Policies & Procedures

The FAQs below will answer questions about registration/scheduling, grades, placement tests/test credit, and graduation. Please visit the Registrar site to answer all of your questions regarding:

For information on policies that are not referenced below, please visit:

Registration & Scheduling

How many classes should I take each semester?

You are a full-time student if you take 12 or more credits. However, to graduate in four years without winter or summer session classes, you must take at least 15 credits per semester. Most students take between 12-18 credits per semester, depending on what their advisors consider to be appropriate for them.

What is the difference between being full-time and part-time?

You are a full-time student if you take 12 or more credits in the fall or spring semester; you are part-time if you register for fewer credits. View the Help Sheet and Information for Part‐Time and Full‐Time Enrollment Status for more information.

How do I register for on-campus and online classes?

You must first meet with your advisor so that they can lift the advising hold. Then you will be able to register for classes using Ramportal.

Winter and Summer Session

The Winter session scheduling date and time will be listed on your Ramportal account as soon as it becomes available in the Fall; this means you can often schedule Winter classes at the same time or shortly after you schedule for the following Spring. (And, similarly, you can often sign up for Summer classes at the same time you schedule for Fall.) When your advisor lifts your advising hold for spring, the hold for winter is also lifted (same for fall/summer).

Online Classes

You can find online classes by starting at the Class Search screen, then searching for "Online Distance Education" under "Location," or clicking "Additional Search Criteria" and then "Instruction Mode" to choose your distance education preference. You register for online classes just like you would for any other class.


What is an advisor hold?

Each semester, a hold is placed on your registration for the following semester. The only person who can lift this hold is your advisor, so you should meet with that person at least a week before Ramportal allows you to register to be ready.

How can I view my schedule?

Click on "My Class Schedule" from your Ramportal homepage.

How does withdrawing affect my financial aid?

Students considering withdrawing from all their courses should make an appointment with the Office of Financial Aid to discuss their situation prior to their withdrawal. The Office's Enrollment Changes page lays out some possible consequences of withdrawing.

I want to take a credit overload. How do I get permission?

Students in good academic standing (GPA of 2.75 or above) may be allowed to take more than 18 credits in the fall or spring semester (7 in summer).

What is my Degree Progress Report (DPR) and how do I find it?


The DPR is an easy way of tracking your progress towards completing the requirements of your major(s) and minor(s). You can access this tool from the center link on your Ramportal homepage.

The DPR helps you to map the requirements of your major that have been fulfilled and learn more about what courses you should take to fulfill other requirements of your program. Use the DPR in conjunction with the advising sheets and/or handbook for your major and minor programs.

It is highly recommended that you consult with your academic advisor to check the information printed on your DPR and to discuss anything on it you do not understand.

How should I arrange my class schedule?

To decide what classes to take, you should always consult with your advisor. Use your Degree Progress Report and major/minor advising sheets as guides, and consult your major's four-year plan by clicking on your program and then the "degree progress" tab.

Grade, GPA, and Academic Standing

For all questions regarding academic probation or dismissal please see the Probation and Dismissal page.

Where can I find my Grade Point Average (GPA)?

You can find your GPA listed on your Degree Progress Report (DPR) through your Ramportal account. You are also able to calculate your GPA through the Registrar's website.

What GPA do I need to be on the Dean's List?

You qualify for the Dean's list if you have achieved a 3.67 GPA in a full-time semester.

I received an “NG” (No Grade) from my professor. What should I do now?

Students receive NGs because they encounter a personal or medical difficulty during the semester that prevents them from completing all of their work for the course on time. Students who receive NGs must contact and then work with their professors to make up any deficiencies so that a final grade can be assigned. All work must be completed by the end of the 9th week of the following semester's classes, or the final grade will turn to an F.

Placement Tests and Credits

How can I take a foreign language placement test?

The Department of Languages and Cultures oversees this testing, and you can learn more about it from their Placement Test page.

You will not receive credit for language classes you test out of. The placement test simply indicates the level of language class you should begin with.

How do I take a math placement test?

The Department of Mathematics oversees this testing, and you can learn more about it from their Placement Test page.

  Can I test out of any courses?

 Once you arrive at WCU, you can do this by taking CLEP tests or through credit by exam.

  Where can I find information about AP, IB, or CLEP credit?

You can locate information and learn if you earned credits at WCU via these tests and programs by consulting the Registrar.


How many credits must I earn to graduate from WCU?

You must earn a minimum of 120 credits: there are NO exceptions. Some programs require more than 120 credits.

How do I apply for graduation?

Apply online through RamPortal:

  • Click on the "Apply for Graduation link" and follow the prompts.
  • You must apply for AUGUST graduation (not May) if you are taking Summer courses to complete your degree. August graduates participate in the May ceremony.

For more information about graduation procedures visit the Registrar website.

  Where can I get a copy of my transcripts?

  • Log-in to your RamPortal to order an official transcript. ALL CURRENT STUDENTS and those who attended WCU during or after 1985 MUST order via RamPortal.
  • In RamPortal, look under Useful Links and click on Order Official Transcript.
  • For more information regarding Transcripts, please visit the Registrar website.