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Dr. Roger Gatchet Headshot West Chester University media relations managers are happy to assist journalists with interview requests for this expert. Please call the Communications Office at 610-436-3383.

Dr. Roger Gatchet

Associate Professor

College of Arts & Humanities - Communication and Media


Dr. Roger Gatchet teaches undergraduate courses in public speaking, communication theory, and rhetorical theory and criticism. At the graduate level he also teaches seminars that survey foundational theories of communication and rhetorical approaches to studying popular culture.

Gatchet's research focuses on the rhetoric of public memory and popular culture, as well as oral history. He has completed oral history projects interviewing blues musicians in Austin, Texas through partnerships with the Project in Interpreting the Texas Past and Baylor University's Institute for Oral History, which awarded him the Charlton Oral History Research Grant. In 2016 he was the recipient of the Oral History Association's Elizabeth B. Mason Project Award. His current project focuses on the history and rhetoric of civil rights tourism in the state of Mississippi.

Gatchet's research has appeared in journals such as Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Western Journal of Communication, Southern Communication Journal, and Oral History Review, as well as chapters in edited book collections. He is a coauthor of Argumentation and Debate: A Public Speaking Approach (3rd ed.), and was the co-recipient of the Western States Communication Association's B. Aubrey Fisher Outstanding Journal Article Award in 2018.


  • B.A., California Polytechnic State University
  • M.A., University of Texas at Austin
  • Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin