Fungus Beetle)
loading image
Triplax (Pleasing Fungus Beetle)
loading image

Flatini Indet. #1 (Flatid Planthopper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Flatidae


Common Names: Flatid Planthopper

Synonyms: .

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

86082995 (Observed: 7/7/2021)

61810625 (Observed: 7/9/2020)


Ormenoides venusta (Flatid Planthopper)
Ormenoides venusta (Flatid Planthopper)
Ormenoides venusta (Flatid Planthopper)

Flatormenis proxima (Northern Flatid Planthopper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Flatidae


Common Names: Northern Flatid Planthopper

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

71321049 (Observed: 9/15/2020)


Flatormenis proxima (Northern Flatid Planthopper)
Flatormenis proxima (Northern Flatid Planthopper)
Flatormenis proxima (Northern Flatid Planthopper)
Flatormenis proxima (Northern Flatid Planthopper)

Metcalfa pruinosa (Citrus Flatid Planthopper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Flatidae


Common Names: Citrus Flatid Planthopper

Years Observed: 2018; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Paige Vermeulen; Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

137895189 (Observed: 10/7/2022)

128031230 (Observed: 7/26/2022)

39459995 (Observed: 8/3/2018)

41447307 (Observed: 7/30/2018)

49867780 (Observed: 6/16/2020)

52527803 (Observed: 7/9/2020)


Metcalfa pruinosa (Citrus Flatid Planthopper)
Metcalfa pruinosa (Citrus Flatid Planthopper)
Metcalfa pruinosa (Citrus Flatid Planthopper) nymph on a branch

Aphaenogaster fulva (Tawny Collared Ant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: Tawny Collared Ant

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: oiledolives (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

75961388 (Observed: 4/30/2021)



Aphaenogaster tennesseensis (Tennessee Collared Ant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: Tennessee Collared Ant

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

186152448 (Observed: 9/29/2023)

Camponotus americanus (American Carpenter Ant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: American Carpenter Ant

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

80661667 (Observed: 5/28/2021)


Camponotus americanus (American Carpenter Ant)
Camponotus americanus (American Carpenter Ant)
Camponotus americanus (American Carpenter Ant)
Camponotus americanus (American Carpenter Ant)

Camponotus chromaiodes (Ferruginous Carpenter Ant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: Ferruginous Carpenter Ant

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified By: E. Collins-Sussman (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Jessica Greulich

To date, only one occurrence noted: Moving along fallen trees and seemingly nesting in the larger one: a White Ash (Fraxinus americana).

iNaturalist Observations:

163180341 (Observed: 5/22/2023)

162541117 (Observed: 5/18/2023)

142308656 (Observed: 11/18/2022)

75460494 (Observed: 4/27/2021)

72630591 (Observed: 3/31/2021)

47659590 (Observed: 5/28/2020)

64257787 (Observed: 11/5/2020)


Camponotus chromaiodes (Ferruginous Carpenter Ant)
Camponotus chromaiodes (Ferruginous Carpenter Ant)

Camponotus nearcticus (Nearctic Carpenter Ant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: Nearctic Carpenter Ant

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: E. Collins-Sussman (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

136933323 (Observed: 9/27/2022)


Camponotus nearcticus (Nearctic Carpenter Ant)
Camponotus nearcticus (Nearctic Carpenter Ant)
Camponotus nearcticus (Nearctic Carpenter Ant): on a recently-cut section of a log
Camponotus nearcticus (Nearctic Carpenter Ant): moving a pupa

Camponotus pennsylvanicus (Eastern Black Carpenter Ant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: Eastern Black Carpenter Ant

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

A colony noted in a large, fallen American Beech (Fagus grandifolia).

iNaturalist Observations:

39619369 (Observed: 3/6/2020)


Camponotus pennsylvanicus (Eastern Black Carpenter Ant)
Camponotus pennsylvanicus (Eastern Black Carpenter Ant)
Camponotus pennsylvanicus (Eastern Black Carpenter Ant)
Camponotus pennsylvanicus (Eastern Black Carpenter Ant)

Formica fusca Complex (Fusca-group Field Ants)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: Fusca-group Field Ants

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: E. Collins-Sussman (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

73878285 (Observed: 4/13/2021)


(Out of focus) Formica fusca (Fusca-group Field Ants)

Lasius claviger (Smaller Yellow Ant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: Smaller Yellow Ant

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

101468265 (Observed: 11/18/2021)


Lasius claviger (Smaller Yellow Ant)

Lasius Indet. #1 (Citronella Ant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: Citronella Ant

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: E. Collins-Sussman (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

86158867 (Observed: 7/7/2021)

67720365 (Observed: 1/7/2021)


Lasius (Citronella Ant)

Myrmica Indet. #1 (Myrmicine Ant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: Myrmicine Ant

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: E. Collins-Sussman (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

83063030 (Observed: 6/14/2021)


Myrmica (Myrmicine Ant)
Myrmica (Myrmicine Ant)
Myrmica (Myrmicine Ant)
Myrmica (Myrmicine Ant)

Nylanderia flavipes (Yellow-footed Ant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: Yellow-footed Ant

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: E. Collins-Sussman (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

49761779 (Observed: 6/15/2020)


Nylanderia (Crazy Ant)
Nylanderia (Crazy Ant)
Nylanderia (Crazy Ant)
Nylanderia (Crazy Ant)

Prenolepis imparis (Small Honey Ant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: Small Honey Ant

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: E. Collins-Sussman (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Seemingly, one of the most common ants in the Gordon.

iNaturalist Observations:

50595952 (Observed: 6/22/2020)

61167475 (Observed: 9/28/2020)

61941448 (Observed: 10/6/2020)

64139091 (Observed: 11/3/2020)


Prenolepis (False Honey Ant)
Prenolepis (False Honey Ant)
Prenolepis (False Honey Ant)

Tapinoma Indet. #1 (Ant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: Ant

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

72631233 (Observed: 3/31/2021)


Tapinoma (Ant)
Tapinoma (Ant)
Tapinoma (Ant)

Temnothorax curvispinosus Indet 1 (Bent-spined Acorn Ant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Formicidae


Common Names: Bent-spined Acorn Ant

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Oliver Yung (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

72476255 (Observed: 3/30/2021)


Temnothorax (Acorn Ant)

Lycorma delicatula (Spotted Lanternfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Fulgoridae


Common Names: Spotted Lanternfly

Years Observed: 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Maribeth Beatty

Also Noted By: C. Catranis; J. Chandler; Nur Ritter; Paige Vermeulen; Ariana Rivellini; Noah Long; Maeve Dowd; Madison Rettenmaier; Kathryn Krueger; and many visitors to the Gordon

iNaturalist Observations:

118824574 (Observed: 5/24/2022)

104520536 (Observed: 1/6/2022)

83064811 (Observed: 6/14/2021)

69741502 (Observed: 5/20/2019)

41065127 (Observed: 7/10/2019)

42795111 (Observed: 8/7/2019)

49758946 (Observed: 6/15/2020)

50914416 (Observed: 6/25/2020)

52512895 (Observed: 7/9/2020)

52521765 (Observed: 7/9/2020)

56447256 (Observed: 8/14/2020)

69317745 (Observed: 2/9/2021)


Lycorma delicatula (Spotted Lanternfly): a large number massed at the base of a Tree of Heaven
Lycorma delicatula (Spotted Lanternfly)
Lycorma delicatula (Spotted Lanternfly)
Lycorma delicatula (Spotted Lanternfly): first instars
Lycorma delicatula (Spotted Lanternfly): first instars

Gelechiidae Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Gelechiidae


Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

96811117 (Observed: 10/1/2021)



Cabera erythemaria (Yellow-dusted Cream Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Geometridae


Common Names: Yellow-dusted Cream Moth

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

122982698 (Observed: 6/22/2022)


Cabera erythemaria (Yellow-dusted Cream Moth)
Cabera erythemaria (Yellow-dusted Cream Moth)
Cabera erythemaria (Yellow-dusted Cream Moth)

Digrammia ocellinata (Faint-spotted Angle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Geometridae


Common Names: Faint-spotted Angle

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

179734025 (Observed: 8/22/2023)

Epimecis hortaria (Tulip-tree Beauty)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Geometridae


Common Names: Tulip-tree Beauty

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

130270683 (Observed: 8/10/2022)


Epimecis hortaria (Tulip-tree Beauty)
Epimecis hortaria (Tulip-tree Beauty)

Eupithecia miserulata (Common Eupithecia Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Geometridae


Common Names: Common Eupithecia Moth

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

86076408 (Observed: 7/7/2021)


Eupithecia miserulata (Common Eupithecia Moth)
Eupithecia miserulata (Common Eupithecia Moth)
Eupithecia miserulata (Common Eupithecia Moth)
Eupithecia miserulata (Common Eupithecia Moth)
Eupithecia miserulata (Common Eupithecia Moth)

Geometridae Indet. #1 (Geometer Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Geometridae


Common Names: Geometer Moth

Year Observed: 2019

Identified By: k8thegr8 (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

39926347 (Observed: 10/11/2019)



Melanolophia Indet. #1 (Melanolophia Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Geometridae


Common Names: Melanolophia Moth

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

To date, only a single individual noted.

iNaturalist Observations:

42991542 (Observed: 4/23/2020)


Melanolophia (Melanolophia Moth)
Melanolophia (Melanolophia Moth)
Melanolophia (Melanolophia Moth)

Timandra amaturaria (Cross-lined Wave)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Geometridae


Common Names: Cross-lined Wave

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

58533298 (Observed: 9/4/2020)


Timandra amaturaria (Cross-lined Wave)
Timandra amaturaria (Cross-lined Wave)
Timandra amaturaria (Cross-lined Wave)

Aquarius remigis Complex (Water Strider)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Gerridae


Common Names: Water Strider

Years Observed: 2021; 2022

Identified By: M. Pintar (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Noah Long

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

115430831 (Observed: 5/3/2022)

90568952 (Observed: 7/5/2021)


Aquarius remigis (Water Strider)
Aquarius remigis (Water Strider)

Glossosoma Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Glossosomatidae


Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Glossosomatidae Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Glossosomatidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Gomphidae Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Gomphidae


Year Observed: 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Phyllocnistis liriodendronella (Tulip Tree Leaf Miner)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Gracillariidae


Common Names: Tulip Tree Leaf Miner

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

59158329 (Observed: 9/8/2020)


Phyllocnistis liriodendronella (Tulip Tree Leaf Miner)
Phyllocnistis liriodendronella (Tulip Tree Leaf Miner)
Phyllocnistis liriodendronella (Tulip Tree Leaf Miner)

Augochlora pura (Pure Green Sweat Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Halictidae


Common Names: Pure Green Sweat Bee

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

51623570 (Observed: 7/1/2020)

58540439 (Observed: 9/4/2020)


Augochlora pura (Pure Green Sweat Bee)
Augochlora pura (Pure Green Sweat Bee)
Augochlora pura (Pure Green Sweat Bee)
Augochlora pura (Pure Green Sweat Bee)

Augochlorella aurata (Golden Sweat Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Halictidae


Common Names: Golden Sweat Bee

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

84979069 (Observed: 6/29/2021)


Augochlorella aurata (Golden Sweat Bee)
Augochlorella aurata (Golden Sweat Bee)
Augochlorella aurata (Golden Sweat Bee)

Halictus confusus (Confusing Furrow Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Halictidae


Common Names: Confusing Furrow Bee

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: klittle2 (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

61157634 (Observed: 9/28/2020)


Halictus confusus (Confusing Furrow Bee) on Halberdleaf Tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium
Halictus confusus (Confusing Furrow Bee) on Halberdleaf Tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium
Halictus confusus (Confusing Furrow Bee) on Halberdleaf Tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium
Halictus confusus (Confusing Furrow Bee) on Halberdleaf Tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium
Halictus confusus (Confusing Furrow Bee) on Halberdleaf Tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium
Halictus confusus (Confusing Furrow Bee) on Halberdleaf Tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium
Halictus confusus (Confusing Furrow Bee) on Halberdleaf Tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium

Halictus rubicundus (Orange-legged Furrow Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Halictidae


Common Names: Orange-legged Furrow Bee

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

61966439 (Observed: 10/6/2020)


Halictus rubicundus (Orange-legged Furrow Bee)
Halictus rubicundus (Orange-legged Furrow Bee)
Halictus rubicundus (Orange-legged Furrow Bee)
Halictus rubicundus (Orange-legged Furrow Bee)
Halictus rubicundus (Orange-legged Furrow Bee)

Lasioglossum fuscipenne (Brown-winged Sweat Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Halictidae


Common Names: Brown-winged Sweat Bee

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

137857449 (Observed: 10/6/2022)

Lasioglossum Indet. #2 (Sweat Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Halictidae


Common Names: Sweat Bee

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

79315506 (Observed: 5/13/2021)


Lasioglossum (Sweat Bee)
Lasioglossum (Sweat Bee)

Sphecodes Indet. #1 (Blood Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Halictidae


Common Names: Blood Bee

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

To date, a single individual noted. Was seen on Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum, along the PECO power line right-of-way.

iNaturalist Observations:

57690871 (Observed: 8/26/2020)


Sphecodes (Blood Bee)
Sphecodes (Blood Bee)
Sphecodes (Blood Bee)

Maccaffertium modestum (Flat-headed Mayfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Heptageniidae


Common Names: Flat-headed Mayfly

Year Observed: 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Stenonema Indet. #1 (Mayfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Heptageniidae


Common Names: Mayfly

Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Atalopedes huron (Huron Sachem)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hesperiidae


Common Names: Huron Sachem

Synonyms: Atalopedes campestris.

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified By: D. Bruce (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

135241492 (Observed: 9/14/2022)

132578728 (Observed: 8/26/2022)

92525428 (Observed: 8/25/2021)

52498312 (Observed: 7/9/2020)

58537255 (Observed: 9/4/2020)


Atalopedes campestris (Sachem)
Atalopedes campestris (Sachem)

Epargyreus clarus (Silver-spotted Skipper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hesperiidae


Common Names: Silver-spotted Skipper

Years Observed: 2019; 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

80292837 (Observed: 5/25/2021)

50920645 (Observed: 6/25/2020)

57082476 (Observed: 8/20/2020)


Epargyreus clarus (Silver-spotted Skipper)
Epargyreus clarus (Silver-spotted Skipper)
Epargyreus clarus (Silver-spotted Skipper)

Erynnis baptisiae (Wild Indigo Duskywing)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hesperiidae


Common Names: Wild Indigo Duskywing

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

131106068 (Observed: 8/16/2022)

124911017 (Observed: 7/5/2022)

91448772 (Observed: 8/16/2021)

58530528 (Observed: 9/4/2020)


Erynnis baptisiae (Wild Indigo Duskywing)
Erynnis baptisiae (Wild Indigo Duskywing)
Erynnis baptisiae (Wild Indigo Duskywing)
Erynnis baptisiae (Wild Indigo Duskywing)

Lon zabulon (Zabulon Skipper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hesperiidae


Common Names: Zabulon Skipper

Years Observed: 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

179569176 (Observed: 8/28/2023)

132856831 (Observed: 8/29/2022)

132576972 (Observed: 8/26/2022)

91589694 (Observed: 8/17/2021)

81623669 (Observed: 6/4/2021)

82469031 (Observed: 6/10/2021)

80660350 (Observed: 5/28/2021)

80291587 (Observed: 5/25/2021)


Lon zabulon (Zabulon Skipper)
Lon zabulon (Zabulon Skipper)
Lon zabulon (Zabulon Skipper)
Lon zabulon (Zabulon Skipper)

Polites peckius (Pecks Skipper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hesperiidae


Common Names: Peck's Skipper

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: jrcagle (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

88170462 (Observed: 7/22/2021)


Polites peckius (Peck's Skipper)

Polites themistocles (Tawny-edged Skipper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hesperiidae


Common Names: Tawny-edged Skipper

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

30393202 (Observed: 8/2/2019)


Polites themistocles (Tawny-edged Skipper)
Polites themistocles (Tawny-edged Skipper)
Polites themistocles (Tawny-edged Skipper)

Cheumatopsyche Indet. #1 (Net-spinning Caddisfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hydropsychidae


Common Names: Net-spinning Caddisfly

Years Observed: 2007; 2017; 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Also Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center - 2017

Diplectrona Indet. #1 (Net-spinning Caddisfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hydropsychidae


Common Names: Net-spinning Caddisfly

Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Diplectrona modesta (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hydropsychidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Hydropsyche betteni (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hydropsychidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Hydropsyche Indet. #1 (Net-spinning Caddisfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hydropsychidae


Common Names: Net-spinning Caddisfly

Years Observed: 2007; 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Also Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center - 2017

Hydropsyche Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hydropsychidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

158618619 (Observed: 4/28/2023)

Hydropsyche slossonae (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hydropsychidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Hydropsyche sparna (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hydropsychidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Hydropsychidae Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hydropsychidae


Year Observed: 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Hydroptila Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hydroptilidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Hydroptilidae Indet. #1 (Microcaddisfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Hydroptilidae


Common Names: Microcaddisfly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter


Hydroptilidae (Microcaddisfly)
Hydroptilidae (Microcaddisfly)
Hydroptilidae (Microcaddisfly)
Hydroptilidae (Microcaddisfly)

Ichneumonidae Indet. #1 (Ichneumonid Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ichneumonidae


Common Names: Ichneumonid Wasp

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

58261219 (Observed: 9/1/2020)


Ichneumonidae (Ichneumonid Wasp)
Ichneumonidae (Ichneumonid Wasp)
Ichneumonidae (Ichneumonid Wasp)
Ichneumonidae (Ichneumonid Wasp)

Ichneumonidae Indet. #2 (Ichneumonid Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ichneumonidae


Common Names: Ichneumonid Wasp

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

75457093 (Observed: 4/27/2021)


Ichneumonidae (Ichneumonid Wasp)

Mesostenina Indet. #1 (Ichneumonid Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ichneumonidae


Common Names: Ichneumonid Wasp

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

90570760 (Observed: 7/18/2021)


Mesostenina (Ichneumonid Wasp)
Mesostenina (Ichneumonid Wasp)
Mesostenina (Ichneumonid Wasp)

Isonychia Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Isonychiidae


Identified By: Original Website

First Noted By: Not Known

From the Original GNA Website. Nothing else known about this observation.



Photinus pyralis (Common Eastern Firefly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lampyridae


Common Names: Common Eastern Firefly

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

174252155 (Observed: 7/21/2023)

Pyractomena borealis (Spring Tree-top Flasher)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lampyridae


Common Names: Spring Tree-top Flasher

Years Observed: 2019; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

149430772 (Observed: 2/22/2023)


Pyractomena borealis (Lightning Bug) larvae
Pyractomena borealis (Lightning Bug) larvae
Pyractomena borealis (Lightning Bug) larvae

Pyropyga Indet. #1 (Firefly Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lampyridae


Common Names: Firefly Beetle

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: E. Falquet (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

83058862 (Observed: 6/14/2021)


Pyropyga (Firefly Beetle)
Pyropyga (Firefly Beetle)
Pyropyga (Firefly Beetle)

Lauxaniidae Indet. #1 (Lauxaniid Flies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lauxaniidae


Common Names: Lauxaniid Flies

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: S. Pote

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

61902404 (Observed: 10/6/2020)


Lauxaniidae (Lauxaniid Flies)

Lepidostoma Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lepidostomatidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Leuctra Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Leuctridae


Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Leuctridae (Rolled-winged Stoneflies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Leuctridae


Common Names: Rolled-winged Stoneflies

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Erythemis simplicicollis (Eastern Pondhawk)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Libellulidae


Common Names: Eastern Pondhawk

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Jessica Greulich

iNaturalist Observations:

176483201 (Observed: 8/3/2023)

Libellula luctuosa (Widow Skimmer)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Libellulidae


Common Names: Widow Skimmer

Years Observed: 2009; 2012; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

88308925 (Observed: 7/23/2021)

88174866 (Observed: 7/22/2021)


Libellula luctuosa (Widow Skimmer)

Pachydiplax longipennis (Blue Dasher)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Libellulidae


Common Names: Blue Dasher

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

127127648 (Observed: 7/20/2022)


Pachydiplax longipennis (Blue Dasher)
Pachydiplax longipennis (Blue Dasher)
Pachydiplax longipennis (Blue Dasher)

Plathemis lydia (Common Whitetail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Libellulidae


Common Names: Common Whitetail

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

85078722 (Observed: 6/29/2021)

79574979 (Observed: 5/20/2021)


Plathemis lydia (Common Whitetail)
Plathemis lydia (Common Whitetail)
Plathemis lydia (Common Whitetail)
Plathemis lydia (Common Whitetail)

Acharia stimulea (Saddleback Caterpillar Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Limacodidae


Common Names: Saddleback Caterpillar Moth

Year Observed: 2014

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel & Kendra McMillin


Acharia stimulea (Saddleback Caterpillar Moth)

Pycnopsyche Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Limnephilidae


Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Antocha Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Limoniidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Epiphragma fasciapenne (Band-winged Crane Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Limoniidae


Common Names: Band-winged Crane Fly

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

119767851 (Observed: 6/1/2022)


Epiphragma fasciapenne (Band-winged Crane Fly)
Epiphragma fasciapenne (Band-winged Crane Fly)
Epiphragma fasciapenne (Band-winged Crane Fly)
Epiphragma fasciapenne (Band-winged Crane Fly)

Epiphragma solatrix (Spectacled Crane Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Limoniidae


Common Names: Spectacled Crane Fly

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Stephen Luk (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

81915311 (Observed: 6/4/2021)


Epiphragma (Limoniid Crane Fly)
Epiphragma (Limoniid Crane Fly)

Helius Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Limoniidae


Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Limonia Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Limoniidae


Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Lucanus capreolus (Reddish-brown Stag Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lucanidae


Common Names: Reddish-brown Stag Beetle

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

To date, only a single individual noted. Parasitized by Metarhizium fungus (the white and green substance on the carapace).

iNaturalist Observations:

55825782 (Observed: 8/8/2020)


Lucanus capreolus (Reddish-brown Stag Beetle)
Lucanus capreolus (Reddish-brown Stag Beetle)
Lucanus capreolus (Reddish-brown Stag Beetle)

Calycopis cecrops (Red-banded Hairstreak)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lycaenidae


Common Names: Red-banded Hairstreak

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

179733359 (Observed: 8/22/2023)

Celastrina neglecta (Summer Azure)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lycaenidae


Common Names: Summer Azure

Years Observed: 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

122936865 (Observed: 6/22/2022)

90185148 (Observed: 8/6/2021)

82187301 (Observed: 6/8/2021)

81617216 (Observed: 6/4/2021)


Celastrina neglecta (Summer Azure)
Celastrina neglecta (Summer Azure)
Celastrina neglecta (Summer Azure)

Cupido comyntas (Eastern Tailed-Blue)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lycaenidae


Common Names: Eastern Tailed-Blue

Years Observed: 2020; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Kathryn Krueger; Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

130979137 (Observed: 8/15/2022)

123997946 (Observed: 6/29/2022)

52496865 (Observed: 7/9/2020)

58532548 (Observed: 9/4/2020)

62342872 (Observed: 10/11/2020)


Cupido comyntas (Eastern Tailed-Blue)
Cupido comyntas (Eastern Tailed-Blue)
Cupido comyntas (Eastern Tailed-Blue)

Calopteron discrepans (Banded Net-winged Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lycidae


Common Names: Banded Net-winged Beetle

Years Observed: 2015; 2020; 2022

Identified By: Gerry Hertel

First Noted By: Kendra McMillin

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

118554638 (Observed: 5/24/2022)

57081665 (Observed: 8/20/2020)


Calopteron discrepans (Banded Net-winged Beetle)
Calopteron discrepans (Banded Net-winged Beetle)
Calopteron discrepans (Banded Net-winged Beetle)

Calopteron terminale (End Band Net-winged Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lycidae


Common Names: End Band Net-winged Beetle

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: J. J. Smith (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Dictyoptera aurora (Golden Net-winged Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lycidae


Common Names: Golden Net-winged Beetle

Years Observed: 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

110109537 (Observed: 4/1/2022)

40194560 (Observed: 3/18/2020)


Dictyoptera aurora (Golden Net-winged Beetle)
Dictyoptera aurora (Golden Net-winged Beetle)
Dictyoptera aurora (Golden Net-winged Beetle)
Dictyoptera aurora (Golden Net-winged Beetle)
Dictyoptera aurora (Golden Net-winged Beetle)

Lygaeus kalmii (Small Milkweed Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lygaeidae


Common Names: Small Milkweed Bug

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

173773708 (Observed: 7/18/2023)

Lygaeus turcicus (False Milkweed Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lygaeidae


Common Names: False Milkweed Bug

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

171565249 (Observed: 6/20/2023)

171560914 (Observed: 7/7/2023)

Oncopeltus fasciatus (Large Milkweed Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Lygaeidae


Common Names: Large Milkweed Bug

Years Observed: 2014; 2015; 2017; 2019; 2020; 2022; 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Noah Long; Alex Desjardines

iNaturalist Observations:

180152859 (Observed: 8/25/2023)

134976632 (Observed: 9/13/2022)

55821356 (Observed: 8/8/2020)

60016764 (Observed: 9/18/2020)

60454723 (Observed: 9/22/2020)

62081309 (Observed: 10/8/2020)


Oncopeltus fasciatus (Large Milkweed Bug)
Oncopeltus fasciatus (Large Milkweed Bug)
Oncopeltus fasciatus (Large Milkweed Bug)
Oncopeltus fasciatus (Large Milkweed Bug)

Pedetontus saltator (Jumping Bristletail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Machilidae


Common Names: Jumping Bristletail

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: astrobirder

To date, a single individual noted.

iNaturalist Observations:

64130953 (Observed: 11/3/2020)


Petrobiinae (Bristletail)
Petrobiinae (Bristletail)
Petrobiinae (Bristletail)
Petrobiinae (Bristletail)
Petrobiinae (Bristletail)
Petrobiinae (Bristletail)

Tenodera sinensis (Chinese Mantid)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Mantidae


Common Names: Chinese Mantid

Years Observed: 2012; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Kendra McMillin; Nur Ritter; Ariana Rivellini; Maeve Dowd

iNaturalist Observations:

88865468 (Observed: 7/27/2021)

57180309 (Observed: 8/20/2020)

58544936 (Observed: 9/4/2020)

61177611 (Observed: 9/28/2020)


Tenodera sinensis (Chinese Mantid)
Tenodera sinensis (Chinese Mantid)

Megachile sculpturalis (Sculptured Resin Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Megachilidae


Common Names: Sculptured Resin Bee

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Not native to the conterminous United States.

iNaturalist Observations:

58540081 (Observed: 9/4/2020)


Megachile sculpturalis (Sculptured Resin Bee): on New York Ironweed
Megachile sculpturalis (Sculptured Resin Bee): on New York Ironweed
Megachile sculpturalis (Sculptured Resin Bee): on New York Ironweed
Megachile sculpturalis (Sculptured Resin Bee): on New York Ironweed
Megachile sculpturalis (Sculptured Resin Bee): on New York Ironweed

Osmia georgica (Georgia Mason Bee)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Megachilidae


Common Names: Georgia Mason Bee

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: M. McCarthy (inaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

78634102 (Observed: 5/12/2021)


Osmia georgica (Georgia Mason Bee)
Osmia georgica (Georgia Mason Bee)

Meloe americanus (Buttercup Oil Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Meloidae


Common Names: Buttercup Oil Beetle; American Oil Beetle

Years Observed: 2019; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Mary Teresa O'Hara


Meloe americanus (American Oil Beetle)
Meloe americanus (American Oil Beetle)

Ceresini Indet. #1 (Buffalo Treehopper)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Membracidae


Common Names: Buffalo Treehopper

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: S. Hendrix (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

89952401 (Observed: 8/4/2021)


Ceresini (Buffalo Treehopper)
Ceresini (Buffalo Treehopper)

Rainieria antennaepes (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Micropezidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

122997256 (Observed: 6/22/2022)


Rainieria antennaepes (No Common Name)
Rainieria antennaepes (No Common Name)

Lygus lineolaris (North American Tarnished Plant Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Miridae


Common Names: North American Tarnished Plant Bug

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

159490935 (Observed: 5/3/2023)

Icerya purchasi (Cottony Cushion Scale)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Monophlebidae


Common Names: Cottony Cushion Scale

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

To date, only a single individual noted.

iNaturalist Observations:

40809803 (Observed: 3/27/2019)


Icerya purchasi (Cottony Cushion Scale)
Icerya purchasi (Cottony Cushion Scale)

Mordella marginata (Tumbling Ragdoll)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Mordellidae


Common Names: Tumbling Ragdoll

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: borisb (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

83060594 (Observed: 6/14/2021)


Mordella marginata (Tumbling Ragdoll)

Mordellistena cervicalis (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Mordellidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

174254036 (Observed: 7/21/2023)

Muscidae Indet. #1 (Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Muscidae


Common Names: Fly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

49764419 (Observed: 6/15/2020)


Muscidae (Fly)

Muscidae Indet. #2 (Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Muscidae


Common Names: Fly

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

118686378 (Observed: 5/24/2022)


Muscidae (Fly)
Muscidae (Fly)

Mycetophilidae Indet. #1 (Fungus Gnat)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Mycetophilidae


Common Names: Fungus Gnat

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

98728695 (Observed: 10/19/2021)


Mycetophilidae (Fungus Gnat)
Mycetophilidae (Fungus Gnat)
Mycetophilidae (Fungus Gnat)

Mycetophilidae Indet. #2 (Fungus Gnat)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Mycetophilidae


Common Names: Fungus Gnat

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

102300193 (Observed: 11/30/2021)

Amphinemura delosa (Eastern Forestfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nemouridae


Common Names: Eastern Forestfly

Years Observed: 2017; 2019; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Amphinemura Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nemouridae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Nemouridae Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nemouridae


Year Observed: 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Prostoia Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nemouridae


Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Conotelus Indet. #1 (Sap-feeding Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nitidulidae


Common Names: Sap-feeding Beetle

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

90183641 (Observed: 8/6/2021)


Conotelus (Sap-feeding Beetle)
Conotelus (Sap-feeding Beetle)
Conotelus (Sap-feeding Beetle)

Abagrotis alternata (Greater Red Dart)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Noctuidae


Common Names: Greater Red Dart

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

175243947 (Observed: 7/27/2023)

Acronicta americana (American Dagger Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Noctuidae


Common Names: American Dagger Moth

Years Observed: 2019; 2020; 2022; 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Alex Desjardines; Jess Greulich

iNaturalist Observations:

176299406 (Observed: 8/1/2023)

132985576 (Observed: 8/30/2022)

30393183 (Observed: 7/8/2019)

56432281 (Observed: 8/14/2020)


Acronicta americana (American Dagger Moth)
Acronicta americana (American Dagger Moth)

Agrotis ipsilon (Black Cutworm)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Noctuidae


Common Names: Black Cutworm; Ipsilon Dart

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

130962983 (Observed: 8/15/2022)


Agrotis ipsilon (Black Cutworm)
Agrotis ipsilon (Black Cutworm)
Agrotis ipsilon (Black Cutworm)

Amphipyra Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Noctuidae


Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

138426641 (Observed: 10/11/2022)

Charadra deridens (Laugher Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Noctuidae


Common Names: Laugher Moth

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Mary Teresa O'Hara

iNaturalist Observations:

193413669 (Observed: 11/8/2023)

Egira alternans (Alternate Woodling)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Noctuidae


Common Names: Alternate Woodling

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

172866552 (Observed: 7/3/2023)

Eudryas unio (Pearly Wood-Nymph)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Noctuidae


Common Names: Pearly Wood-Nymph

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

84095630 (Observed: 6/22/2021)


Eudryas unio (Pearly Wood-Nymph)
Eudryas unio (Pearly Wood-Nymph)
Eudryas unio (Pearly Wood-Nymph)

Lithophane Indet. #1 (Dart Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Noctuidae


Common Names: Dart Moth

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Ariana Rivellini

iNaturalist Observations:

36070715 (Observed: 11/25/2019)


Lithophane (Dart Moth)
Lithophane (Dart Moth)

Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Noctuidae


Common Names: Large Yellow Underwing

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Jessica Greulich

iNaturalist Observations:

163467940 (Observed: 5/24/2023)

Xestia c-nigrum (Lesser Black-letter Dart)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Noctuidae


Common Names: Lesser Black-letter Dart

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

134200021 (Observed: 9/8/2022)


Xestia c-nigrum (Lesser Black-letter Dart)
Xestia c-nigrum (Lesser Black-letter Dart)
Xestia c-nigrum (Lesser Black-letter Dart)

Datana integerrima (Walnut Caterpillar Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Notodontidae


Common Names: Walnut Caterpillar Moth

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

56767544 (Observed: 8/17/2020)


Datana integerrima (Walnut Caterpillar Moth)
Datana integerrima (Walnut Caterpillar Moth)
Datana integerrima (Walnut Caterpillar Moth)
Datana integerrima (Walnut Caterpillar Moth)
Datana integerrima (Walnut Caterpillar Moth)

Oedemasia concinna (Red-humped Caterpillar)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Notodontidae


Common Names: Red-humped Caterpillar

Synonyms: Schizura concinna .

Year Observed: 2011

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel


Oedemasia concinna (Red-humped Caterpillar)
Oedemasia concinna (Red-humped Caterpillar)
Oedemasia concinna (Red-humped Caterpillar)
Oedemasia concinna (Red-humped Caterpillar)
Oedemasia concinna (Red-humped Caterpillar)

Danaus plexippus (Monarch Butterfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nymphalidae


Common Names: Monarch Butterfly

Years Observed: 2014; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Kathryn Krueger

This species is now listed as 'Endangered' by the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature). The Gordon contains two areas with a good deal of Monarch habitat (the meadow and wetland at the eastern end of the GNA and the wetland complex west of S. New Street) and a small number of Monarchs are observed each year in these two areas.

iNaturalist Observations:

132404749 (Observed: 8/23/2022)

90773123 (Observed: 8/10/2021)

88167584 (Observed: 7/22/2021)

53843409 (Observed: 7/20/2020)


Danaus plexippus (Monarch Butterfly) caterpillar on Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata)
Danaus plexippus (Monarch Butterfly) caterpillar on Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata)
Danaus plexippus (Monarch Butterfly) visting New York Ironweed (Vernonia noveboracensis) flowers
Danaus plexippus (Monarch Butterfly) visiting Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) flowers

Junonia coenia (Common Buckeye)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nymphalidae


Common Names: Common Buckeye

Years Observed: 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

32590370 (Observed: 9/11/2019)

58532301 (Observed: 9/4/2020)


Junonia coenia (Common Buckeye)
Junonia coenia (Common Buckeye)
Junonia coenia (Common Buckeye)

Lethe appalachia (Appalachian Brown)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nymphalidae


Common Names: Appalachian Brown

Years Observed: 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

133239425 (Observed: 9/1/2022)

58980168 (Observed: 9/8/2020)


Lethe appalachia (Appalachian Brown)
Lethe appalachia (Appalachian Brown)

Limenitis arthemis (Red-spotted Admiral)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nymphalidae


Common Names: Red-spotted Admiral

Years Observed: 2014; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; M. Valles

iNaturalist Observations:

179137163 (Observed: 8/18/2023)

135240827 (Observed: 9/14/2022)

94843833 (Observed: 9/14/2021)

53772782 (Observed: 7/20/2020)


Limenitis arthemis (Red-spotted Admiral)
Limenitis arthemis (Red-spotted Admiral)
Limenitis arthemis (Red-spotted Admiral)

Nymphalis antiopa (Mourning Cloak)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nymphalidae


Common Names: Mourning Cloak

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

72389349 (Observed: 3/29/2021)


Nymphalis antiopa (Mourning Cloak)
Nymphalis antiopa (Mourning Cloak)
Nymphalis antiopa (Mourning Cloak)

Phyciodes tharos (Pearl Crescent)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nymphalidae


Common Names: Pearl Crescent

Years Observed: 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

127079236 (Observed: 7/19/2022)

91571436 (Observed: 8/17/2021)

88861627 (Observed: 7/27/2021)


Phyciodes tharos (Pearl Crescent)
Phyciodes tharos (Pearl Crescent)
Phyciodes tharos (Pearl Crescent)
Phyciodes tharos (Pearl Crescent)

Polygonia comma (Eastern Comma)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nymphalidae


Common Names: Eastern Comma

Years Observed: 2011; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

The larvae of this species make nests in the underside of nettle leaves (which they feed upon).

iNaturalist Observations:

110513849 (Observed: 4/5/2022)

59368327 (Observed: 9/12/2020)


Polygonia comma (Eastern Comma): larvae
Polygonia comma (Eastern Comma): larvae
Polygonia comma (Eastern Comma): larvae
Polygonia comma (Eastern Comma): larvae
Polygonia comma (Eastern Comma): adult

Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nymphalidae


Common Names: Red Admiral; formerly: Red Admirable

Years Observed: 2012; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Kathryn Krueger; Jess Greulich

iNaturalist Observations:

173973992 (Observed: 7/20/2023)

168471678 (Observed: 6/15/2023)

120681902 (Observed: 6/7/2022)


Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral)

Vanessa virginiensis (American Lady)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Nymphalidae


Common Names: American Lady

Years Observed: 2019; 2021; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Garrison-X

iNaturalist Observations:

175078229 (Observed: 7/26/2023)

78517340 (Observed: 5/12/2021)


Vanessa virginiensis (American Painted Lady)
Vanessa virginiensis (American Painted Lady)

Papilio glaucus (Eastern Tiger Swallowtail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Papilionidae


Common Names: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Years Observed: 2012; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Kathryn Krueger; Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

172493359 (Observed: 7/11/2023)

121599222 (Observed: 6/9/2022)

91450955 (Observed: 8/16/2021)

54856349 (Observed: 7/30/2020)

57671852 (Observed: 8/26/2020)

58533803 (Observed: 9/4/2020)


Papilio glaucus (Eastern Tiger Swallowtail)

Papilio troilus (Spicebush Swallowtail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Papilionidae


Common Names: Spicebush Swallowtail

Years Observed: 2012; 2013; 2019; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Maribeth Beatty

iNaturalist Observations:

132000214 (Observed: 8/22/2022)

127136034 (Observed: 7/20/2022)

94208884 (Observed: 9/2/2021)


Papilio troilus (Spicebush Swallowtail)

Odontotaenius disjunctus (Horned Passalus Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Passalidae


Common Names: Horned Passalus Beetle; Patent-leather Beetle; Jerusalem Beetle

Years Observed: 2015; 2019; 2020; 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; C. Green

iNaturalist Observations:

104421454 (Observed: 10/16/2021)

98403436 (Observed: 10/16/2021)

39924332 (Observed: 10/2/2019)

66301365 (Observed: 12/8/2020)


Odontotaenius disjunctus (Horned Passalus Beetle)
Odontotaenius disjunctus (Horned Passalus Beetle)
Odontotaenius disjunctus (Horned Passalus Beetle)
Odontotaenius disjunctus (Horned Passalus Beetle)
Odontotaenius disjunctus (Horned Passalus Beetle)

Dicranota Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Pediciidae


Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Asopinae Indet. #1 (Predatory Stink Bugs)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Pentatomidae


Common Names: Predatory Stink Bugs

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

132320888 (Observed: 8/25/2022)


Asopinae (Predatory Stink Bugs)
Asopinae (Predatory Stink Bugs)
Asopinae (Predatory Stink Bugs)

Brochymena arborea (Stink Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Pentatomidae


Common Names: Stink Bug

Years Observed: 2020; 2022

Identified By: A. Meeds (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

115414382 (Observed: 4/30/2022)

59738803 (Observed: 9/15/2020)


Brochymena arborea (Stink Bug)
Brochymena arborea (Stink Bug)
Brochymena arborea (Stink Bug)

Chinavia hilaris (Green Stink Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Pentatomidae


Common Names: Green Stink Bug

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

132319734 (Observed: 8/25/2022)


Chinavia hilaris (Green Stink Bug)
Chinavia hilaris (Green Stink Bug)

Halyomorpha halys (Brown Marmorated Stink Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Pentatomidae


Common Names: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

Years Observed: 2018; 2021

Identified By: K. Wolgemuth (

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

101427451 (Observed: 11/18/2021)

72611742 (Observed: 8/22/2018)


Halyomorpha halys (Brown Marmorated Stink Bug)
Halyomorpha halys (Brown Marmorated Stink Bug)

Eccoptura Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Perlidae


Year Observed: 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Eccoptura xanthenes (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Perlidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Perlidae Indet. #1 (Common Stoneflies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Perlidae


Common Names: Common Stoneflies

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Chimarra aterrima (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Philopotamidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Chimarra Indet. #1 (Little Black Caddisfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Philopotamidae


Common Names: Little Black Caddisfly

Years Observed: 2007; 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Also Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center - 2017

Dolophilodes distinctus (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Philopotamidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Dolophilodes Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Philopotamidae


Years Observed: 2007; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Philopotamidae Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Philopotamidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Phlaeothripidae Indet. #1 (Tube-tailed Thrip)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Phlaeothripidae


Common Names: Tube-tailed Thrip

Year Observed: 2019

Identified By: M. Pirrello (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Ariana Rivellini

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

35084325 (Observed: 10/30/2019)

42794757 (Observed: 10/30/2019)


Phlaeothripidae (Tube-tailed Thrip)
Phlaeothripidae (Tube-tailed Thrip)
Phlaeothripidae (Tube-tailed Thrip): browsing on a fungus (Trametes hirsuta)

Phylloxera spinosa (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Phylloxeridae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

156613317 (Observed: 4/25/2023)

Colias eurytheme (Orange Sulfur)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Pieridae


Common Names: Orange Sulfur

Years Observed: 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

123753761 (Observed: 6/27/2022)

88168721 (Observed: 7/22/2021)


Colias eurytheme (Orange Sulfur)
Colias eurytheme (Orange Sulfur)
Colias eurytheme (Orange Sulfur)

Colias philodice (Clouded Sulphur)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Pieridae


Common Names: Clouded Sulphur

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

58529699 (Observed: 9/4/2020)


Colias philodice (Clouded Sulphur)
Colias philodice (Clouded Sulphur)
Colias philodice (Clouded Sulphur)

Pieris rapae (Cabbage White)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Pieridae


Common Names: Cabbage White

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

126944579 (Observed: 7/15/2022)

116589552 (Observed: 5/11/2022)

83174798 (Observed: 6/15/2021)

58045614 (Observed: 8/30/2020)

75461701 (Observed: 4/27/2021)

57181045 (Observed: 8/20/2020)

58271151 (Observed: 9/1/2020)

59237641 (Observed: 9/11/2020)


Pieris rapae (Cabbage White)
Pieris rapae (Cabbage White)

Polycentropodidae Indet. #1 (Tube Maker Caddisflies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Polycentropodidae


Common Names: Tube Maker Caddisflies

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Ectopria Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Psephenidae


Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Psephenus herricki (Water Penny Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Psephenidae


Common Names: Water Penny Beetle

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Anchytarsus bicolor (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ptilodactylidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Pyrochroidae Indet. #1 (Fire-colored Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Pyrochroidae


Common Names: Fire-colored Beetle

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

67718158 (Observed: 1/7/2021)


Pyrochroidae (Fire-colored Beetle) larvae
Pyrochroidae (Fire-colored Beetle) larvae
Pyrochroidae (Fire-colored Beetle) larvae
Pyrochroidae (Fire-colored Beetle) larvae

Arilus cristatus (Wheel Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Reduviidae


Common Names: Wheel Bug

Year Observed: 2010

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel


Arilus cristatus (Wheel Bug)
Arilus cristatus (Wheel Bug): close-up of the 'wheel'

Phymata fasciata (Ambush Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Reduviidae


Common Names: Ambush Bug

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Maeve Dowd

iNaturalist Observations:

91773625 (Observed: 8/19/2021)

83173411 (Observed: 6/15/2021)


Phymata fasciata (Ambush Bug)
Phymata fasciata (Ambush Bug)
Phymata fasciata (Ambush Bug)
Phymata fasciata (Ambush Bug)

Zelus luridus (Pale Green Assassin Bug)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Reduviidae


Common Names: Pale Green Assassin Bug

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

Also Noted By: kojo1019

iNaturalist Observations:

98230051 (Observed: 10/11/2021)

62148085 (Observed: 10/9/2020)


Zelus luridus (Pale Green Assassin Bug)
Zelus luridus (Pale Green Assassin Bug)
Zelus luridus (Pale Green Assassin Bug)
Zelus luridus (Pale Green Assassin Bug)
Zelus luridus (Pale Green Assassin Bug)
Zelus luridus (Pale Green Assassin Bug)

Chrysopilus thoracicus (Golden-backed Snipe Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Rhagionidae


Common Names: Golden-backed Snipe Fly

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

163467527 (Observed: 5/23/2023)

Rhagio Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Rhagionidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Noah Long


Rhagio (No Common Name)

Diestrammena japanica (Japanese Camel Cricket)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Rhaphidophoridae


Common Names: Japanese Camel Cricket

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

137775643 (Observed: 10/5/2022)

Tachycines asynamorus (Camel Cricket)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Rhaphidophoridae


Common Names: Camel Cricket; Spider Cricket; Cave Cricket

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Rhyacophila carolina (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Rhyacophilidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Rhyacophila Indet. #1 (Free-living Caddisfly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Rhyacophilidae


Common Names: Free-living Caddisfly

Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Macrosiagon limbata (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ripiphoridae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

127130419 (Observed: 7/20/2022)


Macrosiagon limbata (No Common Name)
Macrosiagon limbata (No Common Name)

Miltogramminae Indet. #1 (Satellite Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Sarcophagidae


Common Names: Satellite Fly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

59721754 (Observed: 9/15/2020)


Miltogramminae (Satellite Fly)
Miltogramminae (Satellite Fly)
Miltogramminae (Satellite Fly)
Miltogramminae (Satellite Fly)
Miltogramminae (Satellite Fly)

Sarcophagidae Indet. #1 (Flesh Flies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Sarcophagidae


Common Names: Flesh Flies

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: K. Schulz (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

61424262 (Observed: 10/1/2020)


Sarcophagidae (Flesh Flies)
Sarcophagidae (Flesh Flies)
Sarcophagidae (Flesh Flies)

Antheraea polyphemus (Polyphemus Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Saturniidae


Common Names: Polyphemus Moth

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

33718683 (Observed: 9/28/2019)


Antheraea polyphemus (Polyphemus Moth)
Antheraea polyphemus (Polyphemus Moth)

Callosamia promethea (Promethea Silkmoth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Saturniidae


Common Names: Promethea Silkmoth

Year Observed: 2012

Identified By: Gerry Hertel

First Noted By: Kendra McMillin

Citheronia regalis (Regal Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Saturniidae


Common Names: Regal Moth; Hickory Horned Devil; Royal Walnut Moth

Year Observed: 2014

Identified and First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Scaphidiinae Indet. #1 (Shining Fungus Beetles)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Scaphidiinae


Common Names: Shining Fungus Beetles

Years Observed: 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

64045163 (Observed: 7/30/2020)


Scaphidiinae (Shining Fungus Beetles) on Pink Carnival Candy Slime Mold (Arcyria denudata)
Scaphidiinae (Shining Fungus Beetles) on Pink Carnival Candy Slime Mold (Arcyria denudata)
Scaphidiinae (Shining Fungus Beetles) on Pink Carnival Candy Slime Mold (Arcyria denudata)

Dynastinae Indet. #1 (Rhinoceros Beetles)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Scarabaeidae


Common Names: Rhinoceros Beetles

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

132986652 (Observed: 8/30/2022)


Dynastinae (Rhinoceros Beetles)

Exomala orientalis (Oriental Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Scarabaeidae


Common Names: Oriental Beetle

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

171438573 (Observed: 7/6/2023)

Popillia japonica (Japanese Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Scarabaeidae


Common Names: Japanese Beetle

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

90814444 (Observed: 8/4/2021)

88859983 (Observed: 7/27/2021)

88178931 (Observed: 7/22/2021)

83051541 (Observed: 6/14/2021)

51154501 (Observed: 6/27/2020)

55864547 (Observed: 8/8/2020)


Popillia japonica (Japanese Beetle): pair of beetles mating
Popillia japonica (Japanese Beetle): pair of beetles mating

Scarabaeidae Indet. #1 (Scarabs)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Scarabaeidae


Common Names: Scarabs

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

138614508 (Observed: 10/11/2022)

Sciaridae Indet. #1 (Dark-winged Fungus Gnats)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Sciaridae


Common Names: Dark-winged Fungus Gnats

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

61903147 (Observed: 10/6/2020)


Sciaridae (Dark-winged Fungus Gnats)
Sciaridae (Dark-winged Fungus Gnats)
Sciaridae (Dark-winged Fungus Gnats)

Euthycera Indet. #1 (Marsh Flies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Sciomyzidae


Common Names: Marsh Flies

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

83061395 (Observed: 6/14/2021)


Euthycera (Marsh Flies)

Scolia dubia ssp. dubia (Blue-winged Scoliid Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Scoliidae


Common Names: Blue-winged Scoliid Wasp

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Kathryn Krueger; Miranda Davies

Prevalent in the two wet meadows in the Gordon (Areas G1M and G3). This species is a parasite of "scarab beetle larvae including the green June beetle (Cotinus nitida)" [Holm, 2021, p. 226] and Japanese Beetles (Popillia japonica) [various sources].

iNaturalist Observations:

182037479 (Observed: 8/25/2023)

131953312 (Observed: 8/22/2022)

136196222 (Observed: 9/23/2022)

91461946 (Observed: 8/16/2021)

90191817 (Observed: 8/6/2021)

58972785 (Observed: 9/8/2020)

60462348 (Observed: 9/22/2020)


Scolia dubia (Blue-winged Scoliid Wasp)
Scolia dubia (Blue-winged Scoliid Wasp)
Scolia dubia (Blue-winged Scoliid Wasp)

Sialis Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Sialidae


Years Observed: 2007; 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

iNaturalist Observations:

5545614 (Observed: 4/2/2017)

Necrophila americana (American Carrion Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Silphidae


Common Names: American Carrion Beetle

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

134335177 (Observed: 9/9/2022)

47643182 (Observed: 5/28/2020)

60456092 (Observed: 9/22/2020)

61413132 (Observed: 10/1/2020)


Necrophila americana (American Carrion Beetle)
Necrophila americana (American Carrion Beetle)
Necrophila americana (American Carrion Beetle)

Oiceoptoma noveboracense (Margined Carrion Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Silphidae


Common Names: Margined Carrion Beetle

Year Observed: 2019

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

41187553 (Observed: 4/10/2019)


Oiceoptoma noveboracense (Margined Carrion Beetle)
Oiceoptoma noveboracense (Margined Carrion Beetle): pair mating on the back of a Eastern Box Turtle

Prosimulium Indet. #1 (Black Flies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Simuliidae


Common Names: Black Flies

Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Simuliidae Indet. #1 (Black Flies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Simuliidae


Common Names: Black Flies

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Simuliidae Indet. #2 (Black Flies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Simuliidae


Common Names: Black Flies

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

61423908 (Observed: 10/1/2020)


Simuliidae (Black Flies) feeding on the photographer
Simuliidae (Black Flies) feeding on the photographer
Simuliidae (Black Flies) feeding on the photographer
Simuliidae (Black Flies) feeding on the photographer

Simulium Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Simuliidae


Years Observed: 2007; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Simulium tuberosum

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Simuliidae


Years Observed: 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Simulium vittatum Complex

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Simuliidae


Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Stegopterna Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Simuliidae


Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Eremnophila aureonotata (Gold-marked Thread-waisted Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Sphecidae


Common Names: Gold-marked Thread-waisted Wasp

Years Observed: 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

127251544 (Observed: 7/21/2022)

87898740 (Observed: 7/20/2021)


Eremnophila aureonotata (Narrow-wasted Wasp)
Eremnophila aureonotata (Narrow-wasted Wasp)

Isodontia auripes (Brown-legged Grass-carrying Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Sphecidae


Common Names: Brown-legged Grass-carrying Wasp

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

88185545 (Observed: 7/22/2021)


Isodontia auripes (Brown-legged Grass-carrying Wasp) on Virginia Mountainmint (Pycnanthemum virginianum)
Isodontia auripes (Brown-legged Grass-carrying Wasp) on Virginia Mountainmint (Pycnanthemum virginianum)
Isodontia auripes (Brown-legged Grass-carrying Wasp) on Virginia Mountainmint (Pycnanthemum virginianum)
Isodontia auripes (Brown-legged Grass-carrying Wasp) on Virginia Mountainmint (Pycnanthemum virginianum)

Sphex ichneumoneus (Great Golden Digger Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Sphecidae


Common Names: Great Golden Digger Wasp

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Sphex ichneumoneus nest in full sun areas with low vegetation. After immobilizing prey of katydids (Tettigoniidae), true crickets (Gryllidae), raspy crickets (Gryllacrididae), the female stings it several more times to cause paralysis and drags it backwards into the nest (Holm, 2021).

iNaturalist Observations:

88184289 (Observed: 7/22/2021)

88172553 (Observed: 7/22/2021)

58259616 (Observed: 9/1/2020)


Sphex ichneumoneus (Great Golden Digger Wasp): on Devil's Beggerticks (Bidens frondosa)
Sphex ichneumoneus (Great Golden Digger Wasp): on Devil's Beggerticks (Bidens frondosa)
Sphex ichneumoneus (Great Golden Digger Wasp): on Devil's Beggerticks (Bidens frondosa)

Sphex nudus (Katydid Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Sphecidae


Common Names: Katydid Wasp

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Shpex nudus drag their prey of katydids (Tettigoniidae) and Carolina leaf rollers (Camptonotus carlinensis) into the nest backwards. No time is spent closing the entrance to the nest while foraging or hunting occurs, which leaves it open to natural enemies (Holm, 2021).

iNaturalist Observations:

94851769 (Observed: 9/10/2021)

58531488 (Observed: 9/4/2020)


Sphex nudus (Katydid Wasp)
Sphex nudus (Katydid Wasp)
Sphex nudus (Katydid Wasp)
Sphex nudus (Katydid Wasp)
Sphex nudus (Katydid Wasp)

Sphex pensylvanicus (Great Black Digger Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Sphecidae


Common Names: Great Black Digger Wasp

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

With an otherwise dull appearance, the wings of Sphex pensylvanicus shimmer with iridescent highlights. When building nests underground in sandy or soft soils, the female gathers soil in her mandibles and "vibrates her flight muscles to loosen the soil." Nesting and reproductive success may be decreased by birds (house sparrows, American robins, and gray catbirds) exploiting up to 1/3 of their primary food source, katydids (Amblycorpha) (Holm, 2021).

iNaturalist Observations:

126470425 (Observed: 7/15/2022)

88183934 (Observed: 7/22/2021)

86908867 (Observed: 7/13/2021)

60460796 (Observed: 9/22/2020)


Sphex pensylvanicus (Great Black Digger Wasp) on Virginia Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum
Sphex pensylvanicus (Great Black Digger Wasp) on Virginia Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum
Sphex pensylvanicus (Great Black Digger Wasp) on Virginia Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum
Sphex pensylvanicus (Great Black Digger Wasp) on Virginia Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum
Sphex pensylvanicus (Great Black Digger Wasp) on Virginia Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum
Sphex pensylvanicus (Great Black Digger Wasp) on Virginia Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum
Sphex pensylvanicus (Great Black Digger Wasp) on Virginia Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum

Eumorpha pandorus (Pandora Sphinx Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Sphingidae


Common Names: Pandora Sphinx Moth

Year Observed: 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Maribeth Beatty


Eumorpha pandorus (Pandora Sphinx Moth)

Hyles lineata (White-lined Sphinx)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Sphingidae


Common Names: White-lined Sphinx

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: M. Valles

iNaturalist Observations:

62115329 (Observed: 10/9/2020)

62145535 (Observed: 10/9/2020)


Hyles lineata (White-lined Sphinx) larvae crossing Stadium Road in the Gordon
Hyles lineata (White-lined Sphinx) larvae crossing Stadium Road in the Gordon
Hyles lineata (White-lined Sphinx) larvae crossing Stadium Road in the Gordon
Hyles lineata (White-lined Sphinx) larvae crossing Stadium Road in the Gordon
Hyles lineata (White-lined Sphinx) larvae crossing Stadium Road in the Gordon

Paonias excaecata Indet. #1 (Blinded Sphinx)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Sphingidae


Common Names: Blinded Sphinx

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: A. Liang (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Maeve Dowd

iNaturalist Observations:

95779588 (Observed: 9/22/2021)


Paonias excaecata (Blinded Sphinx)

Bledius Indet. #1 (Rove Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Staphylinidae


Common Names: Rove Beetle

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

79192777 (Observed: 5/17/2021)


Bledius (Rove Beetle)
Bledius (Rove Beetle)
Bledius (Rove Beetle)

Philonthus Indet. #1 (Rove Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Staphylinidae


Common Names: Rove Beetle

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: B. Büche (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

77874014 (Observed: 5/7/2021)


Philonthus (Rove Beetle)
Philonthus (Rove Beetle)

Quedius cruentus (Rove Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Staphylinidae


Common Names: Rove Beetle

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: B. Büche (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

77431565 (Observed: 5/4/2021)


Quedius cruentus (Rove Beetle)
Quedius cruentus (Rove Beetle)
Quedius cruentus (Rove Beetle)

Stratiomyidae Indet. #1 (Soldier Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Stratiomyidae


Common Names: Soldier Fly

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: J. van der Linden (BugGuide)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

71612342 (Observed: 3/19/2021)


Stratiomyidae (Soldier Fly)
Stratiomyidae (Soldier Fly)

Eristalis dimidiata (Black-shouldered Drone Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Syrphidae


Common Names: Black-shouldered Drone Fly

Years Observed: 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

138603325 (Observed: 10/12/2022)

137816985 (Observed: 10/6/2022)

136844653 (Observed: 9/28/2022)

61441977 (Observed: 10/1/2020)

69085473 (Observed: 10/1/2020)


Eristalis dimidiata (Black-shouldered Drone Fly)
Eristalis dimidiata (Black-shouldered Drone Fly)
Eristalis dimidiata (Black-shouldered Drone Fly)
Eristalis dimidiata (Black-shouldered Drone Fly)

Eristalis tenax (Common Drone Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Syrphidae


Common Names: Common Drone Fly

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

78517955 (Observed: 5/12/2021)


Eristalis tenax (Common Drone Fly) on Garden Yellowrocket (Barbarea vulgaris)
Eristalis tenax (Common Drone Fly) on Garden Yellowrocket (Barbarea vulgaris)
Eristalis tenax (Common Drone Fly) on Garden Yellowrocket (Barbarea vulgaris)

Helophilus fasciatus (Narrrow-headed Marsh Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Syrphidae


Common Names: Narrrow-headed Marsh Fly

Years Observed: 2020; 2022

Identified By: T. Roberts (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

138376449 (Observed: 10/10/2022)

137894571 (Observed: 10/7/2022)

61427206 (Observed: 10/1/2020)


Helophilus fasciatus (Narrow-headed Marsh Fly) on Calico Aster
Helophilus fasciatus (Narrow-headed Marsh Fly) on Calico Aster
Helophilus fasciatus (Narrow-headed Marsh Fly) on Calico Aster

Mallota posticata (Hairy-eyed Mimic Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Syrphidae


Common Names: Hairy-eyed Mimic Fly

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

Also Noted By: Kathryn Krueger; Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

228446756 (Observed: 5/18/2023)

161860836 (Observed: 5/11/2023)


Mallota posticata (Hairy-eyed Mimic Fly)
Mallota posticata (Hairy-eyed Mimic Fly)

Meromacrus acutus (Carolinian Elegant)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Syrphidae


Common Names: Carolinian Elegant

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

59373006 (Observed: 9/12/2020)


Meromacrus acutus (Carolinian Elegant)
Meromacrus acutus (Carolinian Elegant)
Meromacrus acutus (Carolinian Elegant)
Meromacrus acutus (Carolinian Elegant)

Ocyptamus fuscipennis (Hover Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Syrphidae


Common Names: Hover Fly

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: C. C. Galley (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

132164451 (Observed: 8/24/2022)


Ocyptamus fuscipennis (Hover Fly)
Ocyptamus fuscipennis (Hover Fly)

Sphaerophoria contigua (Tufted Globetail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Syrphidae


Common Names: Tufted Globetail

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

171562252 (Observed: 7/7/2023)

Syrphus rectus (Yellow-legged Flower Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Syrphidae


Common Names: Yellow-legged Flower Fly

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: T. Roberts (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

137852690 (Observed: 10/6/2022)

Temnostoma trifasciatum (Three-lined Falsehorn)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Syrphidae


Common Names: Three-lined Falsehorn

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: T. Roberts (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

81918459 (Observed: 6/4/2021)

80660658 (Observed: 5/28/2021)


Temnostoma trifasciatum (Three-lined Falsehorn)
Temnostoma trifasciatum (Three-lined Falsehorn)
Temnostoma trifasciatum (Three-lined Falsehorn)

Toxomerus boscii (Thin-lined Calligrapher)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Syrphidae


Common Names: Thin-lined Calligrapher

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

122939341 (Observed: 6/21/2022)


Toxomerus boscii (Thin-lined Calligrapher) visiting Chichory
Toxomerus boscii (Thin-lined Calligrapher) visiting Chichory
Toxomerus boscii (Thin-lined Calligrapher) visiting Chichory

Toxomerus geminatus (Eastern Calligrapher)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Syrphidae


Common Names: Eastern Calligrapher

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

To date: noted in a couple wetland areas. One individual was visiting a Longbeak Arrowhead (Sagittaria australis); the other was visiting an undetermined species of Boraginaceae.

iNaturalist Observations:

77518364 (Observed: 5/5/2021)

75439378 (Observed: 4/27/2021)

53776833 (Observed: 7/20/2020)


Toxomerus geminatus (Eastern Calligrapher)
Toxomerus geminatus (Eastern Calligrapher)
Toxomerus geminatus (Eastern Calligrapher)
Toxomerus geminatus (Eastern Calligrapher)
Toxomerus geminatus (Eastern Calligrapher)

Toxomerus marginatus (Margined Calligrapher)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Syrphidae


Common Names: Margined Calligrapher

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023

Identified By: T. Roberts (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

180149105 (Observed: 8/25/2023)

137857019 (Observed: 10/6/2022)

122939945 (Observed: 6/21/2022)

83064257 (Observed: 6/14/2021)

79194625 (Observed: 5/17/2021)

58270948 (Observed: 9/1/2020)

59365079 (Observed: 9/12/2020)

62343834 (Observed: 10/11/2020)


Toxomerus marginatus (Margined Calligrapher)
Toxomerus marginatus (Margined Calligrapher)
Toxomerus marginatus (Margined Calligrapher)

Goniops chrysocoma (Golden-Haired Tabanid Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tabanidae


Common Names: Golden-Haired Tabanid Fly

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: R. Nygard (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: R. Nygard

iNaturalist Observations:

123977047 (Observed: 6/29/2022)


Goniops chrysocoma (No Common Name) eggs - photo by R. Nygard
Goniops chrysocoma (No Common Name) eggs - photo by R. Nygard

Tabanus lineola (Striped Horse Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tabanidae


Common Names: Striped Horse Fly

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

119756205 (Observed: 6/1/2022)


Tabanus lineola (Striped Horse Fly)
Tabanus lineola (Striped Horse Fly)
Tabanus lineola (Striped Horse Fly)

Dinera Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tachinidae


Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

97357385 (Observed: 10/6/2021)



Exoristinae Indet. #1 (Bristle Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tachinidae


Common Names: Bristle Fly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: A. Santos (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

59773261 (Observed: 9/15/2020)


Exoristinae (Bristle Fly)
Exoristinae (Bristle Fly)
Exoristinae (Bristle Fly)
Exoristinae (Bristle Fly)

Gonia Indet. #1 (Bristle Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tachinidae


Common Names: Bristle Fly

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: C. Angell (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

75701806 (Observed: 4/29/2021)


Gonia (Bristle Fly)
Gonia (Bristle Fly)

Juriniopsis adusta (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tachinidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

82188477 (Observed: 6/8/2021)

59239735 (Observed: 9/11/2020)

59362816 (Observed: 9/12/2020)


Juriniopsis adusta (No Common Name)
Juriniopsis adusta (No Common Name)
Juriniopsis adusta (No Common Name)

Trichopoda pennipes (Swift Feather-legged Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tachinidae


Common Names: Swift Feather-legged Fly

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

137817346 (Observed: 10/6/2022)

91449446 (Observed: 8/16/2021)

59237297 (Observed: 9/11/2020)


Trichopoda pennipes (Swift Feather-legged Fly)
Trichopoda pennipes (Swift Feather-legged Fly)
Trichopoda pennipes (Swift Feather-legged Fly)

Taeniopterygidae Indet. #1 (Winter Stoneflies)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Taeniopterygidae


Common Names: Winter Stoneflies

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: E. Falquet (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

109864309 (Observed: 3/29/2022)


Taeniopterygidae (Winter Stoneflies)
Taeniopterygidae (Winter Stoneflies)

Alobates pensylvanicus (False Mealworm Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tenebrionidae


Common Names: False Mealworm Beetle

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

87900205 (Observed: 7/20/2021)

45018565 (Observed: 5/5/2020)

67257078 (Observed: 12/29/2020)

69316841 (Observed: 2/9/2021)


Alobates pensylvanicus (False Mealworm Beetle)
Alobates pensylvanicus (False Mealworm Beetle)
Alobates pensylvanicus (False Mealworm Beetle)
Alobates pensylvanicus (False Mealworm Beetle)

Tenebrionidae Indet. #1 (Darkling Beetle)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tenebrionidae


Common Names: Darkling Beetle

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

81916589 (Observed: 6/4/2021)


Tenebrionidae (Darkling Beetle)

Eurosta solidaginis (Goldenrod Gall Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tephritidae


Common Names: Goldenrod Gall Fly

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

85263302 (Observed: 7/1/2021)


Eurosta solidaginis (Goldenrod Gall Fly)
Eurosta solidaginis (Goldenrod Gall Fly)

Procecidochares atra (Goldenrod Brussels Sprout Gall Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tephritidae


Common Names: Goldenrod Brussels Sprout Gall Fly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: D. McClosky (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

59738050 (Observed: 9/15/2020)


Rhopalomyia solidaginis (Goldenrod Bunch Gall Midge)
Rhopalomyia solidaginis (Goldenrod Bunch Gall Midge)

Rhagoletis suavis (Walnut Husk Maggot Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tephritidae


Common Names: Walnut Husk Maggot Fly

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Mary Teresa O'Hara

iNaturalist Observations:

183395277 (Observed: 9/15/2023)

Conocephalus brevipennis (Short-winged Meadow Katydid)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tettigoniidae


Common Names: Short-winged Meadow Katydid

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified By: B. Woo (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Seemingly quite common along the PECO power line right-of-way, but these are fast-moving and hard to photograph and there may have been multiple species involved.

iNaturalist Observations:

95092341 (Observed: 9/16/2021)

91590128 (Observed: 8/17/2021)

57723067 (Observed: 8/26/2020)

58543392 (Observed: 9/4/2020)

59253240 (Observed: 9/11/2020)


Conocephalus brevipennis (Short-winged Meadow Katydid)

Conocephalus strictus (Straight-lanced Meadow Katydid)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tettigoniidae


Common Names: Straight-lanced Meadow Katydid

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Noah Long

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

88867507 (Observed: 7/27/2021)

88309664 (Observed: 7/23/2021)


Conocephalus strictus (Straight-lanced Meadow Katydid)
Conocephalus strictus (Straight-lanced Meadow Katydid)
Conocephalus strictus (Straight-lanced Meadow Katydid)
Conocephalus strictus (Straight-lanced Meadow Katydid)

Scudderia (Scutters Bush Katydids)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tettigoniidae


Common Names: Scutter's Bush Katydids

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Alex Desjardines

iNaturalist Observations:

126978340 (Observed: 7/19/2022)


Scudderia (Scutter's Bush Katydids)

Myzinum quinquecinctum (Five-banded Thynnid Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Thynnidae


Common Names: Five-banded Thynnid Wasp

Year Observed: 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Noah Long

iNaturalist Observations:

110684371 (Observed: 7/23/2021)


Myzinum quinquecinctum (Five-banded Thynnid Wasp)
Myzinum quinquecinctum (Five-banded Thynnid Wasp)
Myzinum quinquecinctum (Five-banded Thynnid Wasp)

Corimelaena Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Thyreocoridae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

116442953 (Observed: 5/10/2022)


Corimelaena (No Common Name)
Corimelaena (No Common Name)
Corimelaena (No Common Name)

Tanyptera dorsalis (Antlered Crane Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tipulidae


Common Names: Antlered Crane Fly

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

119760253 (Observed: 6/1/2022)


Tanyptera dorsalis (Antlered Crane Fly)
Tanyptera dorsalis (Antlered Crane Fly)
Tanyptera dorsalis (Antlered Crane Fly)

Tipula borealis (Crane Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tipulidae


Common Names: Crane Fly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: Stephen Luk (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

61441356 (Observed: 10/1/2020)


Tipula borealis (Crane Fly)

Tipula Indet. #2 (Crane Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tipulidae


Common Names: Crane Fly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: HypersonicGX (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

62081082 (Observed: 10/8/2020)


Tipula (Crane Fly)
Tipula (Crane Fly)
Tipula (Crane Fly)
Tipula (Crane Fly)

Tipula Indet. #3 (Crane Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tipulidae


Common Names: Crane Fly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

62081157 (Observed: 10/8/2020)


Tipula (Crane Fly)
Tipula (Crane Fly)

Tipula Indet. #4 (Crane Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tipulidae


Common Names: Crane Fly

Years Observed: 2007; 2017

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Also Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center - 2017

Choristoneura fractivittana (Broken-banded Leafroller Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tortricidae


Common Names: Broken-banded Leafroller Moth

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

79440552 (Observed: 5/19/2021)


Choristoneura fractivittana (Broken-banded Leafroller Moth)
Choristoneura fractivittana (Broken-banded Leafroller Moth)
Choristoneura fractivittana (Broken-banded Leafroller Moth)

Choristoneura parallela (Parallel-banded Leafroller Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tortricidae


Common Names: Parallel-banded Leafroller Moth

Year Observed: 2023

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Miranda Davies and Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

200116874 (Observed: 8/25/2023)

Clepsis melaleucanus (Black-patched Clepsis Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Tortricidae


Common Names: Black-patched Clepsis Moth

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

119762732 (Observed: 6/1/2022)


Clepsis melaleucanus (Black-patched Clepsis Moth)

Neophylax concinnus (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Uenoidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Neophylax Indet. #1

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Uenoidae


Year Observed: 2007

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Neophylax mitchelli (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Uenoidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Neophylax oligius (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Uenoidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2017; 2018; 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Tritoxa incurva (Picture-winged Fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Ulidiidae


Common Names: Picture-winged Fly

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

61425585 (Observed: 10/1/2020)


Tritoxa incurva (No Common Name) on Calico Aster (Symphyotrichum lateriflorum
Tritoxa incurva (No Common Name) on Calico Aster (Symphyotrichum lateriflorum
Tritoxa incurva (No Common Name) on Calico Aster (Symphyotrichum lateriflorum

Microvelia Indet. #1 (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Veliidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Ancistrocerus adiabatus (Potter Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: Potter Wasp; Bramble Mason Wasp

Years Observed: 2020; 2021; 2022

Identified By: M. Buck (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Seemingly, fairly common in the wet meadow at the eastern end of the Gordon. A female can easily be identified by a yellow band across the thorax combined with two spots above, which forms a "smiley face." This species mainly preys upon moth caterpillars (Holm, 2021).

iNaturalist Observations:

138604296 (Observed: 10/12/2022)

80293306 (Observed: 5/25/2021)

60655469 (Observed: 9/24/2020)

61149673 (Observed: 9/28/2020)


Ancistrocerus adiabatus (Potter Wasp)
Ancistrocerus adiabatus (Potter Wasp)
Ancistrocerus adiabatus (Potter Wasp)
Ancistrocerus adiabatus (Potter Wasp)
Ancistrocerus adiabatus (Potter Wasp)
Ancistrocerus adiabatus (Potter Wasp)

Ancistrocerus antilope (Lobed Mason Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: Lobed Mason Wasp

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

136906964 (Observed: 9/28/2022)


Ancistrocerus antilope (Lobed Mason Wasp)
Ancistrocerus antilope (Lobed Mason Wasp)
Ancistrocerus antilope (Lobed Mason Wasp)
Ancistrocerus antilope (Lobed Mason Wasp)

Ancistrocerus campestris (Smiling Mason Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: Smiling Mason Wasp

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: bdagley (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

135815070 (Observed: 9/20/2022)


Ancistrocerus campestris (Smiling Mason Wasp)
Ancistrocerus campestris (Smiling Mason Wasp)

Dolichovespula maculata (Bald-faced Hornet)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: Bald-faced Hornet

Years Observed: 2015; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2022; 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Kendra McMillin; Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

177205999 (Observed: 8/3/2023)

137853558 (Observed: 10/6/2022)

59254008 (Observed: 9/11/2020)

60650807 (Observed: 9/24/2020)


Dolichovespula maculata (Bald-faced Hornet)
Dolichovespula maculata (Bald-faced Hornet)
Dolichovespula maculata (Bald-faced Hornet)
Dolichovespula maculata (Bald-faced Hornet)
Dolichovespula maculata (Bald-faced Hornet)
Dolichovespula maculata (Bald-faced Hornet)

Eumenes fraternus (Fraternal Potter Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: Fraternal Potter Wasp

Years Observed: 2021; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

137021137 (Observed: 9/29/2022)

80279611 (Observed: 5/25/2021)


Eumenes fraternus (Fraternal Potter Wasp)
Eumenes fraternus (Fraternal Potter Wasp)

Monobia quadridens (Four-toothed Mason Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: Four-toothed Mason Wasp

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

61146318 (Observed: 9/28/2020)


Monobia quadridens (Four-toothed Mason Wasp)
Monobia quadridens (Four-toothed Mason Wasp)

Parancistrocerus histrio (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

127268595 (Observed: 7/20/2022)


Parancistrocerus histrio (No Common Name)
Parancistrocerus histrio (No Common Name)
Parancistrocerus histrio (No Common Name)
Parancistrocerus histrio (No Common Name)

Parancistrocerus perennis (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

132001178 (Observed: 8/22/2022)


Parancistrocerus perennis (No Common Name)
Parancistrocerus perennis (No Common Name)
Parancistrocerus perennis (No Common Name)

Polistes dominula (European Paper Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: European Paper Wasp

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Noah Long


Polistes dominula (European Paper Wasp)

Polistes fuscatus (Northern Paper Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: Northern Paper Wasp; Dark Paper Wasp

Years Observed: 2018; 2019; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

138375770 (Observed: 10/10/2022)

136905780 (Observed: 9/28/2022)

134334092 (Observed: 9/9/2022)

71314215 (Observed: 11/7/2018)


Polistes fuscatus (Northern Paper Wasp)

Polistes metricus (Metric Paper Wasp)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: Metric Paper Wasp

Years Observed: 2020; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

137818103 (Observed: 10/6/2022)

136194935 (Observed: 9/23/2022)

61426310 (Observed: 10/1/2020)

62193957 (Observed: 10/9/2020)


Polistes metricus (Metric Paper Wasp)
Polistes metricus (Metric Paper Wasp)
Polistes metricus (Metric Paper Wasp)
Polistes metricus (Metric Paper Wasp)
Polistes metricus (Metric Paper Wasp)
Polistes metricus (Metric Paper Wasp)

Vespa crabro (European Hornet)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: European Hornet

Years Observed: 2007; 2009; 2020; 2021

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Gerry Hertel

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; John Pisciotta

iNaturalist Observations:

70918166 (Observed: 3/9/2021)

63176090 (Observed: )


Vespa crabro (European Hornet)
Vespa crabro (European Hornet)

Vespula germanica (German Yellowjacket)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: German Yellowjacket

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

66301176 (Observed: 12/8/2020)


Vespula germanica (German Yellowjacket)
Vespula germanica (German Yellowjacket)
Vespula germanica (German Yellowjacket)
Vespula germanica (German Yellowjacket)

Vespula maculifrons (Eastern Yellowjacket)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: Eastern Yellowjacket

Years Observed: 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Maribeth Beatty

iNaturalist Observations:

137854280 (Observed: 10/6/2022)


Vespula maculifrons (Eastern Yellowjacket) being consumed by a Harvestman

Vespula squamosa (Southern Yellowjacket)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: Southern Yellowjacket

Years Observed: 2019; 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

Also Noted By: Kathryn Krueger; Miranda Davies

iNaturalist Observations:

102298780 (Observed: 11/30/2021)

71307762 (Observed: 10/1/2020)

39923586 (Observed: 10/4/2019)

58974758 (Observed: 9/8/2020)

67257691 (Observed: 12/29/2020)


Vespula squamosa (Southern Yellowjacket)
Vespula squamosa (Southern Yellowjacket)
Vespula squamosa (Southern Yellowjacket)
Vespula squamosa (Southern Yellowjacket)

Vespula vidua (Widow Yellowjacket)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Vespidae


Common Names: Widow Yellowjacket

Years Observed: 2020; 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

78643335 (Observed: 5/13/2021)

61202015 (Observed: 9/28/2020)


Vespula vidua (Widow Yellowjacket)
Vespula vidua (Widow Yellowjacket)

Dialysis elongata (Awl-fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Xylophagidae


Common Names: Awl-fly

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Z. Dankowicz (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

123213566 (Observed: 6/22/2022)


Dialysis elongata (Awl-fly)
Dialysis elongata (Awl-fly)
Dialysis elongata (Awl-fly)

Xylophagus reflectens (Awl-fly)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Xylophagidae


Common Names: Awl-fly

Year Observed: 2022

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

iNaturalist Observations:

115423965 (Observed: 5/3/2022)


Xylophagus reflectens (Awl-fly)
Xylophagus reflectens (Awl-fly)

Pyromorpha dimidiata (Orange-patched Smoky Moth)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Insects

Family: Zygaenidae


Common Names: Orange-patched Smoky Moth

Year Observed: 2021

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

81476069 (Observed: 6/3/2021)


Pyromorpha dimidiata (Orange-patched Smoky Moth)
Pyromorpha dimidiata (Orange-patched Smoky Moth)

Litylenchus crenatae (Beech Leaf Disease)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Nematodes

Family: Anguinidae


Common Names: Beech Leaf Disease

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Brice Dorwart

Also Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

166101860 (Observed: 6/6/2023)

Nemertea Indet. #1 (Ribbon Worm)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Ribbon Worms


Common Names: Ribbon Worm

Years Observed: 2017; 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center

Dicyrtomina ornata (No Common Name)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Springtails

Family: Dicyrtomidae


Common Names: No Common Name

Years Observed: 2021; 2022; 2023; 2024

Identified By: Nur Ritter

First Noted By: Kathryn Krueger

Also Noted By: Miranda Davies; Nur Ritter

One of the globular springtails. Some very good photos and discussion can be found here.

iNaturalist Observations:

198233333 (Observed: 2/2/2024)

146842145 (Observed: 1/18/2023)

106927190 (Observed: 2/17/2022)

102294223 (Observed: 11/30/2021)


Dicyrtomina ornata (No Common Name)
Dicyrtomina ornata (No Common Name)

Homidia sauteri (Slender Springtail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Springtails

Family: Entomobryidae


Common Names: Slender Springtail

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: J. Shorma (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

41784157 (Observed: 4/9/2020)


Entomobrya atrocincta (Slender Springtail)
Entomobrya atrocincta (Slender Springtail)
Entomobrya atrocincta (Slender Springtail)

Lepidocyrtus Indet. #1 (Springtail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Springtails

Family: Entomobryidae


Common Names: Springtail

Years Observed: 2020; 2022

Identified By: J. Radwański (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

130285646 (Observed: 8/10/2022)

66630217 (Observed: 12/15/2020)


Lepidocyrtus (Springtail)
Lepidocyrtus (Springtail)

Hypogastrura Indet. #1 (Snow Flea)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Springtails

Family: Hypogastruridae


Common Names: Snow Flea

Year Observed: 2022

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

106746352 (Observed: 2/11/2022)


Hypogastrura (Snow Flea)

Hypogastruridae Indet. #1 (Hypogastrurid Springtail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Springtails

Family: Hypogastruridae


Common Names: Hypogastrurid Springtail

Year Observed: 2018

Identified By: J. Radwański (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

71312603 (Observed: 9/26/2018)


Hypogastruridae (Hypogastrurid Springtail) on Amanita vaginata
Hypogastruridae (Hypogastrurid Springtail) on Amanita vaginata

Sminthurinus quadrimaculatus (Globular Springtail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Springtails

Family: Katiannidae


Common Names: Globular Springtail

Years Observed: 2019; 2020

Identified By: chuuuuung (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

149920499 (Observed: 7/30/2020)

149920854 (Observed: 6/3/2019)


Sminthurinus quadrimaculatus (Globular Springtail)
Sminthurinus quadrimaculatus (Globular Springtail)
Sminthurinus quadrimaculatus (Globular Springtail)

Neanura muscorum (Moss Springtail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Springtails

Family: Neanuridae


Common Names: Moss Springtail

Year Observed: 2023

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

146777378 (Observed: 1/11/2023)

Tomoceridae Indet. #1 (Elongate-bodied Springtails)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Springtails

Family: Tomoceridae


Common Names: Elongate-bodied Springtails

Year Observed: 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter

iNaturalist Observations:

47663630 (Observed: 5/28/2020)


Tomoceridae (Elongate-bodied Springtails)
Tomoceridae (Elongate-bodied Springtails)

Tomocerinae Indet. #1 (Springtail)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Springtails

Family: Tomoceridae


Common Names: Springtail

Year Observed: 2020

Identified By: binbongo (iNaturalist)

First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen

iNaturalist Observations:

71299842 (Observed: 3/9/2020)


Tomocerinae (Springtail)
Tomocerinae (Springtail)

Oligochaeta Indet. #1 (Worm)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Worms


Common Names: Worm

Years Observed: 2007; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020

Identified and First Noted By: Danielle DiFederico

Also Noted By: Stroud Water Research Center - 2017

Amynthas agrestis (Crazy Snake Worm)

Group: Invertebrates

Type: Worms

Family: Megascolecidae


Common Names: Crazy Snake Worm

Year Observed: 2018

Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter